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Episode 60: Pop Goes the Duel

Inside DA, a crowd has gathered, saying that Jaden can't duel anymore. What do they mean Jaden can't duel? Syrus says while running, crashing into the crowd and sending everyone to the floor. Chazz tells them all to leave. He then tells Syrus that Jaden can't see any of his cards. Syrus looks through the deck.  Soul Union has been changed to Sparkman in the US. Oops! As usual Sparkman's an Effect Monster in the US at 0:33 into the US episode! They look fine to Syrus. Mrs. Fontane says it's not the cards, its Jaden for something happened to him in his last duel. Is he messing with them? Not this time. What's he going to do? Syrus asks Jaden where he's going and Jaden replies he just wants to be by himself for a while.


Behind a corner, Crowler says he's never seen Jaden like this. Oh well time to move on but he can't help but feel sorry for him. Could he be turning into a good guy? At the Slifer Dorm, the gang decides to fight Crowler against tearing down the dorm. They walk outside and hear singing. Alexis' brother Atticus is singing and says hi to her "sissy". Crowler rises from the ocean, asking Alexis if she's come to her senses. Alexis says that she's not the one in a scuba outfit and a boat strapped to her back. Atticus pleads for Alexis to give the idea a try as Crowler nearly slips off the cliff.

Syrus asks about Crowler's idea and Alexis says Crowler wants she and Atticus to be a pop star duo. What's so bad about that? Chazz gets all excited at the though of Alexis in the red dress. Alexis requests some help and Bastion adds that Chazz knows Alexis can't put out music. Alexis slaps Bastion, causing him to land on the ground. Chazz gets stuck between Atticus and Alexis' argument. Atticus suggests they do this the old school way, by dueling. If he wins, Alexis sings but if not, he drops the whole idea. At the arena, Atticus makes his grand entrance. He says that he's already named their band "bro-bro and sissy". Alexis tells him not to celebrate yet for he has to win.

The duel starts and Atticus plays Panther Warrior (2000) in Attack Mode. Then he plays Spotlight, giving PW 300 ATK to 2300. He sets 1 card to end his turn. Alexis is sensing a theme to Atticus' deck and draws, playing Ritual Sanctuary. Next she uses its effect to discard a Spell Card to add and play Machine Angel Ritual to summon Cyber Angel Idaten (1600) in Attack Mode. With her effect, Alexis gets back a Spell Card and she chooses and plays Ritual Weapon, giving Idaten 1500 ATK to 3100.

She attacks but Atticus activates Cursed Ring, preventing her from attacking Panther Warrior. His monster maybe safe but he isn't and attacks, leaving Atticus with 3200. Atticus plays Stray Lambs, giving him 2 Lamb Tokens (0000 x2) in Defense Mode. Next he plays Path to Destiny, letting a Beast-Warrior-Type monster attack directly and he selects PW. PW attacks, leaving Alexis with 1700. Chazz tells Atticus to leave "sissy" alone. He sets 1 card face down to end his turn.

Alexis plays Pot of Greed. Then she plays Cyber Petit Angel (0300) in Attack Mode. Then she uses another Machine Angel Ritual to summon Cyber Angel Dakini (2700) in Attack Mode and with her effect Atticus must destroy 1 of his monsters, which he selects the Lamb Token. She attacks and destroys Panther, leaving Atticus with 2800. She has triggered Atticus' Miracle Moment Trap Card, letting him play Bronze Warrior (0500) in Attack Mode since PW was equipped with Path to Destiny. BW's ATK rises to 300 by Spotlight's effect (but they don't tell you that).

With his effect, Atticus can add and play Indomiitable Fighter Lei-Lei (2300) in Attack Mode and gives all Beast-Warrior-Type monsters 400 ATK, giving Lei Lei a total of 2700. Then he plays Ultimate Stage Costume, giving Bronze Warrior 3000 ATK to 3800. He kamikaze attacks Dakini with Lei Lei, destroying both monsters, then direct attacks with BW but BW can't attack as Atticus remembers that SUSC doesn't work with direct attacks, leaving Alexis with 900. He laughs in guilt.

Alexis says she'll have the last laugh and plays Fulfillment of the Contract, which brings back one of her monsters for 800 LPs. (The real card can only bring back Ritual Monsters.) Her score drops to 100 and she chooses Idaten and with her effect chooses and activates Ritual Sanctuary, restoring BW to 800. With RS, she brings back and plays MAR to summon Cyber Angel Benten (1800) in Attack Mode. She attacks and destroys BW, winning the duel by Benten's effect.

Atticus tells "sissy" it was a great duel. Alexis agrees, then tells him to stop calling her "sissy". He did what was best for her.  Alexis appreciates the offer but she wants to stay at DA with her friends. Atticus asks about Jaden. Alexis says it was a long story. At his dorm, Jaden thinks that if he can't duel, what's the point of staying here and says goodbye to DA.