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Yu-Gi-Oh: The Dark Side of Dimensions (3)
Meanwhile, Bakura, Joey and Diva are walking along when Diva fakes his excitement to duel Yugi Muto when Joey brings up the cube. Bakura finds it resembles an antique and Diva admits that it is, reminding Bakura of his days traveling the world with his father for antique dealing. That night, at the Game Shop, Solomon leaves, reminding Yugi to lock up and we find Yugi preparing his Deck when Sera comes in and admires the box for the Millennium Puzzle. It's the special box for Yugi's extra special Duel Monsters cards but Sera adds that it's also for extra special cards for Atem as she's known about Atem thanks to Shadi, her master. In fact, she was given a great power thanks to Shadi, the power of the Plana and shows Yugi the location where the Plana gather. This great power can change the world for better or worse and Sera tells Yugi her name before departing, leaving Yugi with a piece of the Millennium Puzzle. Back on the platform, Kaiba's machine has reached a point where it is unable to complete the Millennium Puzzle.
Kaiba refuses to accept that and orders it to keep working but the machine notes that two pices are missing and Kaiba realizes it's Diva's doing. Back outside, Bakura isn't feeling well and Diva appears to be using the cube to make Bakura relive his terrible past. In fact, Bakura cuts the story short and falls to his knees, refusing to go any further. Joey tries to attend to his aid but the three of them are taken to another world. Joey becomes confused and concludes he's dreaming or perhaps having a nightmare but Diva reveals himself and his dark spirits as members of the Plana. Joey isn't afraid of the spirits despite being outnumbered and tries to avenge Bakura's state on Diva by grabbing his shirt and holding him up. Diva remains unphased and decides to banish Joey to a world more fitting for his kind. Joey tries to throw a punch but is frozen before disappearing.

Back at the Game Shop, Yugi ponders the reasons for the piece of the Millennium Puzzle being in his possession. With 5 PM now upon him, Yugi wonders where everyone is but Tristan rushes in to report Joey's abscence. The duo race out on Tristan's motorcycle while Joey comes to grips with his seemingly familiar place of being. It's a world made of Joey's own thoughts that exists as long as his memories do but Joey wants no part of it and takes off running while Diva continues to taunt him. Joey ends up right where he was at the beginning of the movie only this time, no one knows he exists. Diva will erase every memory Joey has, thus erasing Joey for good. In reality, the others have gotten word of Joey being missing and know it's not like him to do something like this. Luckily, Yugi had spoken to Joey earlier and knows Joey was hanging out with Bakura and Diva, leading him to believe that finding Bakura and Diva will lead them straight to Joey. Diva is with Bakura meanwhile and fully understands not wanting to remember the bad memories.
As a bonus, Diva notes he was there when it all went down and we're taken to the past where Shadi explains why he chose them. Sure enough, Diva is there, though looking much more innocent than he is now as Shadi explains about fear and its relationship to judgment and hate. He ends the lesson with the very warning Sera and Diva now know about before Bakura's own father arrives to claim the Millennium Ring still in place inside the Millennium Stone and is willing to pay any price for it. Shadi is not in a position to just give him Millennium Ring for it chooses people not the other way around. Eventually, Shadi allows Bakura's father to take it but has no idea what will happen once it's around his neck. At first, Bakura's father loves the new power as it's unlike anything he'd experienced before but the power turns on him, leaving him unable to really move or speak. Bakura gets the item but also is introduced to its power.
Unlike his father, young Bakura gains the evil entity he would keep for many years and uses it to attack Shadi, throwing him across the room and up against a stone column. The children run to his aid and are given some final words of advice before Shadi hands Diva the cube he now holds and says his time is complete. Nevertheless, young Dark Bakura attacks the children as well having enjoyed the body he now holds. Back in the other dimension, Diva threatens to send Bakura away with the cube and refuses to accept Bakura's story until Bakura is brought to tears and apologizes for what happened. It's enough for Diva to deactivate the cube but Joey isn't so lucky as he finds himself running out of memories and eventually he falls to the ground as he too starts to disappear. Regardless of Bakura's story, Diva still wants to take revenge on Bakura and even Manny agrees, though Diva realizes Manny isn't being himself.
Manny picks up Bakura and reveals that he found the Millennium Ring but refuses to listen to Diva's protest. Manny gets a brief break in the corruption to admit that Diva was right about him being unlike himself but the Ring takes full control and sends Bakura away before dissipating, leaving Manny motionless on the ground. Diva attends to his aid before Manny disappears. Just as Diva proceeds to perhaps grab the Millennium Ring, he hears Yugi's cries and teleports to where they are, admitting his true name and revenge plans. While Yugi and crew come to grips with what Diva is telling them, Joey finally runs out of energy and feels it could be the end for him as his memories continue to disappear. Just when it looks like Joey will be gone for good, a shadow resembling Atem appears and Joey is transported back into the world they know, much to Diva's surprise. Some of Joey's memories are forever, including the memories of his friends. The spirits disappear as does Diva to plan his countermeasures. The group agree to split up to find Bakura as rain begins to fall.

High on a building, Diva wonders where his power went awry but finds himself captured by Kaiba's robots and is surprised that Kaiba found out so soon. Kaiba even made sure there was no way to make contact with the Plana and orders Diva to be taken away. With Diva gone, Kaiba walks away while Yugi finds himself in the middle of the road surrounded by angry drivers. He's not alone as Kaiba is also there and breaks the news about the special tournament for which Yugi himself will be taking part in but Yugi has bigger issues to worry about. As an extra incentive, Kaiba shows the near-complete Millennium Puzzle and is already aware that Yugi has a piece of it and anticipates that Yugi will summon Atem when he duels in the tournament. Kaiba is after the same thing he's always been after to take down Atem and prove he's the greatest duelist of all. Kaiba knows Yugi wants to see him too and a helicopter arrives with Mokuba inside.
The Dark Side of Dimensions (3)'s Episode Cards
*There were no cards used in this episode.*