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1. Character weights below use my own fictional starting weight of 100 lb as they are
cartoon horses not real ones. 2. Only search results for MasterYubelMarik (my account there) are relevant to the residents below. Use the underscore when typing a pony's name or it won't show up. |
Bulging Curves Residents
(Page 2)
Town basics: 1. Philosophy 100% supports fat and weight gain only. 2. Some residents are nice about telling others 3. Pudgyville is considered their rival due to supporting both fat and skinny ponies. 4. Everyone has friends. 5. Town originally started as "Early Pudgyville". 6. No groups or families. |
Heart Princess 1. Strives getting the right story for the newspaper, refuses to make one up. 2. 175 lb female white pony with salmon eyes and hot pink and light pink hair. 3. Visual: https://inkbunny.net/s/1996795 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Heart_Princess |
Autumn Filling 1. Loves tight spaces, requests them to be built. 2. 250 lb female dark gray with blue eyes, yellow stars in the red hair and blue stars in the purple hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Autumn_Filling |
Soupy Shine 1. Likes to throw out ideas without thinking whether or not they're any good. 2. 250 lb female light pink pony with pale green eyes and sky blue and yellow hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Soupy_Shine |
Bling Belle 1. Keeps holiday decorations up year-round, doesn't like jewelry. 2. 220 lb female dark gray pony with blue eyes, and yellow and brown hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Bling_Belle |
Butterfly Sweetie 1. Has no appreciation for the technology used in the group and would much rather prefer they update to more modern tech. 2. 225 female light blue pony with pale orange and pink hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Butterfly_Sweetie |
Pearl Show 1. Collects shells at the beach, doesn't like to be disturbed when doing so. 2. 150 lb light purple male pony with gold spots on his body, red eyes and green and teal hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Pearl_Show |
Party Song 1. Prefers fun over work, especially if it is or can be messy. 2. 275 lb female light pink pony with dark red eyes and hot pink and dark green hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Party_Song |
Jewel Sun 1. Likes tanning and the like, doesn't like being interrupted while doing so. 2. 180 lb female brown unicorn pony with light yellow eyes and red and pale blue hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Jewel_Sun |
Sunshine Heart 1. Is a bit clumsy because she tends to be near the newspapers as they're drying and can occasionally smudge the ink if she stumbles. 2. 200 lb female light yellow pony with light orange eyes and red and violet purple hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Sunshine_Heart |
Laser Flash 1. Enjoys light shows, especially from fireworks and I-MAX theaters. 2. 240 lb female black pony with gray eyes and dark gray and white hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Laser_Flash |
Smile Charm 1. Likes to act like she's in the story being told in the newspaper. 2. 210 lb female pony with green eyes and yellow and brown hair.3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Smile_Charm |
Twilight Dusk 1. Always plays and works in the dark using a flashlight, doesn't enjoy having to work or play during the day. 2. 240 lb male brown unicorn pony with dark green eyes and blue and red hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Twilight_Dusk |
Flirty Love 1. L oves to insert romance into the newspaper stories, even if it isn't warranted. She's also opted to write her own romance novels.2. 225 lb female pony with a red-to-dark red gradient body, gray eyes, and orange and light hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Flirty_Love |
Cutie Sleep 1. Aims to sleep in whenever she can, doesn't like getting up early. 2. 155 lb female yellow pony with sky blue eyes and purple and black hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Cutie_Sleep |
Summer Love 1. Works the mechanical side, checking on whether things are working as intended, often says "This'll throw a wrench into the equation" when things don't look right. 2. 180 lb black male pony with gold eyes and gray and dark gray hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Summer_Love |
Autumn Fire 1. Always takes the easy way out when doing chores. 2. 200 lb brown male unicorn pony with light blue eyes and dark yellow and dark green hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Autumn_Fire |
Winter Frost 1. Likes to use her belly like a table to take down notes for later use. 2. 175 lb sky blue female pony with purple eyes and brown and red hair.3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Winter_Frost |
Summer Pose 1. Stubborn when asked to do anything that isn't just watching TV or playing video games. 2. 220 lb female white pegasus pony with red eyes and white and black hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Summer_Pose |
Shore Shine 1. Woul d rather have his weight acknowledged, but Sunny Belle has wasted no time letting him know otherwise.2. 188 lb male pony with blue eyes and light purple and dark yellow hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Shore_Shine |
Bouncy Love 1. Loves deep navels, but not as much as Overflowing Love. 2. 225 lb white female pony with blue eyes and gray hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Bouncy_Love |
Sandy Fire 1. Is trying to get others to stand up for themselves, but isn't sure of the right words to get their attention. 2. Specs TBD 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Sandy_Fire |
Bendy Bones 1. Loves ghosts and hauntings, wants to enter abandoned buildings 2. 210 lb female white pony with blue eyes and black and red hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Bendy_Bones |
Beach Bake 1. Has often feared what the conversation of others is all about. 2. 240 lb male yellow unicorn pony with salmon eyes and green and light orange hair.3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Beach_Bake |
Blind Brew 1. Constantly mixing chemicals and other ingredients, doesn't like to be disturbed. 2. 177 lb male brown pony with one yellow eye and green and dark green hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Blind_Brew |
Volley Jump 1. Feels she isn't being heard and often has important things to say. 2. 175 lb female white pony with hot pink and light pink hair 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Volley_Jump |
Belle E. Ville 1. Loves occult-themed accessories, hates gossip. 2. 250 lb dark red female pony with purple eyes, overbite, purple stripes on her hooves, purple earrings and pink hair decorated with purple stars. 3. Visual: https://inkbunny.net/s/2596956 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Belle_E._Ville |
Lovely Jingle 1. Likes to wear belts with bells around her neck and belly to draw attention. 2. 223 lb white female pony, with blue eyes, rest TBD 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Lovely_Jingle |
Bubble Free 1. Doesn't like baths, aims to avoid water completely. 2. 185 lb female orange unicorn pony with bubble pupils in her red eyes and gold and dark yellow hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Bubble_Free |
Flirty Flip 1. Swaps between romantic actions and angry ones. 2. 225 lb male brown unicorn pony with dark blue eyes and gold and orange hair.3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Flirty_Flip |
Overflowing Love 1. Loves getting deep with navels, likes to make her's as deep as possible. 2. 250 lb red pony with light pink eyes and light purple and purple hair 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Overflowing_Love |
Gummy Slip 1. Believes the weight of everyone around her is why they're not being acknowledged by Sunny Belle and her friends. 2. 163 lb female light orange unicorn pony with green eyes and purple and white hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Gummy_Slip |
Coal Dust 1. Likes to dig in dirty places like mines, puts a lantern on his nose when in a mine. 2. 250 lb dark gray male pony with blue eyes and red and yellow hair 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Coal_Dust |
Poppy Drop 1. Tends to be a bit corrective-happy and/or overly excited at times and this has cost her any involvement during discussions. 2. 225 lb female white pony with red eyes, a red star in her pupil and green and purple hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Poppy_Drop |
Gold Dust 1. Says "This is gold!" when looking at certain objects. 2. 175 lb gold female unicorn pony with pale dark blue eyes and salmon red and light green hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Gold_Dust |
Fuzzy Slide 1. Aims to be out in front to convince Sunny Belle that they're one to watch as well, but her efforts have been ignored. 2. 159 lb yellow pony with salmon red eyes, rest TBD.3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Fuzzy_Slide |
Silver Dust 1. Always carries a pickaxe with her, just in case she has to dig, likes to venture into unknown spaces like tunnels and caves. 2. 190 lb female light gray pony with white hair and green and dark green hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Silver_Dust |
Party Soak 1. Likes to make signs to show Sunny Belle, but all he gets in return is a brief look and no words being said.2. 185 lb teal male pony with blue spots on his body, no eye color and greeen and light orange hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Party_Soak |
Glamour Game 1. Collects board games, especially ones from before her time. 2. 220 lb female unicorn pony with dark blue stripes on her body, green eyes with purple stripes and light pink hair with dark red stripes. 3. Visual: https://inkbunny.net/s/2176748 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Glamour_Game |
Fuzzy Wind 1. Generally tends to have a lot of ideas and wants to make Party Soak's signs bigger. 2. 200 lb male dark blue pony with gray eyes and dark red hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Fuzzy_Wind |
Glitter Bright 1. Does everything by spotlight, even during the day. 2. 180 lb male dark green pony with orange eyes and dark red and purple hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Glitter_Bright |
Curly Cutie 1. H as yet to realize that using lights during the day doesn't really work. 2. 170 lb light green female pony with purple eyes, rest TBD3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Curly_Cutie |
Glitter Skies 1. Strikes a pose and breaks into song for certain words. 2. 250 lb female sky blue pony with red zig-zags on her hoof's outer edges, a large yellow star on her belly and pink and yellow-green hair, rest TBD. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Glitter_Skies |
Sunny Belle 1. Tends to shout a lot and provide dominance over anyone she deems that has has a small belly, even if they're just chubby. 2. 150 lb female white pony with green eyes, purple eye shadow and red, gold and blue hair 3. Visual: https://inkbunny.net/s/1967220 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Sunny_Belle |
Silly Plug 1. Is very safety-savy, too much for most ponies to handle. 2. 250 lb female brown unicorn pony with sky blue eyes and gold and gray hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Silly_Plug |
Diamond Fluff 1. Is very dominant, but she uses her body to make that domination clear. 2. 220 lb female pink pony with green eyes and yellow and red hair 3. Visual: https://inkbunny.net/s/1978984 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Diamond_Fluff |
Pillow Float 1. Makes every living space a pool party, even if it would be dangerous as a result. 2. 185 lb red male pony with yellow eyes and black and white hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Pillow_Float |
Spiral Sweet (aka "Rainbelly") 1. Tends to get embarrassed when unexpected things happen to her. 2. 230 lb female rainbow spiral pony with hot pink eyes and a pastal rainbow hair3. Visual: https://inkbunny.net/s/2131122 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Rainbelly |
Shimmy Dance 1. Loves to get her groove on with old school music, also tends to wear clothes referencing that music's era. 2. 169 lb female sky blue pony with brown eyes and yellow and green hair 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Shimmy_Dance |
Bouncy Fun 1. Is often against different views to her own and will often use her big rear to knock others away if she disagrees with their views.2. 150 lb female white pony with yellow eyes and gold and purple hair. 3. Visual: https://inkbunny.net/s/2822678 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Bouncy_Fun |
Golden Sea 1. Loves to dive to the bottom of deep oceans, doesn't like storms interrupting her. 2. 220 lb female teal pony with orange eyes and light blue and dark blue hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Golden_Sea |
Summer Fade 1. Carries all the necessary equipment to help with voicing their views on the others, sometimes gets in the way of Sunny Belle's statements. 2. 160 lb female green pony with gold eyes and purple hair with a pink zig-zag stripe. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Summer_Fade |
Berry Funny 1. Thinks of herself as a comedian, even though her jokes aren't exactly great. 2. 150 lb female light purple unicorn pony with gold eyes and red and blue hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Berry_Funny |
Fancy Fire 1. Has made designated zones on the ground to mark where all her friends reside, gets angry when the zones are ignored or damaged. 2. 175 lb female red pony with flames on her belly, no eye color and yellow, orange and purple hair inside one another.3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Fancy_Fire |
Sandy Clouds 1. Enjoys cloudy days as she can pretend she's on the clouds in the sky. 2. 190 lb female light orange pony with sky blue eyes and yellow and brown hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Sandy_Clouds |
Candy Wink 1. Tends to be a bit corrective-happy and/or overly excited at times and this has cost her any involvement during discussions. 2. 225 lb female white pony with red eyes, a red star in her pupil and green and purple hair. 3. Visual: https://inkbunny.net/s/2909640 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Candy_Wink |
Spring Jump 1. Likes to pretend she's a spring. Says "Here's the wind-up......and the leap!" before doing so. 2. 265 lb female yellow unicorn pony with brown eyes and salmon and dark green hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Spring_Jump |
Gummy Treat 1. Is all about bribery. She'll use treats for others to get them to accept Sunny Belle's words, much to the dismay of Sunny Belle's friends. 2. 165 lb female dark purple unicorn pony with blue eyes and dark red and hot pink hair. 3. Visual: https://inkbunny.net/s/2909702 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Gummy_Treat |
Autumn Rose 1. Loves to decorate herself with colored leaves and the season of autumn. 2. 190 lb female red, orange and yellow pegasus pony with purple eyes and blue and yellow hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Autumn_Rose |
Jumbo Lock 1. Is entrusted by Sunny Belle to set the rules for the more timid ponies and enforce them as often as possible. 2. 180 lb female orange unicorn pony with green zig-zag eyes and blue and purple hair.3. Visual: https://inkbunny.net/s/2911105 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Jumbo_Lock |
Honey Smile 1. Dresses like a bee, likes to call her house a hive. 2. 250 lb female yellow pegasus pony with orange eyes and brown and red hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Honey_Smile |
Hearty Fly 1. Provides support for Jumbo Lock's rules by keeping others away from trying to force their way into the group or protesting against their views.2. 140 lb male green pony with gray eyes and red and purple hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Hearty_Fly |
Abundant Hearts 1. Loves dating, but not the romance aspect of it. 2. 285 lb female hot pink pony with glasses on her nose, dark red eyes and gold and blue hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Abundant_Hearts |
Rose Heartbeat 1. Is very soft spoken if she's currently winning a discussion, but if she isn't, expect her to dish out her response physically. 2. 275 lb female hot pink pony with bright green eyes and yellow and black hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Rose_Heartbeat |
Meadow Morning 1. Gets up out of bed early, likes the more simple life such as farming. 2. 160 lb male dark green pony with light orange eyes and red and brown hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Meadow_Morning |
Fuzzy Flow 1. Tries to use manipulation by stating info that is intended to gross out the others in hopes they change their mind and agree with Sunny Belle. 2. 190 lb male light blue pony with dark yellow eyes and dark purple and dark blue hair.3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Fuzzy_Flow |
Elegant Sparkle 1. Always wears some form of jewelry on different parts of her body. 2. 220 lb female light purple pony with light blue eyes and rainbow hair. 3. Visual: 4. Gallery: https://www.sofurry.com/browse/search?search=Elegant_Sparkle |