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Dark Crisis (DCR-EN) Card Ratings)

1. Card gallery: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Set_Card_Galleries:Dark_Crisis_(TCG-NA-1E)
Dark Crisis (DCR-105)
Judgment of Anubis
TRAP / Counter Trap
Discard 1 card from your hand to negate the activation and the effect of a Spell Card controlled by your opponent that includes the effect of destroying Spell and/or Trap
Card(s) on the field and destroy it. Then, you can destroy 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster.
(Secret Rare)
Rating: 4 out of 5
Not as strict as Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell and there's a nice bonus effect when successful.
Dark Crisis (DCR-104)
Blast Held by a Tribute
TRAP / Normal Trap
You can only activate this card when your opponent declares an attack with a monster on his/her side of the field that has been Tribute Summoned or Set. Destroy all face-up Attack Position monsters on your opponent's side of the field and inflict 1000 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points.
(Ultra Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
Basically, it's a mostly-watered down Mirror Force.
Dark Crisis (DCR-103)
Ray of Hope
TRAP / Normal Trap
Select 2 LIGHT monsters from your Graveyard and add them to your Deck. Then shuffle your Deck.
Rating: 1 out of 5
The best choices aren't even going to help you that turn.
Dark Crisis (DCR-102)
Sakuretsu Armor
TRAP / Normal Trap
You can only activate this card when your opponent declares an attack. Destroy the attacking monster.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Negate Attack does more, but this at least gets rid of the monster.
Dark Crisis (DCR-101)
Spell Vanishing
TRAP / Counter Trap
Discard 2 cards from your hand to negate the activation of a Spell Card and destroy it. Also, check your opponent's hand and Deck and if you find any Spell Cards of the same name as the destroyed Spell Card, send all of them to the Graveyard.
(Super Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
More costly than Magic Jammer and less useful than Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell.
Dark Crisis (DCR-100)
Dice Re-Roll
TRAP / Normal Trap
After this card is activated, for the rest of this turn you can negate 1 six-sided die roll and re-roll it.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Under no circumstances are dice roll effects any good.
Dark Crisis (DCR-099)
Archfiend's Roar
TRAP / Normal Trap
Pay 500 Life Points to activate this card. Special Summon 1 Archfiend Monster Card from your Graveyard. This monster cannot be offered as a Tribute under any conditions and is destroyed during the End Phase of this turn.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Not even their own Call of the Haunted makes them viable.
Dark Crisis (DCR-098)
Dark Scorpion Combination
TRAP / Normal Trap
You can only activate this card when you have "Don Zaloog", "Cliff the Trap Remover", "Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow", "Dark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong", and "Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn" face-up on your side of the field. During the turn this card is activated, any of these 5 cards can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. In that case, the Battle Damage inflicted by each of those cards (that attack your opponent's Life Points directly) becomes 400 points.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Talk about a bad combination, in every negative way.
Dark Crisis (DCR-097)
TRAP / Continuous Trap
Select 1 Archfiend monster on your side of the field when you activate this card. When the monster's controller pays Life Points during the Standby Phase for the selected monster, that player's opponent also must pay equal Life Points. If this card is destroyed or removed from the field, destroy the selected monster. When the selected monster is destroyed or removed from the field, this card is also destroyed.
Rating: 1 out of 5
I'd rather lose the rent to keep them  on the field entirely.
Dark Crisis (DCR-096)
Frozen Soul
TRAP / Normal Trap
You can only activate this card when your opponent's Life Points are at least 2000 points higher than yours. Your opponent skips his/her next Battle Phase.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Thunder of Ruler is already a better version of this.
Dark Crisis (DCR-095)
Altar for Tribute
TRAP / Normal Trap
Select 1 monster on your side of the field and send it to the Graveyard. Increase your Life Points by an amount equal to the original ATK of the monster.
Rating: 1 out of 5
A slower and less versatile Mystik Wok isn't what you need.
Dark Crisis (DCR-094)
SPELL / Field Spell
Neither player has to pay Life Points during the Standby Phase of Archfiend monsters. Each time a players Archfiend Monster Card(s) are destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, except as a result of battle, that player can select 1 Archfiend Monster Card from his/her Deck that has fewer Level Stars than the destroyed card and add it to his/her hand.
Rating: 1 out of 5
There isn't a single member that is worth using for this, making this useless too.
Dark Crisis (DCR-093)
Mustering of the Dark Scorpions
SPELL / Normal Spell
You can only activate this card when you have "Don Zaloog" face-up on your side of the field. You can Special Summon any of the cards from your hand that include "Dark Scorpion" on the name, or are named "Cliff the Trap Remover". You cannot Special Summon 2 cards with the same card name by the effect of this card.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Gorg is as "strong" as they come and you still need the worse Yosemite Sam on the field too.
Dark Crisis (DCR-092)
Archfiend's Oath
SPELL / Continuous Spell
Once per turn you can pay 500 Life Points to declare 1 card name. Pick up the top card from your Deck and if the card name is the one you declared, add it to your hand. If not, send the card you picked up to the Graveyard.
Rating: 1 out of 5
The ways to make this more in your favor are few and far between.
Dark Crisis (DCR-091)
Final Countdown
SPELL / Normal Spell
Pay 2000 Life Points. After 20 turns have passed after you activate this card (counting the turn you activate this card as the 1st turn), you win the Duel.
Rating: 2 out of 5
It comes down to 10 turns each, but there aren't many ways to stall during a Duel.
Dark Crisis (DCR-090)
Cestus of Dagla
SPELL / Equip Spell
This card can only be equipped to Fairy-Type monsters. A monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 500 points. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, increase your Life Points by an equal amount.
Rating: 1 out of 5
The variants of Black Pendant are spreading like a virus.
Dark Crisis (DCR-089)
SPELL / Normal Spell
Offer 1 Archfiend monster on your side of the field as a Tribute. During the turn this card is activated, 1 "Terrorking Archfiend" on your side of the field can attack your opponents Life Points directly.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Checkmate is a finishing move in the game of chess, but this isn't even close.
Dark Crisis (DCR-088)
Falling Down
SPELL / Equip Spell
Destroy this card if there is no face-up Archfiend card on your side of the field. Take control of 1 of your opponent's face-up monsters. Inflict 800 points of damage to your Life Points during each of your opponent's Standby Phases.
Rating: 1 out of 5
They fell down and they're going to take you with them.
Dark Crisis (DCR-087)
Contract with the Dark Master
SPELL / Ritual Spell
This card is used to Ritual Summon "Dark Master - Zorc". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand.
Rating: 2 out of 5
No signature required, but the end result isn't much better.
Dark Crisis (DCR-086)
Contract with the Abyss
SPELL / Ritual Spell
This card is used to Ritual Summon any DARK monster. You must also offer monsters from the field or your hand whose total Level Stars equal the Level Stars of the Ritual Monster you are attempting to Ritual Summon.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Not many DARK Rituals out there, but this is more generic than typical Ritual Spells.
Dark Crisis (DCR-085)
Incandescent Ordeal
SPELL / Ritual Spell
This card is used to Ritual Summon "Legendary Flame Lord". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 7 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand.
Rating: 1 out of 5
The Legendary Flame Lord is really a dimly lit candle waiting to burn out.
Dark Crisis (DCR-084)
Dragged Down into the Grave
SPELL / Normal Spell
You and your opponent look at each other's hands, select 1 card from each other's hands and discard them to the Graveyard, and each draw 1 card.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Nothing really changes here. You're just hoping you have better luck than your opponent.
Dark Crisis (DCR-083)
Spell Reproduction
SPELL / Normal Spell
Send 2 Spell Cards from your hand to the Graveyard. Select 1 Spell Card from your Graveyard and add it to your hand.
Rating: 1 out of 5
No way is this ever going to be worth it.
Dark Crisis (DCR-082)
Dark Master - Zorc
DARK / Ritual Monster / Level 8 / ATK 2700 / DEF 1500
(Fiend / Ritual / Effect)

This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Contract with the Dark Master". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand. During your turn you can roll 1 six-sided die. If the result is 1 or 2, destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field. If the result is 3, 4, or 5, destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field. If the result is 6, destroy all monsters on your side of the field.
(Super Rare)
Rating: 2 out of 5
At least they made the odds 33% for the good effects, but the bad ones have higher odds.
Dark Crisis (DCR-081)
Legendary Flame Lord
FIRE / Ritual Monster / Level 7 / ATK 2400 / DEF 2000
(Spellcaster / Ritual / Effect)

This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Incandescent Ordeal". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 7 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand. Each time you or your opponent activates 1 Spell Card, put 1 Spell Counter on this card. Remove 3 Spell Counters from this card to destroy all monsters on the field except this card.
Rating: 1 out of 5
There aren't enough good Spell Cards to make this even remotely useful.
Dark Crisis (DCR-080)
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 1300
(Fairy / Effect)

When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, roll a six-sided die. You can Special Summon 1 Fairy-Type monster from your Graveyard whose Level Stars are equal to the number rolled. If the result is 6, you can Special Summon a Level 6 or higher monster.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Why wait when you can use Call of the Haunted and revive your desired Fairy right then and there?
Dark Crisis (DCR-079)
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1200
(Fairy / Effect)

The controller of this card increases his/her Life Points by 2000 points when this monster is offered as a Tribute for a successful Tribute Summon or Set.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Unfortunately, it's not limited to just you, and isn't going to do anything right away.
Dark Crisis (DCR-078)
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 1800
(Fairy / Effect)

Any monster that attacks this card is returned to its owner's hand. Damage calculation is applied normally.
Rating: 2 out of 5
A somewhat weaker Wall of Illusion, but that makes little difference here.
Dark Crisis (DCR-077)
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1200 / DEF 1600
(Fairy / Effect)

When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, select 2 cards from your opponent's Graveyard and return them to your opponent's Deck. Your opponent then shuffles his/her Deck.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Picking the worst of their pile is probably not as easy as it sounds.
Dark Crisis (DCR-076)
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 1800
(Fairy / Effect)

The ATK of this card increases by 200 points for every Fairy-Type monster in your Graveyard.
(Super Rare)
Rating: 2 out of 5
At least it has relatively high DEF to make up for that low ATK boost and ATK.
Dark Crisis (DCR-075)
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1100 / DEF 1400
(Spellcaster / Spirit / Effect)

This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that it is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or flipped face-up. When this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or flipped face-up, flip 1 face-up monster on the field into face-down Defense Position.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Book of Moon can do this without wasting your Normal Summon.
Dark Crisis (DCR-074)
Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite
WATER / Effect Monster / Level 7 / ATK 1000 / DEF 500
(Aqua / Union / Effect)

Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control this monster on the field, you can equip it to a face-up monster on your side of the field as an Equip Spell Card, OR change it back to a monster in face-up Attack Position. When equipped to a monster by this card's effect, that monster will not be affected by the effects of Spell Cards controlled by your opponent. (1 monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the monster that this card is equipped to is destroyed in battle, this card is destroyed instead.)
Rating: 1 out of 5
Even after you equip it, the equipped monster is only safe from 1/3 of card effects.
Dark Crisis (DCR-073)
Skull Archfiend of Lightning
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 6 / ATK 2500 / DEF 1200
(Fiend / Effect)

The controller of this card pays 500 Life Points during each of his/her Standby Phases (this is not optional). When this card is specifically designated as a target of the effect of a card controlled by your opponent, when resolving the effect, roll a six-sided die. If the result is 1, 3, or 6, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card.
(Ultra Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
Summoned Skull seems to get the worst variants these days.
Dark Crisis (DCR-072)
Terrorking Archfiend
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 2000 / DEF 1500
(Fiend / Effect)

You cannot Normal Summon or Flip Summon this card unless you have an Archfiend Monster Card on your side of the field. The controller of this card pays 800 Life Points during each of his/her Standby Phases (this is not optional). When this card is specifically designated as a target of the effect of a card controlled by your opponent, when resolving the effect, roll a six-sided die. If the result is 2 or 5, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card. Also negate the effect of an Effect Monster that is destroyed by this monster in battle.
(Super Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
Let's take Shadowknight and make it worse.
Dark Crisis (DCR-071)
Infernalqueen Archfiend
FIRE / Effect Monster / Level 3 / ATK 900 / DEF 1300
(Fiend / Effect)

The controller of this card pays 500 Life Points during each of his/her Standby Phases (this is not optional). When this card is specifically designated as a target of the effect of a card controlled by your opponent, when resolving the effect, roll a six-sided die. If the result is 2 or 5, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card. As long as this card remains on the field, during each Standby Phase increase the ATK of 1 Archfiend monster by 1000 points.
Rating: 1 out of 5
You're expecting too much if you think this'll be around long enough to have any benefits.
Dark Crisis (DCR-070)
Desrook Archfiend
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 3 / ATK 1100 / DEF 1800
(Fiend / Effect)

The controller of this card pays 500 Life Points during each of his/her Standby Phases (this is not optional). When this card is specifically designated as a target of the effect of a card controlled by your opponent, when resolving the effect, roll a six-sided die. If the result is 3, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card. When a "Terrorking Archfiend" on your side of the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon the "Terrorking Archfiend".
Rating: 1 out of 5
Yu-Gi-Oh was clearly not ready for chess-themed cards.
Dark Crisis (DCR-069)
Darkbishop Archfiend
WATER / Effect Monster / Level 3 / ATK 300 / DEF 1400
(Fiend / Effect)

The controller of this card pays 500 Life Points during each of his/her Standby Phases (this is not optional). When an Archfiend Monster Card on your side of the field is specifically designated as a target of the effect of a card controlled by your opponent, when resolving the effect, roll a six-sided die. If the result is 1, 3, or 6, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card.
Rating: 1 out of 5
You won't need effects to beat this thing.
Dark Crisis (DCR-068)
Shadowknight Archfiend
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 2000 / DEF 1600
(Fiend / Effect)

The controller of this card pays 900 Life Points during each of his/her Standby Phases (this is not optional). When this card is specifically designated as a target of the effect of a card controlled by your opponent, when resolving the effect, roll a six-sided die. If the result is 3, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card. The Battle Damage this card inflicts to your opponent's Life Points is halved.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Terrorking's twin, but its rarity is more appropriate.
Dark Crisis (DCR-067)
Vilepawn Archfiend
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 2 / ATK 1200 / DEF 200
(Fiend / Effect)

The controller of this card pays 500 Life Points during each of his/her Standby Phases (this is not optional). When this card is specifically designated as a target of the effect of a card controlled by your opponent, when resolving the effect, roll a six-sided die. If the result is 3, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, your opponent cannot attack another face-up Archfiend Monster Card.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Chess comes to Yu-Gi-Oh, but this is terrible.
Dark Crisis (DCR-066)
Mefist the Infernal General
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 5 / ATK 1800 / DEF 1700
(Fiend / Effect)

When this card attacks with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of your opponent's Defense Position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, select 1 card from your opponent's hand randomly and discard it.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Fairy Meteor Crush doesn't cost a monster and works on any monster.
Dark Crisis (DCR-065)
Goblin of Greed
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1000 / DEF 1800
(Fiend / Effect)

As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the field, neither player can discard from his/her hand as a cost.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Never mind the effect, just go with the DEF of 1800.
Dark Crisis (DCR-064)
Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu
FIRE / Effect Monster / Level 2 / ATK 500 / DEF 500
(Beast-Warrior / Flip / Effect)

FLIP: Select 1 Equip Spell Card from your Deck and add it to your hand.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Thankfully there's at least a few good ones to get, but this won't stay on the field very long.
Dark Crisis (DCR-063)
Great Maju Garzett
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 6 / ATK 0 / DEF 0
(Fiend / Effect)

The ATK of this card becomes twice the original ATK of the Tribute Monster you used to Tribute Summon this card.
Rating: 3 out of 5
Anything with 1800 ATK or above is an ideal choice to use with this. It doesn't gain DEF though.
Dark Crisis (DCR-062)
Outstanding Dog Marron
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 1 / ATK 100 / DEF 100
(Beast / Effect)

When this card is sent to your Graveyard, it is returned to your Deck. Then shuffle your Deck.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Hasn't been trained well since all it can do is recycle itself and lose battles.
Dark Crisis (DCR-061)
Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1000 / DEF 1800
(Warrior / Effect)

When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can select and activate one of the following effects: 
● Select 1 card that includes "Dark Scorpion" in its name, or is named "Cliff the Trap Remover", from your Deck and add it to your hand. 
● Select 1 card that includes "Dark Scorpion" in its card name, or is named "Cliff the Trap Remover", from your Graveyard and add it to your hand.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Gorg wasn't very strong and Meanae isn't very mean.
Dark Crisis (DCR-060)
Dark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 5 / ATK 1800 / DEF 1500
(Warrior / Effect)

When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects:  
● Return 1 Monster Card on your opponent's side of the field to the top of its owner's Deck.
● Send 1 card from the top of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Not even strong enough to beat Meanae.
Dark Crisis (DCR-059)
Sasuke Samurai #2
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 1 / ATK 200 / DEF 300
(Warrior / Effect)

Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can pay 800 Life Points. If you do this, until the End Phase, Spell and Trap Cards cannot be activated.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Once you've paid, you've screwed yourself out of doing pretty much anything else that turn.
Dark Crisis (DCR-058)
Pandemonium Watchbear
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1300 / DEF 1800
(Beast / Effect)

As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the field, "Pandemonium" on your side of the field cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Protects the one Field Spell you won't ever need, but has some high DEF.
Dark Crisis (DCR-057)
Archfiend Soldier
DARK / Normal Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1900 / DEF 1500
(Fiend / Normal)

An expert at battle who belongs to a crack diabolical unit. He's famous because he always gets the job done.
Rating: 3 out of 5
You won't need any other Archfiends.
Dark Crisis (DCR-056)
Ojama Green
LIGHT / Normal Monster / Level 2 / ATK 0 / DEF 1000
(Beast / Normal)

He's one of the Ojama Trio. It's said that he butts in by any means necessary. It's also said that when the three are together, something happens.
Rating: 1 out of 5
IOC gave us two of these and now the trio of flunkies is complete.
Dark Crisis (DCR-055)
D. D. Trainer
DARK / Normal Monster / Level 1 / ATK 100 / DEF 2000
(Fiend / Normal)

A poor goblin that was sucked into a different dimension. However, he's doing his best with his new destiny.
Rating: 2 out of 5
That dimension didn't take everything away. The DEF will certainly be a benefit.
Dark Crisis (DCR-054)
WATER / Normal Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1850 / DEF 1000
(Reptile / Normal)

This young evildoer used to have an evil heart, but by meeting a special person, he discovered justice.
Rating: 3 out of 5
Slightly stronger than even other Beatsticks of the past.
Dark Crisis (DCR-053)
Cost Down
SPELL / Normal Spell
Discard 1 card from your hand. Downgrade all Monster Cards in your hand by 2 Levels until the End Phase of the turn this card is activated.
(Ultra Rare)
Rating: 2 out of 5
There's a few that you can make use of with this.
Dark Crisis (DCR-052)
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
TRAP / Normal Trap
Select 1 face-up monster on your side of the field and remove it from play until the End Phase of the turn this card is activated.
(Ultra Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
You're down a monster for the entire turn. I'd rather have it, even if it's barely going to defend me.
Dark Crisis (DCR-051)
Kaiser Glider
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 6 / ATK 2400 / DEF 2200
(Dragon / Effect)

This card is not destroyed as a result of battle when this card battles with a monster with the same ATK. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, return 1 monster on the field to its owner's hand.
(Ultra Rare)
Rating: 4 out of 5
Nearly equal stats for a Level 6 monster and packing a decent effect to boot.
Dark Crisis (DCR-050)
Really Eternal Rest
TRAP / Normal Trap
Destroy all monsters equipped with Equip Cards.
Rating: 1 out of 5
They're trying to make even the bad ones useful, but you can do better than this.
Dark Crisis (DCR-049)
Skill Drain
TRAP / Continuous Trap
Pay 1000 Life Points. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, negate the effects of all face-up Effect Monsters on the field.
Rating: 2 out of 5
For that fee, it should negate more than just face-up Effect Monsters.
Dark Crisis (DCR-048)
Arsenal Robber
TRAP / Normal Trap
Your opponent selects 1 Equip Spell Card from his/her Deck and sends it to the Graveyard.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Then it's easier for them to access later.
Dark Crisis (DCR-047)
Ojama Trio
TRAP / Normal Trap
Special Summon 3 "Ojama Tokens" (Beast-Type/LIGHT/2 Stars/ATK 0/DEF 1000) in Defense Position on your opponent's side of the field. The tokens cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon. When an "Ojama Token" is destroyed, inflict 300 points of damage to the controller's Life Points.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Not too many ways to get rid of them so this may prove somewhat useful.
Dark Crisis (DCR-046)
Staunch Defender
TRAP / Normal Trap
You can only activate this card when your opponent declares an attack. Select 1 face-up monster on your side of the field. During the turn this card is activated, your opponent can only attack the monster you selected. Your opponent must attack the selected monster with all face-up monsters on his/her side of the field.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Not going to be that useful unless you have a strong monster to choose.
Dark Crisis (DCR-045)
Final Attack Orders
TRAP / Continuous Trap
As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all face-up monsters on the field are changed to Attack Position and their battle position cannot be changed.
Rating: 2 out of 5
It might seem like a good idea, but I'll bet after a while, you'll regret having it on the field.
Dark Crisis (DCR-044)
Different Dimension Gate
SPELL / Continuous Spell
Select 1 Monster Card each from you and your opponent's sides of the field and remove them from play. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, return those monsters to the field in the same battle position as when they were removed from play.
Rating: 1 out of 5
This little stalemate won't last more than a turn.
Dark Crisis (DCR-043)
Non-Spellcasting Area
SPELL / Continuous Spell
All face-up Monster Cards on the field, except for Effect Monsters, are unaffected by any Spell Card (excluding this card).
Rating: 1 out of 5
Basically it's Normal Monster support without saying so, and most of those are pretty bad.
Dark Crisis (DCR-042)
Morale Boost
SPELL / Continuous Spell
Each time a player equips an Equip Spell Card, that player's Life Points increase by 1000 points. Each time an Equip Spell Card is destroyed or removed from the field, inflict 1000 damage to the Life Points of the controller of that Equip Spell Card.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Random Equip Spell "support" where you are hurt by the same card.
Dark Crisis (DCR-041)
Token Thanksgiving
SPELL / Normal Spell
Destroy all tokens on the field. Increase your Life Points by the number of tokens destroyed x 800 points.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Cards that bring out Tokens are beyond awful.
Dark Crisis (DCR-040)
Fairy of the Spring
SPELL / Normal Spell
Select 1 Equip Spell Card from your Graveyard and add it to your hand. You cannot activate that Equip Spell Card this turn.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Not much of a point in retrieving it if I can't use it that turn.
Dark Crisis (DCR-039)
Rod of the Mind's Eye
SPELL / Equip Spell
When a monster equipped with this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, the damage becomes 1000 points.
Rating: 1 out of 5
The mind is a terrible thing to waste if it's for stunts like this.
Dark Crisis (DCR-038)
Precious Cards from Beyond
SPELL / Continuous Spell
When you successfully Tribute Summon or Set a monster that required 2 or more Tributes, draw 2 cards from your Deck.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Costs you two monsters for that "benefit".
Dark Crisis (DCR-037)
Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce
SPELL / Equip Spell
You must send 1 card from your hand to your Graveyard when you activate this card. A monster equipped with this card decreases its ATK by 500 points. A monster equipped with this card can attack twice during the same Battle Phase.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Better Tryce again with a better Equip Card.
Dark Crisis (DCR-036)
Rod of Silence - Kay'est
SPELL / Equip Spell
A monster equipped with this card increases its DEF by 500 points. Negate the effect of a Spell Card (excluding this card) that specifically designates a monster equipped with this card as a target and destroy it.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Slightly better than Black Pendant, but only for the 2nd effect.
Dark Crisis (DCR-035)
Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou
SPELL / Equip Spell
You must send 1 card from your hand to your Graveyard when you activate this card. A monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 500 points. When a monster equipped with this card destroys a monster with an effect on your opponent's side of the field in battle, negate the effect of that monster.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Some bad knockoff of Dark Ruler Ha Des.
Dark Crisis (DCR-034)
Gravity Axe - Grarl
SPELL / Equip Spell
A monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 500 points. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, monsters on your opponent's side of the field cannot change their battle position.
Rating: 1 out of 5
I guess you're not getting yourself out of trouble much with this then.
Dark Crisis (DCR-033)
Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
SPELL / Equip Spell
A monster equipped with this card decreases its ATK by 1000 points. A monster equipped with this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly..
Rating: 1 out of 5
Certainly ceals victory for the opponent.
Dark Crisis (DCR-032)
Butterfly Dagger - Elma
SPELL / Equip Spell
A monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 300 points. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard while equipped to a monster, this card can be returned to the owner's hand.
(Super Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
A recycleable version of LOB Equip Spells. Why is this at 1 in tournaments?
Dark Crisis (DCR-031)
Contract with Exodia
SPELL / Normal Spell
You can only activate this card when you have "Exodia the Forbidden One", "Right Arm of the Forbidden One", "Left Arm of the Forbidden One", "Right Leg of the Forbidden One", and "Left Leg of the Forbidden One" in your Graveyard. Special Summon 1 "Exodia Necross" from your hand.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Necross is basically Exodia after someone cooked it with a flamethrower.
Dark Crisis (DCR-030)
A Deal with Dark Ruler
SPELL / Quick-Play Spell
You can only activate this card during a turn in which a monster with 8 or more Level Stars on your side of the field was sent to the Graveyard. Special Summon 1 "Berserk Dragon" from your hand or Deck.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Don't make this deal. It's far too costly.
Dark Crisis (DCR-029)
Shinato's Ark
SPELL / Ritual Spell
This card is used to Ritual Summon "Shinato, King of a Higher Plane". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand.
Rating: 4 out of 5
The monster revealed with this is a major powerhouse.
Dark Crisis (DCR-028)
Thousand Needles
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1000 / DEF 1800
(Beast / Effect)

When this Defense Position card is attacked and the ATK of the attacking monster is lower than the DEF of this card, after Damage Calculation destroy the attacking monster.
Rating: 2 out of 5
The DEF is okay, but that's about it.
Dark Crisis (DCR-027)
D. D. Warrior Lady
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 1600
(Warrior / Effect)

When this card battles another monster, after Damage Calculation you can remove the opponent's monster and this card from play.
(Super Rare)
Rating: 2 out of 5
May cost you twice, but it can help get rid of strong opponent's monsters, even if Set first.
Dark Crisis (DCR-026)
Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 3 / ATK 1000 / DEF 1000
(Warrior / Effect)

When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects:
● Return 1 card on the field to its owner's hand.
● See 1 card on the top of your opponent's Deck. Your opponent does not see the card. Then return it on the top or the bottom of your opponent's Deck.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Must be related to Ojama Yellow.
Dark Crisis (DCR-025)
Fear from the Dark
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1500
(Zombie / Effect)

When this card is sent directly from your hand or Deck to your Graveyard by your opponent's card effect, Special Summon this card to your side of the field.
Rating: 1 out of 5
You should fear losing if this card is in your Deck.
Dark Crisis (DCR-024)
Maju Garzett
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 7 / ATK ? / DEF 0
(Fiend / Effect)

The ATK of this card becomes equal to the combined original ATK of the 2 monsters you offered as a Tribute to Tribute Summon this card.
Rating: 3 out of 5
Just about anything makes this a powerhouse.
Dark Crisis (DCR-023)
Despair from the Dark
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 8 / ATK 2800 / DEF 3000
(Zombie / Effect)

When this card is sent directly from your hand or Deck to your Graveyard by your opponent's card effect, Special Summon this card to your side of the field.
Rating: 1 out of 5
A two-Tribute Labyrinth Wall in most cases.
Dark Crisis (DCR-022)
Blindly Loyal Goblin
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1800 / DEF 1500
(Warrior / Effect)

As long as this card remains face-up on the field, control of this card cannot switch.
Rating: 3 out of 5
A Beatstick that can't be stolen by the opponent is quite nice.
Dark Crisis (DCR-021)
Gyaku-Gire Panda
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 3 / ATK 800 / DEF 1600
(Beast / Effect)

The ATK of this card increases by 500 points for every monster on your opponent's side of the field. When this card attacks with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of your opponent's Defense Position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Rarely going to be more than half the opponent's field.
Dark Crisis (DCR-020)
Exodia Necross
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1800 / DEF 0
(Spellcaster / Effect)

This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Contract with Exodia". This card is not destroyed as a result of battle at any time or by the effects of Spell or Trap Cards. During each of your Standby Phases, increase the ATK of this card by 500 points. This card is destroyed when you do not have all 5 of these cards in your Graveyard: "Exodia the Forbidden One", "Right Arm of the Forbidden One", "Left Arm of the Forbidden One", "Right Leg of the Forbidden One", "Left Leg of the Forbidden One".
(Ultra Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
Free to bring out, unlike the anime, but it's also been butchered tenfold.
Dark Crisis (DCR-019)
Berserk Dragon
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 8 / ATK 3500 / DEF 0
(Zombie / Effect)

This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "A Deal with Dark Ruler". This card can attack all monsters on your opponent's side of the field once. You cannot attack your opponent directly if you attack any monsters first. Decrease the ATK of this card by 500 points during each of your End Phases.
(Super Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
Just revive a Level 8 monster you lost instead.
Dark Crisis (DCR-018)
Mirage Knight
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 8 / ATK 2800 / DEF 2000
(Warrior / Effect)

This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Dark Flare Knight". When this card battles another monster, during damage calculation increase the ATK of this card by the original ATK of the opponent's monster. During the End Phase after this card was involved in battle, remove this card from play.
(Super Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
No matter what battle it's in, you only have it a single turn. It might as well be a mirage then.
Dark Crisis (DCR-017)
Dark Flare Knight
DARK / Fusion Monster / Level 6 / ATK 2200 / DEF 800
(Warrior / Fusion / Effect)

"Dark Magician" + "Flame Swordsman"
Any damage to the controller of this card from battle involving this monster becomes 0. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, Special Summon 1 "Mirage Knight" from your hand or Deck.
(Super Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
Fusionist is now the 2nd Fusion Monster bad enough to require another Fusion Monster as material.
Dark Crisis (DCR-016)
Shinato, King of a Higher Plane
LIGHT / Ritual Monster / Level 8 / ATK 3300 / DEF 3000
(Fairy / Ritual / Effect)

This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Shinato's Ark". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand. When a Defense Position monster on your opponent's side of the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by this card as a result of battle, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the original ATK of the destroyed monster.
(Ultra Rare)
Rating: 4 out of 5
Stronger than even Blue-Eyes White Dragon and likely will dish out major damage in battle.
Dark Crisis (DCR-015)
Different Dimension Dragon
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 5 / ATK 1200 / DEF 1500
(Dragon / Effect)

The effect of a Spell of Trap Card cannot destroy this card unless the Spell or Trap Card specifically designates a target. This card is not destroyed as a result of battle when this card battles with a monster with an ATK of 1900 or less.
(Super Rare)
Rating: 2 out of 5
It is only marginally harder to take down than regular monsters, but that makes it okay to use.
Dark Crisis (DCR-014)
Des Feral Imp
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1600 / DEF 1800
(Reptile / Flip / Effect)

FLIP: Select 1 card from your Graveyard and add it to your Deck. Then shuffle your Deck.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Probably can't return much to the Deck, but it may survive a turn with that DEF.
Dark Crisis (DCR-013)
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1400 / DEF 1800
(Warrior / Effect)

Once during each of your End Phases, you can change the battle position of this card.
Rating: 2 out of 5
You'll probably need that effect with such low ATK, but it can't do much at all.
Dark Crisis (DCR-012)
Reflect Bounder
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1000
(Machine / Effect)

When this face-up Attack Position card is attacked by a monster on your opponent's side of the field, before damage calculation is resolved in the Damage Step, this card inflicts damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of the attacking monster. Then, after damage calculation is resolved, this card is destroyed.
(Ultra Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
Reflects very poorly on the selling points of the entire booster set.
Dark Crisis (DCR-011)
Cyber Raider
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1400 / DEF 1000
(Machine / Effect)

When this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned successfully, select and activate 1 of the following effects:  
● Select 1 equipped Equip Spell Card and destroy it.
● Select 1 equipped Equip Spell Card and equip it to this card.
Rating: 1 out of 5
What an oddly specific effect, and one that doesn't make the card any more useful.
Dark Crisis (DCR-010)
Guardian Tryce
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 5 / ATK 1900 / DEF 1700
(Thunder / Effect)

This card can only be Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned when there is a "Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce" on your side of the field. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon the monster that was offered as a Tribute for this card.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Nothing remotely good happens until after it's destroyed.
Dark Crisis (DCR-009)
Guardian Kay'est
WATER / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1000 / DEF 1800
(Sea Serpent / Effect)

This card can only be Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned when there is a "Rod of Silence - Kay'est" on your side of the field. This card is unaffected by any Spell Cards and cannot be attacked by your opponent's monsters.
Rating: 1 out of 5
We're talking Toon Mermaid levels of bad here.
Dark Crisis (DCR-008)
Guardian Baou
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 800 / DEF 800
(Fiend / Effect)

This card can only be Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned when there is a "Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou" on your side of the field. Each time 1 of your opponent's monsters is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard in battle by this monster, increase the ATK of this card by 1000 points. Also negate the effect of an Effect Monster that is destroyed by this monster in battle.
Rating: 1 out of 5
Something barely stronger than a Slime Token isn't going to win a battle.
Dark Crisis (DCR-007)
Guardian Grarl
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 5 / ATK 2500 / DEF 1000
(Dinosaur / Effect)

This card can only be Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned when there is a "Gravity Axe - Grarl" on your side of the field. If this is the only card in your hand, you can Special Summon it without offering Tributes.
(Ultra Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
As strong as Summoned Skull, but with significantly worse results.
Dark Crisis (DCR-006)
Guardian Ceal
FIRE / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1400
(Pyro / Effect)

This card can only be Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned when there is a "Shooting Star Bow - Ceal" on your side of the field. Send an Equip Spell Card on your side of the field equipped to this card to the Graveyard to destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field.
(Ultra Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
XYZ-Dragon Cannon can do far better than this and is just as rare.
Dark Crisis (DCR-005)
Guardian Elma
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 3 / ATK 1300 / DEF 1200
(Fairy / Effect)

This card can only be Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned when there is a "Butterfly Dagger - Elma" on your side of the field. When this card is Summoned successfully, you can select 1 appropriate Equip Spell Card in your Graveyard and equip it to this card.
Rating: 1 out of 5
So many better monsters are deserving of Equip Spells than this.
Dark Crisis (DCR-004)
Arsenal Summoner
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1600 / DEF 1600
(Spellcaster / Flip / Effect)

FLIP: Select 1 card that includes "Guardian" in its card name from your Deck and add it to your hand. You cannot select "Celtic Guardian", "Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1", "Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress #2", "Guardian of the Labyrinth", or "The Reliable Guardian".
Rating: 1 out of 5
The arsenal is quite limited entirely.
Dark Crisis (DCR-003)
Acrobat Monkey
EARTH / Normal Monster / Level 3 / ATK 1000 / DEF 1800
(Machine / Normal)

An autonomous monkey type robot which was developed with cutting-edge technology. It moves very acrobatically.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Nothing cutting-edge here, just 1800 DEF.
Dark Crisis (DCR-002)
Nin-Ken Dog
EARTH / Normal Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1800 / DEF 1000
(Beast-Warrior / Normal)

Ninja dog who has mastered extreme Ninjitsu. Through hard training, it learned the technique to metamorphose into a human being.
Rating: 3 out of 5
I'd have more faith in this ninja than the others I've seen as cards.
Dark Crisis (DCR-001)
Battle Footballer
FIRE / Normal Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1000 / DEF 2100
(Machine / Normal)

A cyborg with high defense power. Originally it was invented for a football machine.
Rating: 2 out of 5
It'll serve more purpose now than as a football machine at least.
Dark Crisis (DCR-000)
Vampire Lord
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 5 / ATK 2000 / DEF 1500
(Zombie / Effect)

Each time this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, declare 1 card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap). Your opponent selects 1 card of that type from his/her Deck and sends it to the Graveyard. Also, when this card is destroyed and sent to your Graveyard by your opponent's card effect, it is Special Summoned to the field during your next Standby Phase.
(Secret Rare)
Rating: 1 out of 5
You may already lose the Duel by the time this would come back.