AST-019 |
KA-2 Des Scissors
DARK / Machine / Level 4
/ ATK 1000 / DEF 1000
When this card destroys a monster and sends it
to the Graveyard as a result of battle, inflict damage to your
opponent's Life Points equal to the Level of the destroyed
monster x 500 points.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
1000 ATK points isn't going to destroy much of anything at all. If
anything, he'll be the one destroyed.
AST-018 |
Gear Golem the Moving Fortress
EARTH / Machine / Level 4
/ ATK 800 / DEF 2200
Pay 800 Life Points. This card can attack your
opponent's Life Points directly this turn.
Rating: |
4 |
Comments: |
With 2200 DEF, he's the strongest 4-star Monster with a high DEF! Sure
800 points of damage is horrid but his DEF should make up for it. |
AST-017 |
Legendary Jujitsu Master
EARTH / Rock / Level 3
/ ATK 1300 / DEF 1800
A monster that battles with this Defense
Position card is returned to the top of the owner's Deck at the
end of the Damage Step.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
Most likely, your opponent will activate a Nobleman of Crossout, leaving
you 1 less Monster to defend your lifepoints than before. He's legendary
alright because he's horrible. |
AST-016 |
Avatar of the Pot
EARTH / Rock / Level 3
/ ATK 1200 / DEF 1300
Send 1 "Pot of Greed" from your hand to the
Graveyard to draw 3 cards from your Deck.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
While you draw 3 cards instead of 2 with PoG, this card won't last long
enough to activate his effect and by then, you'll want to activate PoG.
AST-015 |
Rocket Jumper
EARTH / Rock / Level 3
/ ATK 1000 / DEF 800
If the only cards on your opponent's side of
the field are Defense Position monsters, this card can attack
your opponent's Life Points directly.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
This is a weakened Drillago. If you want to attack directly with strong
Monsters, that one's better of the two. |
AST-014 |
Stone Statue of the Aztecs
EARTH / Rock / Level 4
/ ATK 300 / DEF 2000
Any Battle Damage your opponent takes when he/she
attacks this monster is doubled.
Rating: |
4 |
Comments: |
With a little support from Chorus of Sanctuary and Yellow Luster Shield,
this card will be hurting your opponent big time! No stall decks should
be without it! |
AST-013 |
Vampire Lady
DARK / Zombie / Level 4
/ ATK 1550 / DEF 1550
Each time this card inflicts Battle Damage to
your opponent's Life Points, declare 1 card type (Monster,
Spell, or Trap). Your opponent selects 1 card of that type from
his/her Deck and sends it to the Graveyard.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
Use her in Zombie decks only. End of story. |
AST-012 |
The Kick Man
DARK / Zombie / Level 3
/ ATK 1300 / DEF 300
When this card is Special Summoned
successfully, you can equip 1 appropriate Equip Spell Card from
your Graveyard to this card.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
You're opponent will be the one getting the kick... out of how horrible
this card is! He or she will be laughing too hard to continue the duel.
AST-011 |
Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower
DARK / Zombie / Level 3
/ ATK 400 / DEF 1500
This card cannot be attacked if there is
another Zombie-Type monster on your side of the field. Each time
a Zombie-Type monster is Special Summoned successfully, send 2
cards from the top of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
This card has only one place to go and that's Zombie decks because
without a Zombie Monster out, he'll be destroyed every time he's
summoned. |
AST-010 |
The Unhappy Girl
LIGHT / Spellcaster / Level 2
/ ATK 400 / DEF 300
As long as this card remains face-up in Attack
Position on the field, this card is not destroyed as a result of
battle at any time, although damage calculation is applied
normally. A monster that battles with this card cannot change
its Battle Position or attack as long as this card remains
face-up in Attack Position on the field.
Rating: |
4 |
Comments: |
While she must remain in Attack Position to use her effect, that's
probably what your opponent wants you to do and she can stop
those beat down Monsters in their tracks! |
AST-009 |
The Agent of Force - Mars
LIGHT / Fairy / Level 3
/ ATK 0 / DEF 0
This card is unaffected by any Spell Cards. If
there is "The Sanctuary in the Sky" on your side of the field,
and your Life Points are higher than your opponent's Life
Points, increase the ATK and DEF of this card by the difference
between your and your opponent's Life Points.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
This card is worse than TAC-V and in order to have
some decent
ATK points, it needs the Sanctuary in the Sky and even then, the
difference in lifepoints won't likely be what you want.
AST-008 |
The Agent of Creation - Venus
LIGHT / Fairy / Level 3
/ ATK 1600 / DEF 0
Pay 500 Life Points to select 1 "Mystical Shine
Ball" from your hand or Deck, and Special Summon it to your side
of the field.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
There's no reason to use this card in any deck except a LIGHT/Fairy deck
and its effect is just horrible. Don't touch this card except for play
in the deck I mentioned. |
AST-007 |
The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury
LIGHT / Fairy / Level 4 / ATK 0 / DEF 1700
When you have no cards in your hand during your
opponent's End Phase, draw 1 card from your Deck during your
next Standby Phase.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
Drawing cards is always nice but the weak stats this card has are not
and you aren't likely going to have a card-free hand. This card
go well in Fairy/LIGHT decks though. |
AST-006 |
The Agent of Judgment - Saturn
LIGHT / Fairy / Level 6
/ ATK 2400 / DEF 0
If your Life Points are higher than your
opponent's Life Points, activate this card's effect by offering
this card as a Tribute from your side of the field. Inflict
damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the difference
between your and your opponent's Life Points. If "The Sanctuary
in the Sky" is not on your side of the field, this effect is not
applied. When you activate this effect, you cannot conduct your
Battle Phase this turn.
Rating: |
3 |
Comments: |
ATK makes it playable in Fairy or LIGHT decks. Second, if your
lifepoints are much less than your opponent's, he or she will take a lot
of damage, but it needs SS to be active. |
AST-005 |
Metal Armored Bug
EARTH / Insect / Level 8
/ ATK 2800 / DEF 1500
A gigantic insect-like creature covered by
thick armor. Everything in his path is destroyed.
Rating: |
2 |
Comments: |
While this card isn't too bad a card in Insect decks as it is better
than Insect Queen, Blue-Eyes can still take it out so you'd better give
this bug some support. |
AST-004 |
Mystical Shine Ball
LIGHT / Fairy / Level 2
/ ATK 500 / DEF 500
A soul of light covered by mystical shine.
When you see its beautiful shape, your dream will come true.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
This card should be discarded to a garbage can. |
AST-003 |
Sealmaster Meisei
DARK / Spellcaster / Level 3 / ATK 1100 / DEF 900
One of the few people who has a good
command of Talismans. His history is a mystery.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
There are way better Spellcasters out there than this card so use them
instead. |
AST-002 |
Warrior of Zera
EARTH / Warrior / Level 4 /
ATK 1600 / DEF 1600
A wandering warrior who seeks the sanctuary
where he can gain the power of the Archlords. To escape the
temptation of evil fiends, he fights solo day by day.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
He's not much of a
warrior with stats of (1600/1600)
especially with Gemini Elves, MFC Luster Dragons and Goblin Attack Forces
out. |
AST-001 |
WATER / Reptile / Level 8 / ATK 2950 /
DEF 2800
His soul long-since collapsed, his body
recklessly continues onward, driven by a lust for more power. He
no longer resembles his former self...
Rating: |
2 |
Comments: |
This is a pretty powerful Monster but it can't stand up to Blue-Eyes,
however, he might not be too bad in a Reptile/WATER deck. |
AST-000 |
The End of Anubis
DARK / Fiend / Level 6
ATK 2500 / DEF 0
As long as this card remains face-up on the
field, all effects of Spell, Trap, and Monster Cards that
designate a card(s) in the Graveyard or that activate in the
Graveyard are negated.
Rating: |
3 |
Comments: |
Keep your opponent from resurrecting your Monsters or retrieving any of
your cards. The downside is that this card's effect applies to both
players and with 0 DEF, it won't last long in Defense. |