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My Yu-Gi-Oh Hybrid Fanfic Season 7 Part 3's Episode Cards

1. Card names in the info are from the time they were released so they may differ from the links below.
The Legendary Gambler (Part 4)
Turn 19: Mai Valentine
Sonic Shooter
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1300 / DEF 600
(Winged Beast / Effect)
Can attack the opponent directly using its original ATK if the opponent has no cards in their Spell & Trap Card Zones.

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Turn 1: Mad Dog
Revival Jam
WATER / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 500
(Aqua / Effect)
Not destroyed in battle.

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Turn 2: Aster Phoenix
Destiny Hero - Doom Lord
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 3 / ATK 600 / DEF 800
(Warrior / Effect)
1. Can banish 1 monster the opponent controls once per turn, but prevents your attacks that turn. 2. Returns the banished monster to the opponent's field at your 2nd Standby Phase from activation.

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Turn 3: Mad Dog
Acid Slime
WATER / Effect Monster / Level 3 / ATK 800 / DEF 1000
(Aqua / Effect)
Deals the opponent 800 damage if destroyed in battle and sent to the Grave.

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Turn 4: Aster Phoenix
Destiny Draw (negated via Jammer Slime)
SPELL / Normal Spell
you draw 2 cards by discarding 1 "Destiny HERO" card.
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Turn 4: Mad Dog
Jammer Slime
TRAP / Counter Trap
Negates an activated Spell or Trap Card the opponent controls and destroys it by discarding 1 "Slime" card.

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Turn 4: Mad Dog
Slime (via its effect in the Grave)
WATER / Effect Monster / Level 2 / ATK 300 / DEF 400
(Aqua / Effect)
Lets you draw 1 card if sent to the Grave.

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Turn 5: Mad Dog
WATER / Effect Monster / Level 6 / ATK 1500 / DEF 2000
(Aqua / Effect)
Special Summons 3 Level 1 WATER Aqua "Slime Tokens" with 500 ATK and DEF in Attack Mode to your field if destroyed in battle.

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Turn 5: Aster Phoenix
D - Shield
TRAP / Normal Trap
Changes an Attack Position "Destiny HERO" monster you cotnrol being attacked to Defense Mode and equips to it, then prevents its destruction in battle.

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Turn 6: Aster Phoenix
Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1400 / DEF 1600
(Warrior / Effect)
1. Can reveal the top card of your Deck, then send it to the Grave if it's a Normal Spell, or places it on the bottom of your Deck if not. 2. Can activate the sent Spell Card's effect at your next Main Phase.
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Turn 7: Mad Dog
Jam Defender
TRAP / Continuous Trap
Can force the opponent's attacks to 1 "Revival Jam" you control.

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Turn 7: Mad Dog
DNA Surgery
TRAP / Continuous Trap
Makes all face-up monsters on the field become the Monster Type you declare.

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The Legendary Gambler (Part 3)
Turn 14: Pierre
Arcana Force 0 - The Fool
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 1 / ATK 0 / DEF 0
(Fairy / Effect)
1. Not destroyed in battle. 2. Can't change to Defense Mode, except by an effect.
3. Forces you to toss a coin if Summoned, then activates 1 effect below based on the result.
● Heads: Negates your activated effects that target it and destroys them.
● Tails: Negates the opponent's activated effects that target it and destroys them.

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Turn 15: Mai Valentine
Mystical Space Typhoon

SPELL / Quick-Play Spell
Destroys 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.

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Turn 16: Pierre
Cup of Ace

SPELL / Normal Spell
Forces you to toss a coin, then activates 1 effect bewlow based on the result.
● Heads: You draw 2 cards.
● Tails: The opponent draws 2 cards.

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Turn 16: Pierre
Arcana Force III - The Empress
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1300 / DEF 1300
(Fairy / Effect)
Forces you to toss a coin if Summoned, then activates 1 effect below based on the result.
● Heads: Can Special Summon 1 "Arcana Force" monster from your hand to your field if the opponent Normal Summons or Sets a monster.
● Tails: Forces you to send 1 card from your hand to the Grave if the opponent Normal Summons or Sets a monster.

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Turn 17: Mai Valentine
Premature Burial

SPELL / Equip Spell
1. Revives 1 monster from your Grave to your field in Attack Mode and equips to it by paying 800 Life Points. 2. Destroys the monster if this card is destroyed.

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Turn 17: Mai Valentine
Harpie Lady 1 (via Premature Burial)
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1300 / DEF 1400
(Winged Beast / Effect)
(Always counts as "Harpie Lady".)
Gives all WIND monsters on the field 300 ATK.

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Turn 18: Pierre
Arcana Force IV - The Emperor (via Arcana Force III - The Empress)
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1400 / DEF 1400
(Fairy / Effect)
Forces you to toss a coin if Summoned, then activates 1 effect below based on the result.
● Heads: Gives all "Arcana Force" monsters you control 500 ATK.
● Tails: Lowers the ATK of all "Arcana Force" monsters you control by 500.

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Turn 18: Pierre
Arcana Force EX - The Dark Ruler
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 10 / ATK 4000 / DEF 4000
(Fairy / Effect)
1. Only Special Summoned from your hand to your field by sending 3 monsters you control to the Grave. 2. Forces you to toss a coin if Summoned, then activates 1 effect below based on the result.
● Heads: Can attack twice during each Battle Phase, but changes to Defense Mode after the Battle Phase and cannot change battle positions until the end of your next turn.
● Tails: Destroys all cards on the field if destroyed.

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Turn 18: Pierre
Ace of Sword

SPELL / Normal Spell
Forces you to select 1 face-up monster on the field, then toss a coin, then activates 1 effect bewlow based on the result.
● Heads: Deals the selected monster's ATK to the opponent's Life Points.
● Tails: Deals the selected monster's ATK to your Life Points.

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Turn 18: Mai Valentine
Icarus Attack
TRAP / Normal Trap
Destroys 2 cards on the field by Tributing 1 Winged Beast monster.

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The Legendary Gambler (Part 2)
Turn 7: Pierre
Needle Wall
TRAP / Continuous Trap
1. Forces you to roll a six-side die at yout Standby Phase, then make the opponent's Main Monster Zones as 1-5 from your right. 2. Destroys any monster in the Main Monster Zone that matches the die result, or roll again if you get a 6.

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Turn 7: Mai Valentine
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1600 / DEF 1600
(Winged Beast / Effect)
Can add 1 "Harpie Lady" from your Deck to your hand if destroyed in battle and sent to the Grave.

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Turn 8: Pierre
Gamble Angel Bunny
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1200 / DEF 1200
(Fairy / Effect)
1. Can toss a coin and call it once per turn. 2. Deals the opponent 1000 damage if right, but deals you 1000 damage if wrong.
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Turn 9: Mai Valentine
Grave Arm

SPELL / Normal Spell
Sends 1 monster on the field to the Grave.

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Turn 9: Pierre
Magic Drain
TRAP / Counter Trap
Negates an opponent's activated Spell Card and destroys it, unless they discard 1 Spell Card.

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Turn 10: Pierre
Gamble Angel Bunny
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1200 / DEF 1200
(Fairy / Effect)
1. Can toss a coin and call it once per turn. 2. Deals the opponent 1000 damage if right, but deals you 1000 damage if wrong.
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Turn 10: Mai Valentine
Gravity Bind
TRAP / Continuous Trap
Prevents Level 4 or higher monsters on the field from attacking.

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Turn 10: Pierre
Reversal of Fate (Set, then Destroyed via Harpies' Hunting Ground)
TRAP / Normal Trap
Applies the opposite coin toss effect of 1 "Arcana Force" monster you control to the one being applied.

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Turn 11: Mai Valentine
Pot of Greed

SPELL / Normal Spell
Draw 2 cards.

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Turn 11: Mai Valentine
Harpie Lady 3
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1300 / DEF 1400
(Winged Beast / Effect)
(Always counts as "Harpie Lady".)
Prevents a monster the opponent controls that destroys it in battle from attacking for 2 of their turns.

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Turn 11: Mai Valentine
Elegant Egotist

SPELL / Normal Spell
Special Summons 1 "Harpie Lady" or "Harpie Lady Sisters" from your hand or Deck to your field if "Harpie Lady" is on the field.

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Turn 11: Mai Valentine
Harpie Lady Sisters
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 6 / ATK 1950 / DEF 2100
(Winged Beast / Effect)
1. Can't be Normal Summoned or Set. 2. First Special Summoned with "Elegant Egotist".

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Turn 12: Pierre
Sand Gambler
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 3 / ATK 300 / DEF 1600
(Spellcaster / Effect)
1. Forces you to toss a coin 3 times and call it once per turn. 2. Destroys all monsters the opponent controls if all results are Heads, but destroys all monsters you control if all results are Tails.
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Turn 13: Mai Valentine
Simorgh, Bird of Divinity
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 7 / ATK 2700 / DEF 1000
(Winged Beast / Effect)
1. Can't be Special Summoned. 2. Prevents Tribute Summoning it with non-WIND monsters. 3. Deals each player 1000 damage at their End Phases but lowers the amount by 500 for all Spell and Trap Cards they control.

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The Legendary Gambler (Part 1)
Turn 1: Mai Valentine
Cyber Harpie Lady
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1800 / DEF 1300
(Winged Beast / Effect)
(Always counts as "Harpie Lady".)

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Turn 1: Mai Valentine
Elegant Egotist

SPELL / Normal Spell
Special Summons 1 "Harpie Lady" or "Harpie Lady Sisters" from your hand or Deck to your field if "Harpie Lady" is on the field.

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Turn 1: Mai Valentine
Harpie Lady Sisters
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 6 / ATK 1950 / DEF 2100
(Winged Beast / Effect)
1. Can't be Normal Summoned or Set. 2. First Special Summoned from your hand to your field with "Elegant Egotist".

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Turn 2: Pierre
Second Coin Toss

SPELL / Continuous Spell
Can redo a coin toss once per turn (or all of them if multiple coin tosses).

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Turn 2: Pierre
Time Wizard
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 2 / ATK 500 / DEF 400
(Spellcaster / Effect)
1. Can toss a coin and call it once per turn. 2. Destroys all monsters the opponent controls if right, but destroys all monsters you control if wrong, then deals you half their combined ATK to your Life Points.
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Turn 2: Pierre
Fairy Box
TRAP / Continuous Trap
1. Forces you to toss a coin and call it if a monster the opponent controls attacks, then makes the attacking monster's ATK 0 until the Battle Phase ends if you're right.
2. Destroys itself unless you pay 500 Life Points at your Standby Phases.

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Turn 3: Mai Valentine
Pot of Greed

SPELL / Normal Spell
Draw 2 cards.

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Turn 3: Mai Valentine
Harpies' Hunting Ground

SPELL / Field Spell
1. Gives all Winged Beast monsters on the field 200 ATK and DEF. 2. Forces a player that Normal or Special Summons "Harpie Lady" or "Harpie Lady Sisters" to destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.

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Turn 3: Mai Valentine
Harpie Lady 1
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1300 / DEF 1400
(Winged Beast / Effect)
(Always counts as "Harpie Lady".)
Gives all WIND monsters on the field 300 ATK.

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Turn 4: Pierre
Sasuke Samurai #4
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1200 / DEF 1200
(Warrior / Effect)
an toss a coin and call it if battling a monster, then destroys the monster it's battling if you're right.
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Turn 5: Mai Valentine
Harpie Queen
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1900 / DEF 1200
(Winged Beast / Effect)
1. Counts as "Harpie Lady". while face-up on the field or in the Grave. 2. Can add 1 "Harpies' Hunting Ground" from your Deck to your hand by discarding itself to the Grave.

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Turn 6: Pierre
Maximum Six
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 6 / ATK 1900 / DEF 1600
(Warrior / Effect)
Forces you to roll a six-sided die if Tribute Summoned, then gains ATK equal to the die result x 200.

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Turn 6: Pierre
Dangerous Machine Type-6

SPELL / Continuous Spell
Forces you to roll a six-sided die at your Standby Phases, then activates 1 effect below based on the result.
● 1: Discard 1 card.
● 2: The opponent discards 1 card.
● 3: Draw 1 card.
● 4: The opponent draws 1 card.
● 5: Destroys 1 monster the opponent controls.
● 6: Destroys itself.

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Turn 6: Mai Valentine
Mirror Wall
TRAP / Continuous Trap
1. Halves the ATK of attacking monsters the oponent controls. 2. Destroys itself unless you pay 2000 Life Points once per turn at your Standby Phases.

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Dual Monsters (Part 2)
Turn 12: Gemini Elf
Chthonian Emperor Dragon (via Double Summon)
FIRE / Effect Monster / Level 6 / ATK 2400 / DEF 1500
(Dragon / Gemini / Effect)
1. Counts as a Normal Monster if face-up on the field or in the Grave. 2. Can be Normal Summoned as an Effect Monster with the effect below.
● Can attack twice in the same Battle Phase.

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Turn 12: Jaden Yuki
Negate Attack
TRAP / Counter Trap
Blocks an attack from 1 monster the opponent controls, then ends the Battle Phase.

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Turn 13: Jaden Yuki
Elemental Hero Bubbleman (via its effect)
WATER / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 800 / DEF 1200
(Warrior / Effect)
1. Can be Special Summoned from your hand to your field if it's the only card in your hand. 2. Lets you draw 2 cards if Summoned while you control no other cards and have no cards in your hand.

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Turn 13: Jaden Yuki
Fake Hero

SPELL / Normal Spell
Special Summons 1 "Elemental HERO" monster from your hand to your field, but prevents it from attacking and returns it to your hand at the End Phase.

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Turn 13: Jaden Yuki
Elemental Hero Neos (via Fake Hero)
LIGHT / Normal Monster / Level 7 / ATK 2500 / DEF 2000
(Warrior / Normal)
A new Elemental HERO has arrived from Neo-Space! When he initiates a Contact Fusion with a Neo-Spacian his unknown powers are unleashed.

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Turn 14: Gemini Elf
Aquarian Alessa
/ Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 500
(Aqua / Gemini / Effect)
1. Counts as a Normal Monster if face-up on the field or in the Grave. 2. Can be Normal Summoned as an Effect Monster with the effect below.
● Discards 1 card from the opponent's hand if it destroys a monster they control in battle and sends it to the Grave.

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Turn 15: Jaden Yuki
Card Trooper
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 3 / ATK 400 / DEF 400
(Machine / Effect)
1. Can declare a number from 1 to 3, then send that many cards from the top of your Deck to the Grave. 2. Gains 500 ATK for all cards sent to the Grave this way until the turn ends. 3. Forces you to draw 1 card if destroyed and sent to your Grave.

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Turn 16: Gemini Elf
Lucky Pied Piper
/ Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 500
(Aqua / Gemini / Effect)
1. Counts as a Normal Monster if face-up on the field or in the Grave. 2. Can be Normal Summoned as an Effect Monster with the effect below.
● Forces you to draw 1 card if it destroys a monster the opponent controls in battle and sends it to the Grave.

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Turn 16: Jaden Yuki
A Hero Emerges
TRAP / Normal Trap
1. Forces the opponent to pick 1 random card in your hand if a monster they control attacks. 2. Special Summons the chosen card from your hand to your field if it's a monster that can be Special Summoned, otherwise sends it to the Grave.

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Turn 16: Jaden Yuki
Elemental Hero Neos (via A Hero Emerges)
LIGHT / Normal Monster / Level 7 / ATK 2500 / DEF 2000
(Warrior / Normal)
A new Elemental HERO has arrived from Neo-Space! When he initiates a Contact Fusion with a Neo-Spacian his unknown powers are unleashed.

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Turn 17: Jaden Yuki
Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird
WIND / Effect Monster / Level 3 / ATK 800 / DEF 600
(Winged Beast / Effect)
Can give you 500 Life Points for all cards in the opponent's hand once per turn.

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Turn 17: Jaden Yuki
Elemental Hero Air Neos
/ Fusion Monster / Level 7 / ATK 2500 / DEF 2000
(Warrior / Fusion / Effect)
"Elemental Hero Neos" + "Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird"
1. Only Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by shuffling the above cards you control into the Deck without "Polymerization". 2. Gains ATK equal to the difference in Life Points if yours are lower than the opponent's. 3. Shuffles into the Extra Deck at the End Phase.
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Dual Monsters (Part 1)
Turn 5: Gemini Elf
Gemini Lancer
/ Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1800 / DEF 1400
(Sea Serpent / Gemini / Effect)
1. Counts as a Normal Monster if face-up on the field or in the Grave. 2. Can be Normal Summoned as an Effect Monster with the effect below.
● Deals piercing Battle Damage to the opponent if attacking a monster in Defense Mode.

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Turn 5: Jaden Yuki
The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh

SPELL / Quick-Play Spell
Adds 1 "Kuriboh" or "Winged Kuriboh" from your Deck to your hand or Special Summons it from your Deck to your field.

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Turn 5: Jaden Yuki
Winged Kuriboh (via The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh)
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 1 / ATK 300 / DEF 200
(Fairy / Effect)
Prevents you from taking battle damage the rest of the turn if destroyed and sent from the field to the Grave.

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Turn 6: Jaden Yuki
Pot of Greed

SPELL / Normal Spell
Draw 2 cards.

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Turn 6: Jaden Yuki
Graceful Charity

SPELL / Normal Spell
Draw 3 cards, then discard 2 cards.

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Turn 6: Jaden Yuki
Elemental Hero Necroshade (via its effect in the Grave)
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 5 / ATK 1600 / DEF 1800
(Warrior / Effect)
Can Normal Summon 1 Level 5 or higher "Elemental HERO" monster from your hand to your field once if in the Grave.

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Turn 6: Jaden Yuki
Elemental Hero Bladedge (via Elemental Hero Necroshade)
EARTH / Effect Monster / Level 7 / ATK 2600 / DEF 1800
(Warrior / Effect)
Deals piercing Battle Damage to the opponent if attacking a monster in Defense Mode.

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Turn 6: Jaden Yuki
Miracle Fusion

SPELL / Normal Spell
Performs a Fusion Summon of 1 "Elemental HERO" Fusion Monste in your Extra Deck by banishing Fusion Materials from your field or Grave.

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Turn 6: Jaden Yuki
Elemental Hero Darkbright
/ Fusion Monster / Level 6 / ATK 2000 / DEF 1000
(Warrior / Fusion / Effect)
"Elemental Hero Sparkman" + "Elemental HERO Necroshade"
1. Only Special Summoned. 2. Deals piercing battle damage to the opponent if attacking a monster in Defense Mode. 3. Changes to Defense Mode after the Damage Step if it attacked. 4. Destroys 1 monster the opponent controls if destroyed.
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Turn 6: Gemini Elf
Ultimate Offering
TRAP / Continuous Trap
Lets you Normal Summon or Set 1 monster at your Main Phase or opponent's Battle Phase by paying 500 Life Points.

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Turn 6: Gemini Elf
Elemental Hero Neos Alius (via Ultimate Offering)
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1900 / DEF 1300
(Warrior / Gemini / Effect)
1. Counts as a Normal Monster if face-up on the field or in the Grave. 2. Can be Normal Summoned as an Effect Monster with the effect below.
● Counts as "Elemental HERO Neos" if on the field.

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Turn 7: Gemini Elf
Future Samurai
/ Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1600 / DEF 1200
(Warrior / Gemini / Effect)
1. Counts as a Normal Monster if face-up on the field or in the Grave. 2. Can be Normal Summoned as an Effect Monster with the effect below.
● Can destroy 1 face-up monster on the field once per turn by banisjhing 1 monster from your Grave.

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Turn 7: Gemini Elf
Vengeful Shinobi (via Ultimate Offering)
DARK / Effect Monster / Level 2 / ATK 400 / DEF 800
(Warrior / Effect)
Forces you to draw 1 card if attacked while face-up in Attack Mode.

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Turn 8: Jaden Yuki
Elemental Hero Avian
WIND / Normal Monster / Level 3 / ATK 1000 / DEF 1000
(Warrior / Normal)
A winged Elemental HERO who wheels through the sky and manipulates the wind. His signature move, Featherbreak, gives villainy a blow from sky-high.

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Turn 9: Gemini Elf
Gemini Summoner
/ Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 0
(Spellcaster / Effect)
1. Can pay 500 Life Points to either Normal Summon or Set 1 Gemini monster from your hand to your field or Normal Summon 1 face-up Gemini monster you control. 2. Not destroyed in battle the first time each turn.

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Turn 10: Jaden Yuki
Elemental Hero Wildheart
/ Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 1600
(Warrior / Effect)
Not affected by Trap Cards.

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Turn 10: Jaden Yuki
Call of the Haunted
TRAP / Continuous Trap
1. Revives 1 monster from your Grave to your field in Attack Mode. 2. Destroys the monster if this card leaves the field. 3. Destroys itself if the monster is destroyed.

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Turn 10: Jaden Yuki
Elemental Hero Prisma (via Call of the Haunted)
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1100
(Warrior / Effect)
1. Can show 1 Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck to the opponent, then send 1 of its specifically listed Fusion Materials from your Deck to the Grave. 2. Counts as the sent monster's name until the End Phase.

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Turn 11: Gemini Elf
Gemini Elf
EARTH / Normal Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1900 / DEF 900
(Spellcasster / Normal)
Elf twins that alternate their attacks.

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Turn 11: Gemini Elf
Double Summon

SPELL / Normal Spell
Lets you Normal Summon or Set twice that turn.

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Tri-Blaze Accelerator (Part 2)
Turn 1: Gemini Elf
Gemini Summoner
/ Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 0
(Spellcaster / Effect)
1. Can pay 500 Life Points to either Normal Summon or Set 1 Gemini monster from your hand to your field or Normal Summon 1 face-up Gemini monster you control. 2. Not destroyed in battle the first time each turn.

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Turn 2: Jaden Yuki
Elemental Hero Prisma (as Flame Wingman via its effect)
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1100
(Warrior / Effect)
1. Can show 1 Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck to the opponent, then send 1 of its specifically listed Fusion Materials from your Deck to the Grave. 2. Counts as the sent monster's name until the End Phase.

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Turn 2: Jaden Yuki

SPELL / Normal Spell
Performs a Fusion Summon of 1 Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck, using Fusion Materials from your hand or field.

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Turn 2: Jaden Yuki
Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman
/ Fusion Monster / Level 8 / ATK 2500 / DEF 2100
(Warrior / Fusion / Effect)
"Elemental Hero Flame Wingman" + "Elemental HERO Sparkman"
1. Only Special Summoned. 2. Gains 300 ATK for all "Elemental HERO" cards in your Grave. 3. Deals damage to the opponent equal to the original ATK of a monster it destroys in battle and sends to the Grave.
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Turn 3: Gemini Elf
Double Summon

SPELL / Normal Spell
Lets you Normal Summon or Set twice that turn.

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Turn 3: Gemini Elf
Blazewing Butterfly
/ Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 1500
(Insect / Gemini / Effect)
1. Counts as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Grave. 2. Can be Normal Summoned as an Effect Monster with the effect below.
● Can revive 1 Gemini monster, except "Blazwing Butterfly" from your Grave to your field as an Effect Monster with its effect by Tributing itself.

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Turn 3: Gemini Elf
Gemini Summoner (via Blazewing Butterfly)
WATER / Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 0
(Spellcaster / Effect)
1. Can pay 500 Life Points to either Normal Summon or Set 1 Gemini monster from your hand to your field or Normal Summon 1 face-up Gemini monster you control. 2. Not destroyed in battle the first time each turn.

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Turn 4: Jaden Yuki
Necro Gardna
/ Effect Monster / Level 3 / ATK 600 / DEF 1300
(Warrior / Effect)
Blocks the next attack from a monster the opponent controls by banishing itself from your Grave.

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Turn 4: Jaden Yuki
O - Oversoul

SPELL / Normal Spell
Revives 1 "Elemental HERO" Normal Monster from your Grave to your field.

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Turn 4: Jaden Yuki
Elemental Hero Sparkman (via O - Oversoul)
LIGHT / Normal Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1600 / DEF 1400
(Warrior / Normal)
An Elemental HERO and a warrior of light who proficiently wields many kinds of armaments. His Static Shockwave cuts off the path of villainy.

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Turn 4: Gemini Elf
Gemini Trap Hole
TRAP / Normal Trap
Destroys all monsters the opponent controls if a Gemini monster treated as an Effect Monster is destroyed in battle.

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Tri-Blaze Accelerator (Part 1)
Turn 9: Yugi Muto
Card of Sanctity

SPELL / Normal Spell
Forces both players to draw from their Decks until they hold 6 cards in their hands.

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Turn 9: Yugi Muto
Marshmallon (Set in Defense Mode)
LIGHT / Effect Monster / Level 3 / ATK 300 / DEF 500
(Fairy / Effect)
1. Not destroyed in battle. 2. Deals 1000 damage to the controller of a monster that attacks it while Set.

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Turn 10: Yugi Muto
Soul Shield
TRAP / Normal Trap
Prevents the destruction of 1 monster on the field in battle by paying half your Life Points, then ends the Battle Phase.

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Turn 11: Yugi Muto
Marshmallon Glasses

SPELL / Continuous Spell
Prevents the opponent from attacking monsters you control, except "Marshmallon" in your Monster Zone.

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Turn 11: Yugi Muto
Witch of the Black Forest

/ Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1100 / DEF 1200
(Spellcaster / Effect)
Can add 1 monster with 1500 or less DEF from your Deck to your hand if sent from the field to the Grave.

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Turn 13: Yugi Muto
Buster Blader

/ Effect Monster / Level 7 / ATK 2600 / DEF 2300
(Warrior / Effect)
Gains 500 ATK for all Dragon monsters the opponent controls or in their Grave.

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Turn 13: Yugi Muto
Card Destruction

SPELL / Normal Spell
Forces both players to discard as many cards in their hands as possible, then draw the same number of cards from their Decks that they discarded.

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Turn 13: Yugi Muto
Pot of Greed

SPELL / Normal Spell
Draw 2 cards.

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Turn 13: Yugi Muto
Valkyrion the Magna Warrior

/ Effect Monster / Level 8 / ATK 3500 / DEF 3850
(Rock / Effect)
1. Can't be Normal Summoned or Set. 2. First Special Summoned from your hand to your field by Tributing  1 "Alpha The Magnet Warrior", "Beta The Magnet Warrior", and "Gamma The Magnet Warrior" from your hand or field. 3. Can revive those monsters from your Grave to your field by Tributing itself.

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Turn 14: Ember McLain
Tribute to the Doomed

SPELL / Normal Spell
Destroys 1 monster on the field by discarding 1 card.

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Turn 14: Yugi Muto
Kuriboh (via its effect)

/ Effect Monster / Level 1 / ATK 300 / DEF 200
(Fiend / Effect)
Can discard itself at either player's damage calculation to make battle damage you take from an attacking monster the opponent controls 0.

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Turn 15: Yugi Muto
Change of Heart

SPELL / Normal Spell
Gives you control of 1 monster the opponent controls until the End Phase.

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Turn 15: Yugi Muto
King's Knight

/ Effect Monster / Level 4 / ATK 1600 / DEF 1400
(Warrior / Effect)
Can Special Summon 1 "Jack's Knight" from your Deck to your field if Summoned while you control "Queen's Knight".

More Info:'s_Knight
Turn 15: Ember McLain
TRAP / Continuous Trap
Deals the opponent 500 damage if a face-up FIRE monster(s) you control is destroyed and sent to the Grave.

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