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Episode 77: Friends 'Til the End (3)

Marik opts to have Joey send the Millennium Puzzle into the ocean but Joey struggles against his own inner self and ends up keeping the puzzle instead. However, Joey is still being controlled and brings out a strong Level 4 monster that Yugi manages to block and weaken with a combo of his own. Yugi then brings out a stronger monster that leaves Joey down to less than half his LP. Joey tries to make a comeback but half his dice combo is thwarted and he doesn't get a high roll with the other result. Unfortunately for Yugi, Joey draws the exact card needed to win the Duel. All Joey needs to do is play it and Marik will have possesion of the Millennium Puzzle and Slifer the Sky Dragon.

Episode Cards
DUEL 1: Yugi: BtMW, MAS (taken from Joey's hand via Exchange), AoG, De-Spell
                Joey/Marik: Panther Warrior, Skull Dice, Graceful Dice
Deviations from the TCG
1. Players started with only 4000 LP.
2. Magical Arm Shield was called "Magic Arm Shield" in the Dub and the controller of the destroyed monster took the difference between the two monsters' ATKs.

3. Archfiend of Gilfer was called "Beast of Gilfer" in the Dub.
4. De-Spell also negated the destroyed Spell Card's effect.