*Card below is written with a mock translation using the card's actual English card text. This is based on how the cards are actually translated and thus may not work exactly like the card's TCG version.
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Shining Victories

*Also a Prismatic Secret Rare card.
Lunalight Panther Dancer
DARK / Beast-Warrior-Type Fusion / Level 8 / ATK 2800 / DEF 2500
"Lunalight Cat Dancer" + 1 monster with "Lunalight" in its name
This card must be initially played through a Fusion Summon using the above Fusion Materials. This card may not be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1, you can use this effect to prevent monsters your opponent has in play from being defeated through battle for the first time and this card can attack all monsters your opponent has in play two times each during this turn. When this card defeats an a monster your opponent has in play through battle, this card receives 200 ATK until the Battle Phase ends.