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Jiggly Times (2024)

A blog that details the newspaper articles and events as they occur in Bulging Curves.


Date (Article #)

12/25/24 (Article #66)
Unique Diploma Unveiled for Graduated Gluttons

Mrs. Prime Mary released a special trial dilploma for those that graduate at her academy. "I did have a ribbon planned for those that graduated, but of course that had yet to happen since I started the academy so I made it a bit more formal. Even those not graduating can attend and diplomas are unveiled in front of all students," explained Prime Mary. Spiral Sweet said she's disappinted she'll likely never get one, but is happy to be there for the ceremony provided she can keep her glowing navel from being an issue.
12/13/24 (Article #65)
Bulging Banquet Brings Bigger Big Bellies
With the holidays in place, the town's first ever banquet took shape. "We haven't done anything for the holidays before and it's only natural to have some kind of feast for our fatties. There was plenty to eat and of course we need participants to be packing plenty of jiggle," stated Goldie Rain. Bouncy Love said she and Overflowing Love stood outside the door to keep unwarranted guests out and ate a meal set side for them once the banquet was over.
12/1/24 (Article #64)
Jewels for Jiggles Revealed for Rotund Residents

A mystery new company has set up shop right in town and began selling body jewelry for the residents. "They're pretty small, but quite fashonable and not expensive. Of course, we know residents have a navel fetish so we've got that covered," shared Silver Sweetie, the owner. Diamond Fluff added she's thinking about dressing herself up in a few ways with the jewelry.
11/19/24 (Article #63)
Mayor Makes Money with ATM Machine
As a trial run, Goldie Rain opted for an ATM machine for more than just money. "It can trade money for food/.drinks or 1 form of money for another. I dub it the "Tubby Transactor"," explained Goldie Rain. Sunny Belle said the machine had been acting up and gave the wrong item in return. Goldie Rain said it's bound to have glitches now and then given its complexity.
11/7/24 (Article #62)
Tubby Teacher Sets School Size Limit

Mrs. Prime Mary tightened the limitations for getting into her school. "Given the size of residents in Bulging Curves, I cannot have them squeezing into small spaces and/or bumping into others. I needed to set a limitation. I'd like to allow just anyone to get inside at least, but it's just not possible," commented Mrs. Prime Mary. Autumn Filling says she's not surprised considering her own mishap earlier in the year.
9/27/24 (Article #61)
Bossy Beauty Denies Fatty Friendship
Despite being on the same page as Sunny Belle, Daisy Summer refused to be friends with her. "We are NOT on the same page! She's not a rule breaker, nor does she have any appeal for being a true goth. She just wants to give orders, which is like 1/8 of my persona. !@#%$ that pony entirely!" shouted Daisy Summer. Sunny Belle said she perhaps overestimated just how much she had in common with Daisy and has effectively removed her as a future partner entirely.
9/15/24 (Article #60)
Starry Sweetheart Eating Everything

Solar Cosmos, whom had transferred from Pudgyville due to her ravenous appetite, found the stockpile of food this week and began eating. "We had to put a stop to her behavior by giving her a special place were food replenishes itself. Quite expensive of course, but it's better than just leaving her outside," said Goldie Rain. Mrs. Prime Mary added that the school's cafeteria would've been the worst place as there'd be no incentive for students to attend.
9/3/24 (Article #59)
Do It Enterprises Surprisingly Successful

The initial mayors of Bulging Curves have found more customers than anyone anticipated. "We always had a feeling it'd do this well given our passion for the idea and it's certainly met those expectations. I guess ponies really want to know what our business is all about," admitted Bouncy Love. Overflowing Love said her hooves-on activities certainly seem to have had an impression as well.
8/22/24 (Article #58)
Fatty Female Seeks Big Boy

Mellow Sunshine made her arrival quite evident thanks to her immediate call for 'someone special'. "I came here in search of at least a male pony, preferably chubby or bigger. I find bigger boys quite attractive and have a thing for making them as big as possible. They make better pillows and are less likely to resist me after a while," said Mellow Sunshine. Bouncy Breeze said he's hoping she doesn't find him as he's not looking for anyone at all.
8/10/24 (Article #57)
Bulging Beach Brings Bunches of Big Bodies

Despite the rules in place, residents still flocked to the beach to relax after their long days at their jobs. "We're all plenty big enough to be here without the rules being much of a factor. Plus we need somewhere else to go at the end of the day than just back home," admitted Rainbelly. Goldie Rain said it's nice to be away from the lounge when there isn't so much activity.
6/29/24 (Article #56)
Fat Fanny Framed for Fun

After a mishap with the printing press, Printy Pie had an idea of what to do with the unusual newspaper. "It certainly left an impression on the newspaper article. You couldn't read it anymore obviously, but now there's a unique imprint of my butt where I accidentally sat before the ink was dry. At first we were all upset about all the hard work being lost, but then realized we could just print it again anyway," explained Printy Pie. Wonder Belle said they were only down one copy when the incident occured and opted to frame the incidental article as a reminder.
6/21/24 (Article #55)
Massive Mayor Creates Confusion Over Confetti
Residents thought a party was going on when there was suddenly confetti falling to the ground. "We weren't sure whose birthday it was or what the celebration was all about. We looked all over for what one might expect with confetti, but didn't find anything," stated Rainbelly. Goldie Rain said it was only a test of her new party equipment in the event of a birthday and said it can be reset after use, allowing for many opportunities to use it.
6/9/24 (Article #54)
Bulgy Boss Peculiarly Praised

Daisy Summer, whom tried ordering everyone about earier has received much praise for her actions. "She puts my attitude to shame. I never thought to ignore rules of others or have my own dress code. She just defines domination. If we still had groups, she'd be in," stated Sunny Belle. Diamond Fluff said she's worried she'll boss them around next.
4/28/24 (Article #53)
Starry Sweetie is a Plump Problem
Solar Cosmos, whom originally found home in Pudgyville, has made her way to Bulging Curves and is proving to have quite the appetite. "She's out of control. She never seems to stop eating and now everything we eat is at risk of being swallowed up by her black hole of a mouth," said Goldie Rain. Sunny Belle said she loves what Solar Cosmos does and her overall size, but does not want it to get in her way of being the dominant pony.
4/16/24 (Article #52)
Photo Fatty Has Big Start

Golden Sparkles added a special two-in-one place for residents. "It's called Button Pop, where you can either shoip for clothes and/or get your photo taken. The name is of course in reference to losing a button, mostly when you're fat so of course it's going to be a fatty-only place. They look best anyway," explained Golden Sparkles. Rainbelly said she'd like to try it one day, but is worried how her special property will interfere with the
4/4/24 (Article #51)
Rotund Residents Check Rainbow Park
With little to do after their work day is over, residents opted to look at the new Rainbow Park. "It's a fun-looking place, but unless you've got a fatty in the family you can't come closer than the fence. Why? Well to me there's nothing sexier than fatties in the family. Watching them jiggle as they run is quite alluring, way better than ordinary parks," admitted Rainbow Pounce. Goldie Rain said she's considering discussing making the park a bit less restrained.
2/22/24 (Article #50)
Rotund Rule Breaker Bulges Through

A big and bossy beauty has arrived, and she's not taking orders from anyone. "Look, I make my own rules and my own dress code. I walk into any store and get anything I want. No one's telling Daisy Summer what to do. Don't like it? Then !@# YOU! I'm too big to be taking orders from twigs," remarked Daisy Summer. Sunny Belle said she loved Daisy's speech and is hoping she can join her side despite her ruleset.
2/10/24 (Article #49)
Big Academy Brings Bigger Classroom
Mrs. Prime Mary closed the school temporarily to have the classroom enlarged. "It was getting kind of cramped at the school with students having to squeeze past others, causing havoc at every point. Can't have that when students are turning in their tests and quizzes while others are still taking their's," stated Prime Mary. Diamond Fluff added that the chairs are still smaller than she'd like, but since there are no actual desks, it's not as big of a deal.