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Episode 20: The Maiden in Love

At the Slifer Red Dorm, everyone is eating when Banner asks for their attention as a new student named Blair Flannigan has arrived. Chumley had to stop eating for a transfer student? Syrus' sidekick gig is up. Jaden welcomes Blair to Slifer Red but Banner says that Blair won't be here long since he scored nearly perfect on the exams and will move to Ra Yellow in a few days. He then says Blair can stay with Jaden during the time he's here and asks to say hello, which Blair does. Inside the classroom, Chancellor Sheppard announces that the big matchup with North Academy is arriving and that Zane beat them last year. If they duel hard, they could be representing the school. Syrus tells Blair that Zane is his brother and Blair replies he's amazing.

Outside DA, Jaden tells them it should be who's best but Syrus reminds Jaden that Zane defeated him in a duel. They catch Blair darting across the sidewalk. Jaden follows and catches him hopping off a tree into the Obelisk Blue dorm. He follows Blair into the dorm, catching him with Zane's cards, then loving them. He decides this is too weird and backs away, attempting to get back onto the tree but he sees Zane and other OB students. Jaden races back in and tells Blair he needs to get out or he'll get thrown out for trespassing. He grabs her and her disguise along with some of Zane's cards, fall to the floor. The images on a few of the cards are modified for US as shown at 4:42 into the episode, although once more the change is hard to see.

Jaden can't believe his eyes as Blair races out of the room just as the OB students catch Jaden. They tell him he's got some nerve. Jaden attempts to escape but the students tell him the only place he's going is to Dr. Crowler's office. They drag him around before Zane says to let him go. Wait until the guys hear this! Blair says he won't be telling anyone. Later that night, Zane tells Alexis about Jaden snooping in his room and that he found a girls hairclip. Back at the SR dorm, Syrus walks in saying Jaden can use the shower but he's not there.  Chumley has no idea where they went. Meanwhile, Blair and Jaden are talking about the fact that she being a girl must remain a secret. If she won't tell him, she has to duel him. "What will that solve?" Blair asks. Jaden explains that in a duel, the truth always comes out. Blair agrees. Up on the cliff, Syrus and Chumley find Jaden and Blair and question what they're talking about. Jaden has a new friend to pout around with. Zane says it's not it as Blair's a girl as shown from their security camera in the dorm.

The duel starts as Blair plays Maiden in Love (400) in Attack Mode. Syrus says she's cute but Chumley isn't agreeing. Jaden plays Elemental Hero Avian (1000) in Attack Mode and attacks but MiL isn't destroyed as Blair explains that while MiL remains in Attack Mode, she can't be destroyed. Her score nonetheless drops to 3400. Winged Kuriboh points out that Avian is near MiL. He's supposed to be in Attack Mode not in love! (I'd be giving a similar reaction to Jaden, if not the same to the "monster love".) She also explains that when MiL is attacked, the attacking monster gets a Love Counter. Blair draws and equips Cupid's Kiss to Maiden in Love. It forces the monster to attack again, then takes control of the monster. She attacks directly with Avian, leaving Jaden with 3000 and Blair with 2800 LPs. She sets a card and ends her turn. Jaden draws. He could attack with Sparkman but then MiL will just take control of Sparkman.

He plays Elemental Hero Sparkman (1600) in Attack Mode and attacks Avian but Blair activates Defense Maiden, switching the attack to Maiden in Love, dropping her score to 1600. Blair plays Happy Marriage, giving Love Maiden the ATK of Avian. (Why didn't she choose Sparkman? He has more ATK and will deal more damage.) Anyway, MiL's ATK rise to 1400. She attacks Sparkman and loses 200 points, bringing her score to 1400. She attacks directly with her newly acquired Sparkman and Avian, leaving Jaden with 400 LPs. Not much he can do about it now. Or is there? Jaden draws. Burstinatrix and Burst Return are edited for US as shown at 14:48 into the episode.

 Jaden plays Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (1200) in Attack Mode. Then he plays Burst Return, returning all other Elemental Heroes to his hand. Next he uses Polymerization to summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman (2100) in Attack Mode and attacks, destroying MiL (I don't know how since she can't be destroyed) and wiping out the rest of Blair's LPs. Guess she has to tell Jaden his secret. Jaden says no. Blair says that Zane figured it out, she was the one who snuck into the OB dorm instead of Jaden. She also says that she's been in love with Zane ever since they met at nationals. Alexis tells her that she can't sneak her way into someone's heart. Zane adds that he's only in love with dueling and that Blair must go home since she's only in Second Grade. Blair heads out by boat, telling Jaden she loves him. Jaden wishes they made cards that would counter this.

Episode 20's Episode Cards

Card Info:

Maiden in Love
/ Spellcaster / Level 2 / ATK 400 / DEF 300
This card cannot be destroyed by battle while in Attack Position (Damage Calculation is applied normally.) If this card is attacked, place 1 Love Counter on the attacking monster.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is partially from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Blair

Card Info:

Elemental Hero Avian (original artwork)
/ Warrior / Level 3 / ATK 1000 / DEF 1000
A winged Elemental Hero who wheels through the sky and manipulates the wind. His signature move, Featherbreak, gives villainy a blow from sky-high.
Found In: Dark Revelation Volume 3
Set #: DR3-EN181
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: GX Japan: Its artwork was different.
Card User: Jaden Yuki

Card Info:

Cupid's Kiss
Anime Equip Spell
If the equipped monster attacks a monster with a "Maiden Counter" on it and the controller of the equipped monster takes Battle Damage, take control of the monster that inflicts Battle Damage to a player's Life Points at the end of the Damage Step.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Blair

Card Info:

Elemental Hero Sparkman (original artwork)
/ Warrior / Level 4 / ATK 1600 / DEF 1400
An Elemental Hero and a warrior of light who proficiently wields many kinds of armaments. His Static Shockwave cuts off the path of villainy.
Found In: Starter Deck: Jaden Yuki
Set #: YSDJ-EN008
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: GX Japan: Its artwork was different.
Card User: Jaden Yuki

Card Info:

Defense Maiden
Anime Continuous Trap
You can only activate this card while there is a face-up "Maiden in Love" on your side of the field. When your opponent attacks one of your monsters, you can change the target of that attack to a face-up "Maiden in Love" on your side of the field.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is partially from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Blair

Card Info:

Happy Marriage
Anime Equip Spell
Equip only to "Maiden in Love". Select 1 opponent's monster you control. The equipped monster gains ATK equal to that monster's ATK.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is partially from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Blair

Card Info:

Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (original artwork)
/ Warrior / Level 3 / ATK 1200 / DEF 800
A flame manipulator who is the only woman among the Elemental Heroes. Her Burstfire burns away villainy.
Found In: Dark Revelation Volume 3
Set #: DR3-EN182
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: GX Japan: Its artwork was different.
Card User: Jaden Yuki

Card Info:

Burst Return
Normal Spell
You can only activate this card while there is a face-up "Elemental Hero Burstinatrix" on your side of the field. Return to the owner's hand(s) all monster(s) on the field that include "Elemental Hero" in their card name, except "Elemental Hero Burstinatrix".
Found In: Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki
Set #: DP1-EN028
Rarity(s): Super Rare
Notes: GX Japan: Its artwork was different.
Card User: Jaden Yuki

Card Info:

Polymerization (original artwork)
Normal Spell
Send Fusion Material Monsters that are listed by a Fusion Monster Card from your hand or your side of the field to the Graveyard, and Special Summon the Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck.
Found In: Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki
Set #: DP1-EN014
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: GX Anime: It fused monsters.
Card User: Jaden Yuki

Card Info:

Elemental Hero Flame Wingman
/ Warrior-Type Fusion / Level 6 / ATK 2100 / DEF 1200
"Elemental Hero Avian" + "Elemental Hero Burstinatrix"
This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. When this card destroys a monster and sends it to the Graveyard as a result of battle, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster.
Found In: Dark Revelation Volume 3
Set #: DR3-EN215
Rarity(s): Ultra Rare
Notes: GX Anime: It was a Level 8 monster.
            GX Japan: Its artwork was different.
Card User: Jaden Yuki