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Episode 216: The Dark One Cometh (2)

While Zorc edges closer to the village, Yugi faces more peril thanks to a Spell Card Bakura plays and is brought down to 1000 LP. Yugi brings out a defense, then gets a 2nd when the 1st is destroyed but Bakura puts fate in Yugi's hands with another Spell Card by forcing Yugi to choose a box. The villagers fight on but it's looking hopeless for them as all their efforts are in vein so far.

Episode Cards
DUEL 1: Yugi: Blocken, Lenguard (via Blocken)
                Bakura: SSoS, DiMa, PoG, CuTwDo, NeSo
Deviations from the TCG
1. Players started with only 4000 LP.
2. Monsters were able to be visible without being on the field.
1. Disgraced Mage's card was a Normal Monster in the Dub.