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Episode 31: Field of Screams (1)

In what looks to be mist with the moon overhead, a boat is moving as a coffin cover slides open. A mysterious women appears and chuckles. Jaden wakes up and Mrs. Fontaine says he must be feeling better if he's dreaming about girls. Jaden asks how Nightshroud...er Atticus is doing and Mrs. Fontaine says he's in stable condition. Meanwhile, it is revealed that it wasn't a dream as the woman orders her "minions" to find her friend, which she has chosen as Zane. Back at DA, people talk about the vampire. Inside Sheppard's office, Crowler says it was a joke but Bastion says that no joke put Jaden in the hospital. Chazz wants to see how this "vampire" fairs against his deck. Above them, a bat watches. Duelists inspect their decks. Bastion's Water Dragon has been slightly altered for US as shown at 1:56 into the episode.

Another bat slides in behind the glass behind Bastion and Zane respectively. Crowler laughs at the joke of the "vampire" and Banner orders the bats to leave since knows their weakness. Back at Sheppard's office, Chumley darts in saying he saw the vampire. Outside, the group waits for her arrival. A red carpet rolls onto the water back to them.

Crowler and Banner back into one another until Crowler leaps forward and the others tell him that he's so brave. Crowler says to draw straws but where are they going to find them? Chazz denies the idea, saying Crowler's up. At the DA hospital, Chumley darts in to say that Crowler's going to duel the vampire. Crowler's going to beat her easy right? Alexis disagrees, saying that Crowler talks a big game but plays a terrible one. Chazz asks Crowler what the holdup is but the vampire suggests she come to them, then asks who Crowler is. Crowler replies that he's her challenger but she isn't interested until Crowler says he has a PhD in dueling.


The duel begins as Camula plays Zombie Werewolf (1200) in Attack Mode then set s a card to end her turn. Crowler pays Ancient Gear Castle, giving all Ancient Gear monsters 300 ATK. (The real card also gets counters each time a monster is summoned or set and you can send it to the Graveyard to have it count as the tributes.) Next he plays Ancient Gear Soldier (1300) in Attack Mode and attacks, destroying ZW and dropping Camula's LPs to 3600. Crowler says dueling is fun and he should get out more often but Camula says he should study-up for he would know Zombie Werewolf's effect, allowing her to summon another one from her deck with an additional 500 ATK for 1700. Crowler sets a card face down to end his turn.


Camula plays Vampire Bat (0800) in Attack Mode and by his effect, all Zombie-Type monsters she controls gain 200 ATK, putting VB's ATK to 1000 and ZW's to 1900. She attacks with ZW, destroying ACS and dropping Crowler's score to 3700. Next she attacks directly with VB, leaving Crowler with 2700. Crowler activates Damage Condenser, letting him play a monster whose ATK is equal to or less than the damage he took so he plays another Ancient Gear Soldier in Attack Mode, then tributes it for Ancient Gear Beast (2000) in Attack Mode.


He attacks, destroying ZW and dropping Camula's score to 3200. Camula plays Infernalvania, which by discarding a Zombie-Type monster, she can destroy all monsters on the field but she cannot summon a monster but who says she needs more monsters? (The card's effect actually applies to both players but Crowler's Deck has no Zombies.) She says that her VB can be made indestructible by discarding another VB from her deck. Next she attacks directly with VB, dropping Crowler's score to 1700 and causing him to collapse.


Jaden shows, telling Crowler he can win the duel. Crowler hates to admit it but Jaden's right and plays Ancient Gear Golem (3000) in Attack Mode. "Where's the sacrifice?" Syrus asks but Zane says it's on the field as AGC can count as the sacrifice for each monster that you've played so far with Ancient in its name. (The real card gives ATK for Ancient Gear monsters, gets counters each time a monster is summoned or set and you can send it to the Graveyard and have it count as the number of tributes equal to the number of counters on it.)


He attacks, destroying Vampire Bat and dropping Camula's score to 1200. Does he forget? VB can't be destroyed? As IV will demonstrate, his Golem can but Crowler plays Heavy Storm to destroy her Spell and Trap Cards. Camula activates Zombie Bed but Crowler protests that he destroyed all Spell and Traps and Zane says that ZB must be destroyed. Camula says its effect lets her revive Zombie Werewolf in Attack Mode.


Next she draws and plays Book of Life, letting her revive Vampire Lord (2000) in Attack Mode and she must remove a monster in Crowler's Grave from play so she chooses AGS. Then, she removes Vampire Lord from play to bring out Vampire Genesis (3000) in Attack Mode and with VB out, its ATK rises to 3200. Crowler says that he may have been hard on them but that was because he believed in them. She attacks GG with VG, destroying it and reducing Crowler's score to 1500. Next, she directly attacks with ZW, putting Crowler's score at 100. Finally, she attacks directly with Vampire Bat and wins the duel. As Crowler falls, he orders Jaden to avenge him. Camula takes her prizes and leaves. Bastion and Chazz say that they'll find her and duel but Camula says  that's what she wants and disappears.