*Card below is written with a mock translation using the card's actual English card text. This is based on how the cards are actually translated and thus may not work exactly like the card's TCG version.
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Shining Victories

*Also an Ultimate Rare card and a Prismatic Secret Rare card.
Lunalight Leo Dancer
DARK / Beast-Warrior-Type Fusion / Level 10 / ATK 3500 / DEF 3000
"Lunalight Panther Dancer" + 2 monsters with "Lunalight" in their names
This card may not be played through a Special Summon other than by a Fusion Summon using the above Fusion Materials. This card may not be chosen or destroyed by your opponent's card effects. This card can perform a second attack during each Battle Phase. Once per turn, when the Damage Step ends, if this card chose a monster for an attack target, you can destroy all monsters your opponent has in play that were played through a Special Summon.