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Episode 73: Source of Strength

Inside his lair, Sartorius finds that "the cards" have confirmed what he thought all along: Aster and Jaden will be integral to his plan. He then ponders what the face down card next to the other two could be. It's The Strength and he feels the answer lies at DA. Meanwhile, inside the dorm, Hassleberry is sleeping away and dreaming about dinosaurs and falls out of bed. He looks up to see someone (Sartorius) and demands to know who he is. Sartorius greets him with a hello, then asks if the room he's in is Jaden's. Hassleberry tells him the info is classified. Sartorius is now convinced that Hassleberry is The Strength. Hassleberry informs Sartorius that he's speaking out loud. He then demands what Sartorius' business is. Sartorius tells him that he manages professional duelists and his name is Sartorius. Hassleberry can't quite believe that this is the Sartorius Chazz yaps about.

Sartorius questions Hassleberry about what he's driving at and Hassleberry tells him that Chazz was brainwashed, despite the small amount of brain to be taken control of. He knows Sartorius is up to something and is going to do what ever it takes to stop him. Sartorius sees that Hassleberry has an incredible power within and decides he must have it. Even Pharaoh, up on the high beams doesn't seem to trust Sartorius as he scowls at him. Sartorius agrees to the terms if Hassleberry can defeat him in a duel. Elsewhere, Jaden, Syrus and Dorothy discuss about Jaden trying to beat Bastion's candy eating "battle" of 100. Jaden sees Aster and asks why he's here. Aster tells them he wanted to check out the duel. Jaden asks who the "guy in the cape" and Aster tells him that he's his own manager and has been for years but now he feels that he's using Aster and guesses that Sartorius is about to claim another friend for his group. Jaden asks Dorothy to hold the bag of candy and rushes over. Syrus joins him and falls. As Jaden checks on Syrus, the duel is ready to go, except that Sartorius can't figure out how to activate the duel disk. Hassleberry says to push the "On" button. (Since when has there EVER been an "On" button? In prior episodes and in the original series, it was a movement of the arm (usually raising it) that would activate it.) Sartorius says that while an excellent duelist he hasn't used a duel disk.

The duel finally starts and Hassleberry plays Giant Rex (2000) in Attack Mode. Jaden says to call off the duel. Does he have any idea who he's messing with? Of course, that's why Hassleberry accepted, he wants to grease the treads of his tank with Sartorius. Sartorius draws and summons Arcana Force I (1100) in Attack Mode. Oops! The card is actually called "Arcana Force I - The Magician"! The card appears over AFI's head and begins spinning as Sartorius explains that Hassleberry chooses which effect the card lands on. (The real card has Heads and Tails coin flip effects.) Hassleberry tells the card to stop and it lands upright, giving it twice its original ATK when a Spell Card is played. After more "destiny talk", Sartorius activates Future Vision, which since Hassleberry controls a monster, it lets Sartorius flip the cards of Hassleberry's deck until a monster appears. Hassleberry already knows the monster will be a dinosaur and since it was, he gains 1000 LPs, bringing his score to 5000. Syrus and Jaden ask Aster why Sartorius would help Hassleberry out and Aster says that now Sartorius knows what cards are next and his AFI's ATK doubles to 2200. He attacks and destroys GR, leaving Hassleberry with 4800. He sets 2 cards face down to end his turn and AFI's ATK reverts to 1100.

Hassleberry plays Archionyx (300) in Attack Mode. Next he uses New Ultra Evolution (earlier called Modified Ultra Evolution), letting him tribute his Archionyx for Black Tyranno (2600) in Attack Mode as Sartorius reminds him of AFI's effect, doubling its ATK to 2200. Hassleberry says BT is still stronger and attacks, destroying AFI and leaving Sartorius with 3600. Sartorius draws and activates Pentacle of Ace, whose effect again forces Hassleberry to tell when to stop and it again lands right side up, letting Sartorius draw 1 card and gain 500 LPs for a total of 4100. Next he plays Arcana Force VII - The Chariot (1700) in Attack Mode. Hassleberry says to have the card stop and it lands upside down, Special Summoning it to Hassleberry's field if destroyed in battle. (The real card has a Tails effect that automatically shifts control of it to the opponent.) He attacks BT and no one can understand why except Aster, who says that every move is predicted. With The Chariot gone, Sartorius' LPs drop to 3200. Then, with TC's effect, it lands upside down again. Next he uses Suit of Sword - X, whose right side up effect destroys Hassleberry's monsters and its upside down effect destroys his own. Hassleberry tells the card to stop and it does, right side up. Then he activates Ace of Wand, which gives him LPs equal to the ATK of the destroyed monsters if right side up but if upside down, he takes damage equal to their ATKs. Oops! The card actually applies to the controllers, and Sartorius had none, especially since Hassleberry's score dropped to 500!

After some coaxing, Hassleberry draws and summons Dyna Base (0000) in Attack Mode, then uses it and Ultimate Tyranno in his hand for Then tributes his monsters for Dina Tank (????) in Attack Mode, whose ATK is equal to the ATK of the tributed Dino-Type monster, or in this case, 3000. He attacks directly, leaving Sartorius with 200. Sartorius activates Necro Sacrifice, Special Summoning a monster from his Grave to Hassleberry's field and letting Hassleberry choose the mode, which, for Hassleberry's choice is Attack Mode. With TC's effect, it once more lands upside down. Sartorius then plays Arcana Force VIII - The Strength (1800) in Attack Mode (NS' other effect lets you summon a monster without tributes, depending on the number of monsters you gave your opponent, which is how he played it without

tributes), whose right side up effect gives Sartorius one monster of Hassleberry's of his choice but if upside down, Hassleberry gets all of Sartorius' monsters. It lands right side up but due to DT's effect, TS' effect is reversed, giving him control of TS, however, Sartorius activates Reversal of Fate, changing the effects of Arcana Force monsters to their opposite effects, giving him control of every other monster Hassleberry has. (The real card only changes the effect of 1 Arcana Force monster you control and control of the monsters doesn't switch.) He attacks TS with DT, destroying it and winning the duel. Hassleberry congratulates Sartorius on winning the duel. Jaden and Syrus think Hassleberry's a Society of Light member but Hassleberry tells them otherwise. Sartorius protests that no one can resist the light. Hassleberry goes through his story of how he received  "Dino DNA". Sartorius walks away. Later, Crowler announces Sartorius' joining as a first year student.

Episode 73's Episode Cards

Card Info:

Giant Rex
EARTH / Dinosaur / Level 4 / ATK 2000 / DEF 1200
While your opponent controls no monsters, this card cannot attack.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Tyranno Hassleberry

Card Info:

Arcana Force I - The Magician
LIGHT / Fairy / Level 4 / ATK 1100 / DEF 1100
When this card is Summoned, toss a coin: - Heads: When a Spell Card is activated, this card's ATK becomes double its original ATK until the End Phase of that turn. - Tails: When a Spell Card is activated, your opponent gains 500 Life Points.
Found In: Light of Destruction
Set #: LODT-EN009
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: GX Anime: Its artwork was different and it spun around until the opponent said stop, then applied the appropriate effect based on its position.
           GX US: Called "Arcana Force I".
Card User: Sartorius

Card Info:

Future Vision
Anime Normal Spell
Activate only while your opponent controls a face-up monster. You pick up cards from the top of their Deck until you pick up a Monster Card. If it is the same Type as the monster on your opponents side of the field, your opponent gains 1000 Life Points and all cards that were picked up return to their Deck in the same order.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Sartorius

Card Info:

WIND / Winged Beast / Level 3 / ATK 300 / DEF 1300
This card can attack your opponent directly.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Tyranno Hassleberry

Card Info:

Modified Ultra Evolution
Anime Normal Spell
Tribute 1 Winged-Beast-Type monster you control. Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your hand.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: GX US: Called "Ultra Evolution".
Card User: Tyranno Hassleberry

Card Info:

Dark Tyranno
EARTH / Dinosaur / Level 7 / ATK 2600 / DEF 1800
If the only monsters your opponent controls are Defense Position monsters, this card can attack your opponent directly.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Special Summoned by Modified Ultra Evolution's effect.
            GX US: Called "Black Tyranno".
Card User: Tyranno Hassleberry

Card Info:

Pentacle of Ace
Anime Normal Spell
Toss a coin: - Heads: Draw 1 card and gain 500 Life Points. - Tails: Your opponent draws 1 card and gains 500 Life Points.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card text is formatted for the TCG.
Card User: Sartorius

Card Info:

Arcana Force VII - The Chariot
LIGHT / Fairy / Level 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1700
When this card is Summoned, toss a coin. ● Heads: If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, you can Special Summon that monster to your side of the field.
● Tails: Your opponent gains control of this card.
Found In: Light of Destruction
Set #: LODT-EN013
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: GX Anime: Its artwork was different, it spun until the opponent said stop and when its Tails effect was used, it was Special Summoned to the opponent's field when destroyed by battle.
Card User: Sartorius

Card Info:

Suit of Sword - X
Anime Normal Spell
When you activate this card, flip a coin. - Heads: Destroy all monsters you control.
- Tails: Destroy all monsters your opponent controls. 
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card text is formatted for the TCG.
Card User: Sartorius

Card Info:

Ace of Wand
Anime Normal Trap
Activate only when a monster(s) on the field is destroyed except by battle. Toss a coin:
- Heads: The controller(s) of those monsters gain Life Points equal to their ATK(s).
- Tails: The controller(s) of those monsters take damage equal to their ATK(s)
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card text is formatted for the TCG.
Card User: Sartorius

Card Info:

Dyna Base
EARTH / Machine / Level 4 / ATK 0 / DEF 2100
You can Tribute this face-up card and 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your hand to Special Summon 1 "Dyna Tank" from your Fusion Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon.)
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Tyranno Hassleberry

Card Info:

Dyna Tank
EARTH / Machine-Type Fusion / Level 7 / ATK ? / DEF 2100
"Dyna Base" + 1 Dinosaur-Type monster
This card cannot be Special Summoned except with "Dyna Base". A Fusion Summon of this card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters. This card's original ATK becomes equal to the original ATK of the Dinosaur-Type monster used in this card's Fusion Summon. If this card is targeted by an opponent's card effect, switch the target to an appropriate monster your opponent controls.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Tyranno Hassleberry

Card Info:

Necro Sacrifice
Anime Normal Spell
Select 1 Level 5 or higher monster in your hand. Special Summon monsters from your Graveyard to your opponent's side of the field equal to the number of Tributes required to Normal Summon that monster. (Your opponent selects the battle position(s) of the Summoned monster(s).) During this turn, you can Normal Summon the selected monster without Tributing.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Sartorius

Card Info:

Arcana Force VII - The Chariot
LIGHT / Fairy / Level 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1700
When this card is Summoned, toss a coin. ● Heads: If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, you can Special Summon that monster to your side of the field.
● Tails: Your opponent gains control of this card.
Found In: Light of Destruction
Set #: LODT-EN013
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Special Summoned by Necro Sacrifice's effect.
           GX Anime:
Its artwork was different, it spun until the opponent said stop and when its Tails effect was used, it was Special Summoned to the opponent's field when destroyed by battle.
Card User: Sartorius

Card Info:

Arcana Force VIII - The Strength
LIGHT / Fairy / Level 5 / ATK 1800 / DEF 1800
When this card is Summoned, toss a coin: - Heads: Gain control of 1 monster your opponent controls. - Tails: Your opponent gains control of all monsters you control except this card.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card text is formatted for the TCG.
Card User: Sartorius

Card Info:

Reversal of Fate
Normal Trap
Select 1 "Arcana Force" monster you control. That monster's effect is now treated as the opposite coin toss result.
Found In: Light of Destruction
Set #: LODT-EN067
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: GX Anime: It switched the effects of all Arcana Force Monsters on the field to their other effect.
Card User: Sartorius