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My Yu-Gi-Oh Hybrid Movie Fanfic (Part 5)

1. "ATK" stands for Attack Points while "DEF" stands for Defense Points. When a monster is Summoned or revealed after being Set, I will use its ATK or DEF number and label it accordingly based on the character's subsequent line of dialogue.
2. For more info on the cards played, click any of the Info links.

Card Type(s) Played:

Synchro Monster / Trap Card


Fate’s Seal (Part 40)


            “Well Yugi, this is goodbye as my Serpent will destroy your Blue Gadget and win me the Duel!” proclaimed Dartz.

            “Guess again, we’re taking over from here,” called two voices. *They unmask themselves*

            “They call me Jack Atlas and I rule the Duels,” explained Jack.

            "Yusei Fudo, 3rd king of games,” added Yusei. 

            “Well you both seem to know what you’re talking about so why not,” agreed Jaden. *He switches places with Yusei and Jack*

            “I’ll play Mad Archfiend (1800 ATK) in Attack Mode and since I have a Tuner monster as well as well thanks to Monster Reborn, I can give all of my monsters a tune-up to and by sending them to the Graveyard, I’ll perform a Synchro Summon for Red Dragon Archfiend (3000 ATK) in Attack Mode. Next, I’ll play 2 Creation Resonators (800 ATK x2) in Attack Mode since I have a Level 8 or higher Synchro monster in play. Then I’ll use my face down Level Retuner to drop 1 of the Creation Resonators’ Levels by 2. Now I can tune them and my Red Dragon Archfiend for something stronger! It’ll be the very monster to take you down! I’ll Synchro Summon Red Nova Dragon (Info) (3500 ATK) in Attack Mode and in case you plan to destroy him you’re out of luck for he can’t be destroyed by any card effect. Plus he gets 500 ATK for each Tuner monster in my Grave and with 3 being used to bring this guy out, he’ll have 1500 more ATK! Red Nova’s ATK rises to 5000. Red Nova Dragon, take out Malefic Moon!

            “You clearly have ignored the effect of Fate’s Seal, doubling the ATK of my Malefic Moon!” retaliated (Sartorius).

            “You only think I did for I have a face down and it’s Zero Hole 2 (Info) and now all cards on the field are destroyed since I have no cards in my hand, all cards, that is except Red Nova Dragon! *All other cards are destroyed* With my attack not negated, I’ll attack you directly and you lose! (Sartorius’) LP drops to 0.

            “I have underestimated you and your friend this is.......goodbye,” stated (Sartorius) becoming Sartorius. *He collapses*

            “We did it, Jack,” said Yusei.

            “Together,” added Jack. Yugi comes back to his senses.

            “Is the Duel over? Who won?” asked Yugi.

            “They did,” answered Jaden.

            “You better believe we did, those two didn’t stand a chance. Their Deck wasn’t good enough for our combined power,” stated Jack.

            “There you are. Where have you two been? You both are due at the satellite for fleeing Sector Security! protested Trudge coming in.

            “It’s alright. They saved the world from total doom. Don’t ya think that’s enough to let them off the hook?” asked Jaden.

            “Well......that is a pretty major accomplishment and you do deserve our thanks.......so..........alright, it’s a deal, but no more of this, understand?” replied Trudge.

            “Now that the evil is gone, I don’t think we’ll have much to worry about now,” said Yusei.

            “At least not for quite some time,” added Jack.

            “You two are like legends. I’ve gotta try my Dueling skills against you two sometime!” said Jaden excitedly.

            “It’d be a good one for sure,” replied Yusei.

            “You bet. I forced a draw with my school’s top student Zane Truesdale and it was so intense that we were exhausted when we finished,” told Jaden.

            “We might just let you try,” added Jack.

            “Until then, we’ve gotta get going, later guys,” said Yusei. He and Jack walk away.

[Back in Yugi’s room...] Yugi awakens.

            Now that was probably the most action-packed dream I’ve ever been in! I wonder if it was a sign of anything to come? Maybe it’s all in my head? It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen things ahead of time. I had the Millennium Necklace Ishizu gave me years ago and that was pretty well as accurate as it could be. Perhaps I just need to lay off the late-night snacks before bed? I guess all I can do is wait and see what the next adventure holds because I’m sure that’ll allow everything to come together," thought Yugi.



Card Type(s) Played:

Normal Monster / Effect Monster / Spell Card / Trap Card


Fate’s Seal (Part 39)


            “I’ll use Fissure to get rid of your Shunoros! *Shunoros is destroyed* Blue Gadget, attack directly and end this Duel!” proclaimed Yugi.

            “You fool, for thanks to you, I’m now allowed to unleash Malefic Serpent (? ATK) in Attack Mode and its ATK becomes double the ATK of Malefic Shunoros when it was destroyed. *Serpent’s ATK rises to 8000.*

            “I’ll set 1 card face down and end my turn,” concluded Yugi. (Hand: 0 cards)

            “Well Yugi, this is goodbye as my Serpent will destroy your Blue Gadget and win me the Duel!” proclaimed Dartz.

            “Guess again, we’re taking over from here,” called two voices. *They unmask themselves*

            “They call me Jack Atlas and I rule the Duels,” explained Jack.

            Yusei Fudo, 3rd king of games,” added Yusei. 

            “Well you both seem to know what you’re talking about so why not,” agreed Jaden. *He switches places with Yusei and Jack*

            We’ll take them down, Jack, I know it. The question is, how?” thought Yusei.

            “I’ll shatter the confidence you both have with my turn as I set 1 card face down and since you have no monsters, I’ll end my turn,” stated (Sartorius). (Hand: 0 cards)

            “Then I’m up and I think I’ll play Sonic Chick (Info) (300 DEF) in Defense Mode and set 2 more cards to join the one I got from Jaden to end my turn,” stated Yusei. (Hand: 3 cards)

            “So all you’ve got is a possessed serpent? Well how about I start my turn by playing a Tuner monster known as Dark Resonator (Info) (300 DEF) in Defense Mode. Then I’ll set 2 cards face down to complete my turn,” said Jack. (Hand: 4 cards)

            “That’s it for your opening plays? That’s such a disappointment based on your rather long speech about taking our Malefic monsters down, but I’ll make sure we get the victory as my Serpent will attack your Sonic Chick!” retorted Dartz.

            “You’re in for more disappointment as Sonic Chick can’t be destroyed in battle from a monster with at least 1900 ATK,” explained Yusei.

            “I’ll just set 1 card to end my turn,” stated Dartz. (Hand: 0 cards)

            “Allow me to finish off you Resonator as I play Suit of Sword X (Info) and flip a coin. He flips a coin and it lands. Since it’s heads, you lose your monster. Dark Resonator is destroyed. Malefic Moon, attack him directly!

            “Sorry to disappoint you but I have Battle Fader (Info) (0 DEF) in Defense Mode!” retaliated Jack.

            “A monster can’t be played from the hand that way!” protested Dartz.

            “This one can if my opponent is declaring a direct attack and since he hit the field, you lose the rest of your Battle Phase,” replied Jack.

            “Very well I end my turn,” stated (Sartorius). (Hand: 0 cards)

            “Why don’t I take this turn by playing the Tuner monster Junk Synchron (Info) (1300 ATK) in Attack Mode? Then I’ll use Double Summon (Info) to give me an extra Normal Summon this turn and I’ll use it to bring out Max Warrior (Info)

(1800 ATK) in Attack Mode. Finally I’ll give them all a tune-up and perform a Synchro Summon by sending them all to the Grave for Stardust Dragon (2500 ATK) in Attack Mode. I’ll toss out Effect Veiler (Info) from my hand and until the End Phase, your Serpent loses all of its effects. *Malefic Serpent’s ATK drops to 0* Plus I have a face down card known as Synchro Strike (Info), giving Stardust Dragon 500 ATK for each Synchro Material used for its Synchro Summon and I used 3! Stardust Dragon’s ATK rises to 4000. Stardust Dragon, take out that Serpent and end this Duel! Malefic Serpent is destroyed and Dartz’s LP drops to 0. It’s up to you now, Jack,” stated Yusei.

            “I’ll play Mad Archfiend (Info) (1800 ATK) in Attack Mode and since I have a Tuner monster back as well thanks to Monster Reborn (Info), I can give all of my monsters a tune-up to and by sending them to the Graveyard, I’ll perform a Synchro Summon for Red Dragon Archfiend (3000 ATK) in Attack Mode. Next, I’ll play 2 Creation Resonators (Info) (800 ATK x2) in Attack Mode since I have a Level 8 or higher Synchro monster in play. Then I’ll use my face down Level Retuner (Info) to drop 1 of the Creation Resonators’ Levels by 2. Now I can tune them and my Red Dragon Archfiend for something stronger! It’ll be the very monster to take you down!” proclaimed Jack.




Card Type(s) Played:

Effect Monster / Fusion Monster / Spell Card / Trap Card


Fate’s Seal (Part 38)


            “I’ll remove from play my Arcana Force The Moon for Malefic Moon (2800 ATK) in Attack Mode and when he’s played while I control only another Malefic monster that isn’t Malefic Moon, I can draw 2 cards. *He draws 2 cards* Also, once per turn during my End Phase, I can bring back a Malefic monster of a lower Level from my Grave ignoring its Summoning conditions. Now I activate Fate’s Seal and with this Field Spell, the ATK of all Malefic monsters is doubled when they battle a monster. Plus I can Tribute a Malefic monster to negate a card effect’s activation and destroy it. Malefic Moon, destroy his Thunder Giant! *Malefic Moon’s ATK rises to 5600 and Thunder Giant is destroyed, leaving Jaden with 4800.* I’ll set 1 card face down to end my turn,” stated (Sartorius). (Hand: 0 cards)

            “I’ll play my Card of Sanctity Spell and now we both draw until we’re holding 6 cards!*He and Dartz draw their cards* Next I’ll use Monster Reborn to bring back my Red Gadget! *Red Gadget appears.* Then I’ll use Polymerization to send all 3 of my Gadgets to my Grave for my ultimate Fusion Monster! Come on out Blue Gadget

(Info) (3000 ATK) in Attack Mode,” stated Yugi.

            “More worthy than your Witch of the Black Forest, but still no match for my Shunoros,” protested Dartz.

            “I’ll use Fissure (Info) to get rid of your Shunoros! Shunoros is destroyed. Blue Gadget, attack directly and end this Duel!” proclaimed Yugi.

            “You fool, for thanks to you, I’m now allowed to unleash Malefic Serpent (Info) (? ATK) in Attack Mode and its ATK becomes double the ATK of Malefic Shunoros when it was destroyed," noted Dartz. Serpent’s ATK rises to 8000.

            “I’ll set 1 card face down and end my turn,” concluded Yugi. (Hand: 0 cards)

            “I’ll play Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (Info) (900 ATK) in Attack Mode and I’ll have him attack Malefic Moon!” announced Jaden.

            “I’ll activate Malefic Reversal (Info) and thanks to this card, since your monster would return my Malefic Moon to my hand, your monster is instead removed from play,” countered (Sartorius). Grand Mole disappears.

            “I’ll throw down a face down and that’ll do,” concluded Jaden. (Hand: 0 cards)

            “Well Yugi, this is goodbye as my Serpent will destroy your Blue Gadget and win me the Duel!” proclaimed Dartz.

            “I activate Turn Jump (Info) and with this card, the turn moves forward by 1,” explained Yugi.

            “Not with my Malefic Serpent in play as it negates any Spell or Trap activated when it attacks so you’re finished!” protested Dartz. Turn Jump disappears and Blue Gadget is destroyed, dropping Yugi’s LP to 0 and Yugi collapses.

            “YUGI!” wailed Jaden and Yugi’s friends.

            “Just one more of you pathetic Duelists left and world domination will be ours!” stated Dartz.

            “Guess again, we’re taking over from here,” called two voices. *They unmask themselves*

            “Who are these bafoons?” asked Dartz.

            “They call me Jack Atlas and I rule the Duels,” explained Jack.

            Yusei Fudo, 3rd king of games,” added Yusei.

            “Hold on. Are you guys part of that group that wouldn’t speak to anyone?” asked Jaden.

            “That’s right, at least until now so what do you say Jack and I take over this Duel?” suggested Yusei.

            “We’re kinda still Dueling though,” protested Jaden.

            “True but you don’t have the new Summoning so you don’t stand a chance,” replied Yusei.

            “Well you both seem to know what you’re talking about so why not,” agreed Jaden. *He switches places with Yusei and Jack*

            “Two other newcomers are going to try and take us down? They won’t even last a few turns, especially since one of them will be Dueling with just over half of their original LP,” stated Dartz.

            “They will fall at the hands of our Malefic monsters,” added (Sartorius).

            “Malefic monsters!?” repeated Yusei.

            “Doesn’t matter what you call them. All I call them is food for my monsters,” stated Jack.

            We’ll take them down, Jack, I know it. The question is, how?" thought Yusei.




Card Type(s) Played:

Effect Monster / Fusion Monster / Spell Card


Fate’s Seal (Part 37)


            “I’ll activate my face down card, Transcendent Wings to Tribute my Winged Kuriboh and toss out my last 2 cards for Winged Kuriboh LV10 (200 DEF) in Defense Mode and that’ll do,” stated Jaden. (Hand: 2 cards)

            “Then it’s my turn and to start, I’ll Summon Malefic Empress (1300 ATK) in Attack Mode by removing from play the original from my Deck and due to her effect, she negates the effects of monsters she battles with so Empress, attack Marshmallon! *Marshmallon is destroyed* Magician, attack directly! *Yugi’s LP drops to 2100.* Just face it, you don’t stand a chance against the ultimate power of Malefics! *He laughs* That will end my turn,” stated (Sartorius). (Hand: 0 cards)

            “I’ll Tribute my Gazelle for Berformet (Info) (1800 DEF) in Defense Mode and end my turn now,” said Yugi. (Hand: 1 card)

            “I think I’ll have a go with my Pot of Greed (Info) and that’ll give me 2 more cards. He draws his cards. Then I’ll use Fusion Recovery (Info) to retrieve the Clayman and Polymerization cards from my Grave. With that, I’ll use the Polymerization (Info) to discard the Sparkman I just drew and the Clayman I just returned to my hand for Elemental Hero Thunder Giant (Info) (2400 ATK) in Attack Mode. Then I’ll use his effect to discard 1 card to destroy Malefic Lovers! Malefic Lovers and all other Malefic monsters are destroyed. Thunder Giant, attack directly! (Sartorius’) LP drops to 4600. I’ll end my turn with that,” concluded Jaden. (Hand: 1 card)

            “You have just about sealed your fate in this Duel, for thanks to you, since my Malefic monsters were destroyed I’ll now be able to unleash Malefic Shunoros (Info) (? ATK) in Attack Mode and he doesn’t need a Field Spell since he was Special Summoned by his effect. Now then, his ATK becomes half the ATK of all Malefic monsters I lost so with Truth Dragon and Kyutora, his ATK is 2750! Shunoros’ ATK rises to 2750. Each time he destroys a monster, he gains half of that monster’s ATK so Shunoros, destroy his  Berformet! Berformet is destroyed and Shunoros’ ATK rises to 3450. I’ll set 1 card face down to complete my turn,” announced Dartz. (Hand: 0 cards)

            “I’ll remove from play my Arcana Force The Moon for Malefic Moon (Info) (2800 ATK) in Attack Mode and when he’s played while I control only another Malefic monster that isn’t Malefic Moon, I can draw 2 cards. He draws 2 cards. Also, once per turn during my End Phase, I can bring back a Malefic monster of a lower Level from my Grave ignoring its Summoning conditions. Now I activate Fate’s Seal (Info) and with this Field Spell, the ATK of all Malefic monsters is doubled when they battle a monster. Plus I can Tribute a Malefic monster to negate a card effect’s activation and destroy it. Malefic Moon, destroy his Thunder Giant! Malefic Moon’s ATK rises to 5600 and Thunder Giant is destroyed, leaving Jaden with 4800. I’ll set 1 card face down to end my turn,” stated (Sartorius). (Hand: 0 cards)

            “I play Witch of the Black Forest (Info) (1200 DEF) in Defense Mode and end my turn,” stated Yugi. (Hand: 1 card)

            “Here goes somethin’! I gotta destroy that Field Spell or he can keep negating anything I play and that’ll likely cost me or my partner the Duel. Wait a sec. He only has 1 Malefic monster out so if he wants to negate it, he’ll be wide open for my next attack! All I need to do is bait him to Tribute the monster. I’ve got two cards in hand and they’re both monsters so I’ll need to use this guy for now. I play Card Trooper (Info) (400 DEF) in Defense Mode and call it a turn,” announced Jaden. (Hand: 1 card)

            “Yugi, you think you can defend your LP with that measly monster? A mere 1200 DEF will be no match for my Malefic Shunoros and will only increase its ATK. Malefic Shunoros, destroy his Witch of the Black Forest! *Witch of the Black Forest is destroyed*

            “With Witch of the Black Forest’s effect, I’ll pick up Green Gadget,” explained Yugi. *He shows the card*

            “All that matters to me is that with your Witch destroyed, my Shunoros gains 550 more ATK! Shunoros’ ATK rises to 4000. That will end my turn,” concluded Dartz. (Hand: 1 card)

            “Let’s see your Card Trooper get out of this as my Moon will attack it! Card Trooper is destroyed. Due to Fate’s Seal’s effect, I’ll Tribute Malefic Moon to negate your Card Trooper’s effect that allows you to draw 1 card when it’s destroyed. Malefic Moon disappears. I’ll set another card face down to complete my turn,” said (Sartorius). (Hand: 0 cards)

            “I’ll play my Card of Sanctity (Info) Spell and now we both draw until we’re holding 6 cards! He and Dartz draw their cards. Next I’ll use Monster Reborn (Info) to bring back my Red Gadget (Info) (1500 DEF)! Red Gadget appears Then I’ll use Polymerization (Info) to send all 3 of my Gadgets to my Grave for my ultimate Fusion Monster!




Card Type(s) Played:

Normal Monster / Effect Monster / Spell Card / Trap Card


Fate’s Seal (Part 36)


            “Now I can continue my onslaught. *He draws his card.* I’ll remove from play The Lovers from my Deck for Malefic Lovers (1600 ATK) in Attack Mode and while it’s out, there is no need for a Field Spell to keep Malefic monsters in play.

            “So they need a Field Spell to stay active!?” pondered Yugi.

            “Malefic Chariot, attack Yugi directly!” ordered (Sartorius).

            “I activate my Soul Shield Trap and thanks to it, you lose the rest of your turn but I have to pay half my LP,” stated Yugi. *His LP drops to 3200.*

             "Just for my turn I’ll set 1 card face down and have Paradox Dragon attack Rampart Blaster!” declared Dartz.

            “I activate my De-Fusion card and now Burstinatrix (Info) (800 DEF) and Clayman (Info) (2000 DEF) take the place of Rampart Blaster!” retaliated Jaden.

            “Paradox Dragon, take down Clayman! Clayman is destroyed. Once Burstinatrix is gone, so will your LP! Gigas, attack and destroy his Burstinatrix!” ordered Dartz. Burstinatrix is destroyed.

            “I’ll activate my Hero Signal (Info) Trap to replace my fallen Burstinatrix with my Elemental Hero Bubbleman (Info) (1200 DEF) in Defense Mode,” retaliated Jaden.

            “It doesn’t matter which of those pathetic monsters you bring out, they will never surpass the power of my Paradox Dragon. I’ll end my turn,” said Dartz. (Hand: 1 card)

            “I’ll activate my Pentacle of Ace (Info) Spell and since I still have Malefic Magician out, I’ll draw 1 card and gain 500 Life Points. He draws 1 card and his score rises to 8500. Next I’ll Summon out Malefic Emperor (Info) (1400 ATK) in Attack Mode by removing from play the original card from my Deck. While he’s out, other Malefic monsters cannot be destroyed by Effect Monster effects. Plus when he attacks a monster in Defense Mode, he deals the difference as Battle Damage to you so Emperor, attack his Marshmallon!

            “Too bad my face down card is Mirror Force (Info) and it destroys all of your Attack Position monsters!” countered Yugi. (Sartorius’) monsters are destroyed.

            “Hey! Why wasn’t Malefic Paradox Dragon and Gigas destroyed?” asked Tea`.

            “Why it’s simple, I discarded my Malefic Mirror Knight (Info) to protect them and negating their effects so it won’t be destroyed even though no Field Spell is active while Gigas doesn’t need the Field Spell to stay on the field,” explained Dartz.

            “I’ll set 1 card to end my turn,” concluded (Sartorius). (Hand: 0 cards)

            “Too bad you’re wide open and I’ll dish out some damage with Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts (Info) (1500 ATK) in Attack Mode. Gazelle, attack directly! (Sartorius’) LP drops to 7000.

            “I’ll activate my face down card, Staff of Malefic World (Info) and by its effect, I can Special Summon a Malefic monster from my Grave whose ATK is less than or equal to the damage I just took so I’ll bring back Malefic Magician (Info)

(1100 ATK)! Malefic Magician appears.

            “I’ll end my turn with that for now,” stated Yugi. (Hand: 1 card)

            “I’ll activate my face down card, Transcendent Wings (Info) to Tribute my Winged Kuriboh and toss out my last 2 cards for Winged Kuriboh LV10 (Info) (200 DEF) in Defense Mode and that’ll do,” stated Jaden. (Hand: 2 cards)

            “Since I have no Field Spell out, my Paradox Dragon is destroyed. Paradox Dragon is destroyed. However, I’ll now bring out another monster and he’s even stronger still so watch as I pay half my LP to bring forth Malefic Truth Dragon (Info) (5000 ATK) in Attack Mode and while no Field Spell exists, Truth Dragon will stick around thanks to this face down card specifically for Malefic Truth Dragon called Malefic Curse (Info) and with it, my monster isn’t destroyed by its own effect but it retains all of its other abilities and allows more than one Malefic monster to be in play. His LP drops to 3000. With your Marshmallon in play, I can’t destroy it in battle so I’ll let that end my turn,” stated Dartz. (Hand: 1 card)

            “Then it’s my turn and to start, I’ll Summon Malefic Empress (Info) (1300 ATK) in Attack Mode by removing from play the original from my Deck and due to her effect, she negates the effects of monsters she battles with so Empress, attack Marshmallon! *Marshmallon is destroyed* Magician, attack directly! Yugi’s LP drops to 2100. Just face it, you don’t stand a chance against the ultimate power of Malefics!” stated (Sartorius). He laughs.




Card Type(s) Played:

Effect Monster / Spell Card / Trap Card


Fate’s Seal (Part 35)


            “Since Malefic World is in play, I can Special Summon Malefic Chariot (1700 ATK) in Attack Mode from my hand without having to discard the original card from my hand. Next I’ll remove from play Arcana Force XXI in my Deck for Malefic Dominator (3100 ATK) in Attack Mode. (Note: The Malefic version of Arcana Force XXI - The World has a different name to avoid confusion with the Field Spell already called Malefic World.) Dominator, attack Red Gadget! *Red Gadget is destroyed.* Since my monster destroyed yours in battle, its effect lets me skip your turn by discarding a Malefic monster in my hand to the Grave and I think I’ll discard Malefic Fool to do so. That’ll end my turn and your turn is skipped, Yugi,” stated (Sartorius). (Hand: 1 card)

            “Well then I’ll go with my Rampart Blaster’s effect again and strike you directly, Dartz! *Dartz’s LP drops to 7000.* Next I think I’ll play Winged Kuriboh (200 DEF) in Defense Mode to call it a turn. (Hand: 2 cards)

            “So it’s my turn then and with that Malefic Gigas gets stronger. *Gigas’ ATK rises to 1400* I’ll bring out Malefic Parallel Gear (0 DEF) in Defense Mode. Next, since my Parallel Gear is a Tuner monster, I’ll tune him with the Malefic Malevolence in my hand by Parallel Gear’s effect for Malefic Paradox Dragon (4000 ATK) in Attack Mode,” said Dartz.

            “Aw man. that’s the monster I faced and lost to!” announced Syrus.

            “Paradox Dragon, destroy Rampart Blaster!” ordered Dartz.

            “I activate my Hero Barrier Trap, which cancels your attack since your attack target is an Elemental Hero. This had better work or I’m facin’ 4000 direct damage next round!” stated Jaden.

            “You survived my Paradox Dragon’s first attack but you and Yugi will both fall! I’ll set 1 card face down to end my turn,” stated Dartz. (Hand: 0 cards)

            “Now I can continue my onslaught. *He draws his card.* I’ll remove from play The Lovers from my Deck for Malefic Lovers (Info) (1600 ATK) in Attack Mode and while it’s out, there is no need for a Field Spell to keep Malefic monsters in play.

            “So they need a Field Spell to stay active!?” pondered Yugi.

            “Malefic Chariot, attack Yugi directly!” ordered (Sartorius).

            “I’ll discard Kuriboh (Info) from my hand and reduce the damage from that attack to 0!” declared Yugi while discarding said card from his hand.

            “I disagree for I discard Malefic Temperance (Info) from my hand to negate your monster’s effect and remove it from the game. Yugi takes Kuriboh out of his Graveyard and puts it in his pocket while his LP drops to 6400. You’re finished as I attack with my other monsters!” declared (Sartorius).

            “I activate my Soul Shield (Info) Trap and thanks to it, you lose the rest of your turn but I have to pay half my LP,” stated Yugi. His LP drops to 3200.

            “My victory next turn will be that much easier thanks to that card. I end my turn,” stated (Sartorius). (Hand: 0 cards)

            “I’ll play my Marshmallon (Info) (500 DEF) in Defense Mode and set 1 card face down to end my turn,” stated Yugi. (Hand: 1 card)

            “I’ll use my R - Righteous Justice (Info) Spell and with it, I can destroy 1 Spell or Trap for each Elemental Hero I have out and right now that’s just one but it’ all I need to take down your Field Spell! Malefic World is destroyed but Sartorius and Dartz laugh.

            “Haven’t you forgotten that thanks to my partner’s Malefic Lovers card, Malefic monsters don’t need a Field Spell to stay out,” protested Dartz.

            “You wasted a card for nothing,” added (Sartorius).

            “We’ll see about that I end my turn for now,” stated Jaden. (Hand: 2 cards)

            “Have you ever wondered what my Malefic Kyutora does? Well you’re about to find out as first of all, it can’t be destroyed in battle and if it battles while I have another Malefic monster out, I take no Battle Damage when it battles. Just for my turn I’ll set 1 card face down and have Paradox Dragon attack Rampart Blaster!” declared Dartz.

            “I activate my De-Fusion (Info) card and now Burstinatrix and Clayman take the place of Rampart Blaster!” retaliated Jaden.




Card Type(s) Played:

Effect Monster / Fusion Monster / Spell Card / Trap Card


Fate’s Seal (Part 34)


            “I very mad you destroyed my Gear Golem! I have way to return favor with Power Bond to discard Ancient Gear Golem, Ancient Gear Beast, and Ancient Gear Soldier for Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem (4400 ATK) in Attack Mode. You finished as Ultimate Gear Golem’s strength doubled due to Power Bond’s effect! *Ultimate Gear Golem’s ATK rises to 8800.* Plus you still unable to activate Spell or Trap Cards when it attacks and it deals extra damage when battling Defense Position monsters. Gear Golem, destroy Amazoness Queen! *Amazoness Queen is not destroyed but Mai’s LP drops to 0.* Why Queen not destroyed?” demanded GG.

            Amazoness Queen protects all Amazoness monsters from being destroyed in battle, but you’ve won anyway,” explained Mai. *She turns into a zombie and disappears.*

            “You want her back?” questioned a voice.

            “What’d you do with her?” asked Joey.

            “Let’s just say we’ve been marveling your work at defeating my Duel Soldiers,” explained Dartz.

            “Brace yourselves, you two are about to face a whole new breed of danger!” stated (Sartorius).

            “I’ll start off with Elemental Hero Prisma (Info) (1700 ATK) in Attack Mode and with it, I’ll have him become treated as a Fusion Material for Elemental Hero Flame Wingman known as Elemental Hero Burstinatrix and now that that’s done, I can use Polymerization (Info) to send him and the Clayman in my hand to the Grave for Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster (Info) (2500 DEF) in Defense Mode and I’ll end with a face down to leave it at that,” stated Jaden. (Hand: 2 cards)

            “Well then I’ll begin by playing Malefic Gigas (Info) (400 ATK) in Attack Mode by discarding the original Oreichalcos Gigas from my hand. Next I set 1 card face down to end my turn,” stated Dartz. (Hand: 3 cards)

            “As for me, I’ll play Malefic Magician (Info) (1100 ATK) in Attack Mode by discarding the original Arcana Force I from my hand. Next I activate Cup of Ace

(Info), which normally forces me to flip a coin and the result determines who draws 2 cards, but with Malefic Magician out, I can choose the result for any Spell Card effect that requires a coin toss so I’ll go with Heads and with that, I draw twice. He draws 2 cards. Next I set 2 cards face down to end my turn,” stated (Sartorius). (Hand: 3 cards)

            “Then it’s up to me and I’ll Summon Red Gadget (Info) (1500 DEF) in Defense Mode and pick up Yellow Gadget from my Deck by his effect. Then I set 1 card face down to end my turn,” said Yugi. (Hand: 4 cards)

            “Then I’ll use my Rampart Blaster’s effect! Since he’s in Defense Mode, he can attack you directly by cutting his ATK in half so go to it Rampart Blaster! Dartz’s LP drops to 7000. Next I think I’ll play Winged Kuriboh (Info) (200 DEF) in Defense Mode to call it a turn,” said Jaden. (Hand: 2 cards)

            “Back to me and each turn, my Gigas gets 500 ATK. Malefic Gigas’ ATK rises to 900. Now I play Malefic World (Info) and with that, by skipping my Draw Phase, I can take 3 Malefic monsters and have you randomly pick one with the rest going back to the Deck. Next I Summon Malefic Kyutora (Info) (500 DEF) in Defense Mode to end my turn,” stated Dartz. (Hand: 2 cards)

            “Since Malefic World is in play, I can Special Summon Malefic Chariot (Info) (1700 ATK) in Attack Mode from my hand without having to discard the original card from my hand. Next I’ll remove from play Arcana Force XXI in my Deck for Malefic Dominator (Info) (3100 ATK) in Attack Mode. (Note: The Malefic version of Arcana Force XXI - The World has a different name to avoid confusion with the Field Spell played a few cards ago.) Dominator, attack Red Gadget! Red Gadget is destroyed. Since my monster destroyed yours in battle, its effect lets me skip your turn by discarding a Malefic monster in my hand to the Grave and I think I’ll discard Malefic Fool to do so. That’ll end my turn,” stated (Sartorius). (Hand: 1 card)

            “So it’s my turn then and with that Malefic Gigas gets stronger. Gigas’ ATK rises to 1400. I’ll bring out Malefic Parallel Gear (Info) (0 DEF) in Defense Mode. Next, since my Parallel Gear is a Tuner monster, I’ll tune him with the Malefic Malevolence in my hand by Parallel Gear's effect for Malefic Paradox Dragon (Info) (4000 ATK) in Attack Mode,” said Dartz.

            “Aw man, that’s the monster I faced and lost to!” announced Syrus.

            “Paradox Dragon, destroy Rampart Blaster!” ordered Dartz.

            “I activate my Hero Barrier (Info) Trap, which cancels your attack since your attack target is an Elemental Hero. This had better work or I’m facin’ 4000 direct damage next round!” stated Jaden.

            “You survived my Paradox Dragon’s first attack, but you and Yugi will both fall!” proclaimed Dartz.




Card Type(s) Played:

Effect Monster / Fusion Monster / Spell Card


Fate’s Seal (Part 33)


            “I Summon Dunames Dark Witch (1800 ATK) in Attack Mode,” stated Mai.

            Solemn Warning Trap Card activated, negating monster Summoning for 2000 of own LP,” explained GG. *His LP drops to 6000 and Dunames Dark Witch disappears.*

            “Well then try my face down card, Hysteric Party! Now I can bring back all Harpie monsters from my Grave by tossing out 1 card. *She discards 1 card and Cyber Harpie Lady appears.* Next I’ll use Cyber Shield to give my Harpie 500 more ATK since she’s treated as good ol’ Harpie Lady while face up. *Cyber Harpie’s ATK rises to 2300.* Cyber Harpie, destroy Pitch Black Warwolf! *Pitch Black Warwolf is destroyed and GG’s score drops to 5800 before Pitch-Black Warwolf reappears.*

            “Activated Call of the Haunted to bring Warwolf back in Attack Mode,” explained GG.

            “If I don’t figure out something soon, this rust bucket is going to win the Duel,” thought Mai.

            “No way for you to win now. Gear Golem gets to run over monsters and LP and you no longer have any way to win this Duel! I end turn,” said GG. (Hand: 1 card)

            “His Gear Golem has 3000 ATK and I have nothing in my hand to even defend myself so I’ll need something that lets me draw cards. She draws her card. I’ll use Pot of Greed (Info) to put another 2 cards into my hand from the top of my Deck. She draws 2 more cards. Next I’ll use Card of Sanctity (Info) to let us both draw until we’re each holding 6 cards. She and GG draw their cards. I use Monster Reborn (Info) to bring back my Cyber Harpie (Info) (1800 ATK) in Attack Mode! Cyber Harpie appears. Then I Tribute it for Amazoness Queen (2400 ATK) in Attack Mode. Finally I play Amazoness Fighting Spirit (Info), which’ll give my Queen 1000 ATK when it attacks your Gear Golem so take out that Ancient Gear Golem, Amazoness Queen! Amazoness Queen’s ATK rises to 3400 and Ancient Gear Golem is destroyed, leaving GG with 5400. That’ll do it for me,” stated Mai. (Hand: 3 cards)

            “I very mad you destroyed my Gear Golem! I have way to return favor with Power Bond (Info) to discard Ancient Gear Golem, Ancient Gear Beast, and Ancient Gear Soldier for Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem (Info) (4400 ATK) in Attack Mode. You finished as Ultimate Gear Golem’s strength doubled due to Power Bond’s effect! Ultimate Gear Golem’s ATK rises to 8800. Plus you still unable to activate Spell or Trap Cards when it attacks and it deals extra damage when battling Defense Position monsters. Gear Golem, destroy Amazoness Queen! Amazoness Queen is not destroyed but Mai’s LP drops to 0. Why Queen not destroyed?” demanded GG.

            "Amazoness Queen protects all Amazoness monsters from being destroyed in battle, but you’ve won anyway,” explained Mai. She turns into a zombie and disappears.

            “No, Mai!” shouted Joey.

            “Not again, it seems she’s always the target of bad guys,” stated Tea`.

            “You want her back?” questioned a voice.

            “What’d you do with her?” asked Joey.

            “She’s my personal servant along with other defeated Duelists,” explained (Sartorius).

            “No way! Is that Sartorius?” questioned Jaden.

            “Wouldn’t you like to know, Jaden?” asked Sartorius.

            “Let’s just say we’ve been marveling your work at defeating my Duel Soldiers,” explained Dartz.

            “Dartz is there too!?” questioned Joey.

            “Took you long enough, but yes, I am Dartz,” replied Dartz.

            “What are you doing with Sartorius?” asked Yugi.

            “He is my new partner and I’ve made him stronger than ever before,” laughed Dartz.

            “Ready to save Sartorius?” asked Yugi.

            “Count me in,” replied Jaden.

            “So if it’s a Duel you want, it’s a Duel you’ll get, but realize this, we will be victorious!” stated Dartz.

            “No way, bro, Yugi and I have had plenty of practice taking down baddies like yourselves so we’ll be the ones to come out on top,” protested Jaden.

            “How cute. They actually think they’ll win when let me remind them that Yugi barely won against me when I faced him some time ago, but that’s in the past and now the future will be ours!” replied Dartz.

            “Brace yourselves, you two are about to face a whole new breed of danger!” stated (Sartorius).