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Battlebots Bump 'N Bash Bots Toy Reviews

Complete Control
  At last, CC is printed as a toy (apart from the minibot released in 2001)! What disappointed me in these is that while they come with their own arena, there are no hazards and the wall isn't exactly well-made since it is prone to coming apart. His weapons appear to be just for decoration since they don't move and when "battling" he drives all by himself with this chassis that clearly is nothing like his own chassis and with his weaponry useless, it's nearly impossible for flips. Apparently, if you pick this one (or Red Scorpion, any of the others I assume) up off the floor and spin that little "motorized caster" on the front that allows them to drive fast enough, the caster will spin at a ferociously high speed.
Red Scorpion
  I probably liked this one less because at least Complete Control's weapon could be somewhat controlled. This one too has the same chassis that is clearly too tall for the robot.