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*For info on the card rarities found below, click here.
Episode 150: Déjà Duel (2)

Alister is angry about what he believes Kaiba did to his brother and family. Kaiba isn't surprised as it's something he's told daily but Alister starts a comeback thanks to his new FIRE monster. Furthermore, having already known about Kaiba's strategies, Alister locks both players out of playing Trap Cards but Kaiba gets around that by drawing extra cards, then bringing out his prized dragons. Alister isn't afraid and simply uses two Spell Cards to not only destroy Kaiba's prized dragons but revive them and his FIRE monster from the Graveyard. Kaiba is now on the ropes until he draws a new card that changes everything. However, even with a new Fusion Monster he creates with this dragon, Alister finds a way to force the Duel into a Draw and vows revenge for later. Meanwhile, the truck driver stops at a run-down gas station and walks away, leaving the gang uneasy.

Episode Cards
DUEL 1: Kaiba: PDD, CoD, WDR, PoWD, MR, BEWD (2 copies, via MR & PoWD), TFoC, DVD
                Alister: Gorlag (2x, 1 via AF), RD, (via Gorlag: VtD, PDD), PoG, AF, FW, CoM
Deviations from the TCG
1. Players started with only 4000 LP.
2. The Fang of Critias was a one-of-a-kind unique card that doubled as a Monster Card and could combine with Trap Cards (and was called "Fang of Critias" in the Dub).