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My Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds Bloopers

Leo: Darn television doesn't work.
Luna: Leo, that TV is 5 years old. Maybe you'd better give the guy a call.
Leo: Okay. *calls but gets error message* I should've switched to Verizon Wireless. *beep*
Yusei: Let's rev it up! I tune Junk Synchron with Speed Warrior for Junk Warrior! *Junk Synchron can't start his motor* *beep*
Jack: Meet my Dark Resonator! *monster doesn't appear*. 404 Error? We're not using Wi-Fi here! *beep*
Luna: Leo, what are you doing?
Leo: Trying to get my monsters to appear
Luna: It's a toy, Leo, it's not going to summon monsters. *beep*
*opening dub theme plays*
Yusei: *crashes into a pole* *beep*
Luna: Leo, don't tell me you're Batteryman lost their ATK again.
Leo: Of course not, they just need charging. *beep*
Jack: Let's kick this duel into overdrive! *Duel Runner falls apart* Wrong gear.
Trudge (thinking): Alright Yusei, I'm getting you this time! *Yusei zooms in and sees the cards* Got you, Yusei! *Activates the release for the cage but it fails* What the....*walks under it and the cage falls on him*
Yusei: Meep meep! *zooms away on his Duel Runner* *scene pauses*
Yusei Fudo: Duelitus Kingitus, Trudge: Idiotus on Patrolitus
*scene resumes*
Leo: I activate Celfon's effect! No service? Stupid T-Mobile.
Trudge: We're entering a construction zone, Yusei so you lose twice the LPs when attacked.
Yusei: That applies to you too.
Trudge: Screw the rules, I'm a cop. *beep*
Jack: Alright Greiger, here comes my punch line! *4Kids censors the scene* Curses, censored again! *beep*
Bystander: What's your name?
Yusei: Yusei Fudo
Bystander: Fudo.
Yusei: No, it's Yusei Fudo.
Bystander: Fudo.
Yusei: Uh oh, out of gas. Anyone know where to refill for a Duel Runner? *beep*
Leo: Hello? Is this customer service? Oh, ok. *hangs up* Dialed the wrong number. *beep*
Lazar: Director Goodwin, why is this show called Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds?
Goodwin: There are 5 Dragons.
Lazar: So it's not because of 5 Ds as in grades? *beep*
Lazar: I'm not a Dark Signer!
Crow: How about now?
Lazar: No
Crow: Now?
Lazar: No!
Crow: Now?
Lazar: NO! *beep*
Leo: How do I check messages on a Celfon?
Luna: Leo, the message is in it's card text, duh. *beep*
Luna: Leo, have you seen the bill for your Celfon?
Leo: What is it?
Luna: 450 DP
Leo: I don't have that many points. Do you think they'll accept Gift Cards? *beep*
Leo: *on his Celfon* Can you hear me now? Good. How about now? Good. Now? YES! *beep*
The Professor: I'm finally in the spirit world!!!!
Leo: Actually we're in Kaiba Land.
The Professor: What?! NOOOOOOOOOO! *faints* *beep*
Jack: *on his duel runner* Who's the master of faster? Who rules the duels? That's right it's me! *tire flattens* *beep*
Kalin: Coco Pack Apu, pound this pathetic signer into the darkness!
Yusei: What kind of pronunciation is that?
Kalin: Don't blame me, I don't dub this show. *beep*
Grady: Meet Frozen Fitzgerald!
Yusei: How long's he been frozen? *beep*
Ancient Fairy Dragon: Luna, you've come back for me
Luna:  I won't be able to set you free until Ancient Prophecy is mass-released in the US. *beep*