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Episode 88: Blinded by the Light (2)

At the duel site, Jaden gives Chazz a reason do do laundry as he mentions Chazz using his shirt to clean-up his table. The Ojamas decide to make up excuses to leave but then decide to let Ojama Yellow take the hit since he's bravest yet Chazz decides to destroy Ojama Black, activating WKL's effect, dealing 300 damage to Jaden, leaving him with 100. Jaden uses Pot of Greed. Next, he uses Poly for Ojama Knight (0000) in Attack Mode and its effect blocks 2 of Chazz's Monster Card Zones.

As a result, 2 relatives of Ojama Green and Yellow park on Chazz's field. Then he equips Shield Attack on Ojama Knight, switching its ATK and DEF, putting OK's ATK at 2500. He attacks but Chazz's monster still stands as Chazz explains his monster can't be destroyed in battle. (4Kids isn't explaining this but White Knight Lord reduces damage to its owner from its battles to 0.) Jaden uses Mystic Wok to tribute OK and give himself LPs equal to OK's DEF, putting his score at 2600. Chazz says that's the smartest move Jaden's made.


Jaden says not to look as he plays Ojamandala to bring back Ojama Black, Ojama Green, and Ojama Yellow (1000 x3) in Defense Mode for 1000 LPs, leaving him with 1600. Chazz equips Infernal Gauntlet to his WKL, then plays Stray Lambs, giving him 2 Lamb Tokens (0000 x2) in Defense Mode. Due to IG, WKL can attack twice in addition to a normal attack, so Chazz uses him to take out OB and OG, leaving Jaden with 1000 by WKL's effect. Despite some pleading from Ojama Yellow, he gets destroyed too, leaving Jaden with 700. Jaden uses the effect of OL to bring OY back, leaving his score at 200.

OY breaks into tears again and shares a convincing story with Jaden to Chazz. Chazz does snap out of it and removes the white clothing, putting his old jacket back on. Next he plays Cemetery Change, which for 1000 LPs, destroys all monsters on the field and forces both players to switch Graveyards, leaving Chazz with 2300. Next he uses Infernal Transaction, forcing Jaden to summon a monster from his Grave with at least 2000 ATK and Chazz himself gets to return a Spell Card to his hand (Ojamandala) and Jaden brings back White Knight Lord (2000) in Attack Mode.

Then he activates Ojamandala to bring back the 3 Ojamas for 1000 LPs, dropping his score to 1300. Jaden draws and attacks with WKL, destroying OY and leaving Chazz with 1000. Chazz plays Goblin Negotiator, letting him prevent 1 monster he controls from being destroyed (although he mentions that it prevents it from being damaged) and Jaden gets to draw 1 card. He ends his turn so Jaden draws. Jaden plays Neo-Spacian Glow Moss (0300) in Attack Mode and uses its effect, letting GM attack directly since Chazz drew a Spell Card, leaving Chazz with 700.

Next Jaden attacks OG with WKL but Chazz uses GN's effect to keep OG on the field but letting Jaden draw 1 card. Chazz plays Silent Doom to bring back Ojama Yellow. Then he uses Buried Destiny, letting him pick up a Spell Card used by Jaden but not in Jaden's Grave and he picks Ojama Delta Hurricane!!, which he plays, destroying WKL and reducing his score to 0 by WKL's third effect. Hassleberry says Jaden can take Chazz's metals but Jaden says Chazz's been through enough. Aster figures that sometimes you just have to beat monsters and calls Jaden a push-over. Chazz thinks that he'll rescue Alexis like Jaden rescued him!