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Episode 40: A Lying Legend

At an Egyptian tomb, several servants of a pharaoh open the pharaoh's tomb and bow down before him. The pharaoh questions why his slumber has been disrupted and a voice tells him to fulfill his duty to the shadows. The millennium eye on his forehead glows. The pharaoh tells his servants to ready his vessel. At DA, Banner tells them of the great duelists Yugi and Kaiba and of one that was there long before those two, Abidos the Third, whom was undefeated.

Jaden says he must have been something else and soon that record will go adios. Chazz sarcastically says that Jaden will defeat Yugi and Kaiba too. Syrus tells them to be quiet or they'll get in trouble. Jaden takes it literally but Chazz wraps his arms around Jaden's neck, telling him it was sarcasm. Syrus again tells them to stop but Chazz adds to it by yanking on both of Jaden's ears. He adds one last time that Banner will hear them. Banner does hear them, or at least he will in detention.

Outside, Alexis is glad Zane showed for she needed someone to talk to since she thought that bringing her brother back would make everything okay again but all it did was raise more questions. Zane tells her at least she's safe...or so they think as several mummies rise from the ground. Meanwhile, Syrus says he spends more time in detention than he does in class. Jaden adds to tell that to sarcasm but Chazz doesn't take it lightly and once more strangles Jaden. Syrus sighs, saying at least things can't get any worse but they hear a scream.


They rush over to see Zane and Alexis trapped behind mummies. They need some...help but then more mummies appear in front of themselves! A bright light appears and a golden ship flies down as a voice says he has come for them. Jaden awakens with his friends on what looks like the roof of DA. What's the big idea? The person says that's not how they should address an Egyptian pharaoh. The gang realize it's Abidos, another Shadow Rider. Abidos suggests they drop their keys and leave. They don't want to duel him but Jaden hopes he is picked to duel. His friends warn him that it'll be a shadow game.

After the speech of the shadow games, the duel starts. Abidos starts with Pharaonic Protector (0000) in Defense Mode and sets a card to end his turn. Jaden draws but Abidos activates The First Sarcophagus, which Jaden will have to wait until he plays two more sarcophagi. Can Jaden go now? Abidos says for Jaden to put his monsters where is mouth his and Jaden plays Elemental Hero Avian (1000) in Attack Mode. Next he plays Heated Heart, giving Avian 500 ATK points for a total of 1500. (The real card's name is H - Heated Heart.)


Plus if Avian attacks a Defense Position monster, the extra damage is dealt to Abidos as he destroys PP and drops Abidos' score to 2500. Guess dueling now isn't what it used to be but Abidos disagrees, saying it's much calmer now as he plays Second Sarcophagus. (The real card's name is The Second Sarcophagus.) He then says that once the third is played, Jaden's key and soul will be his. He plays Pot of Greed for 2 cards. Then he plays Tribute to the Doomed, which destroys Avian by discarding a card. He discards Pharaonic Protector, which has been slightly altered for US as shown at 8:56 into the episode.

Then he plays Pharaoh's Servant (0900) in Attack Mode and attacks directly, bringing Jaden's score to 3100. He says that his record will stay intact but Jaden will not. He sets a card and ends his turn. Jaden tells Abidos to give the present-day peeps some credit and plays Emergency Call, letting him add an Elemental Hero monster from his deck to his hand.(The real card's name is E - Emergency Call.) He chooses Elemental Hero Sparkman, which he summons (1600) in Attack Mode. Then he plays Righteous Justice (which is called R - Righteous Justice in the CG), allowing him to destroy a Spell or Trap Card for every Elemental Hero monster he has out and he chooses TFS but Abidos activates Magic Jammer, which has been accidentally left unaltered for US at 10:28 into the episode.

It cancels out RRJ by discarding a card (although he doesn't say so). He says that Jaden needs to get some new cards for his weak deck. (Abidos, your Pharaonic Protector and Pharaoh's Servant are weaker than even Avian so now who's deck is weak? -_-) Jaden attacks and destroys PS with Sparkman and asks how that is for weak as Abidos' score drops to 1800. Abidos says Jaden can't attack him but Jaden says he can, it's in the rulebook. Abidos says he is the greatest duelist but Jaden (and I) aren't so sure. He flashes back to his prior duels where he beat everyone he challenged. Could it be that all of his servants let him win? Jaden says to start his first official duel now and orders him to remove the mask and duel. Abidos activates Third Sarcophagus. (The real card's name is The Third Sarcophagus.)

Finally, he sacrifices the cards for Spirit of the Pharaoh (2500) in Attack Mode. (In the real game you send them to the Graveyard.) His effect lets him summon up to 4 Level 2 Zombies from his Graveyard so he plays 2 PP and 2 PS all in Attack Mode. He draws but Jaden activates Invincible Hero, preventing Sparkman from being destroyed. Abidos says it's a good thing he has Thousand Energy, which he plays, boosting the ATK of all Level 2 monsters by 1000 points, putting their ATKs to 1900 each. He attacks with them, leaving Jaden with 1900, then with SotP, dropping Jaden's score to 1000. Next he plays Soul Guide by tributing PP, which gives him LPs equal to the monster he tributed, raising his score to 3700 and allowing to add a copy of the same monster from his deck to his hand. TE then destroys the Level 2 monsters but Jaden laughs. He hasn't lost his soul yet and draws. He plays Elemental Hero Clayman (0800) in Attack Mode, whom once again is accidentally made an Effect Monster for the US at 16:19 into the episode!

Next he uses Oversoul, letting him bring back Avian from the Graveyard. (The real card's name is O - Oversoul.) Then he plays HERO Flash!!, letting him summon Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (1200) in Attack Mode and lets his monsters attack directly, winning the duel. Abidos offers Jaden to come back to his place for fame and fortune but Jaden isn't interested and offers to call him if he's ever in Jaden's area. Chazz complains about Jaden getting the free stuff and Jaden says it may be because he beat a legend. Banner says he'll get to truly earn his title and smiles.