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Episode 214: Name of the Game

The gang watch and wait as the door opens but it appears to be empty and even Bakura-Tristan stops in his tracks. They look until BT points out that they're standing on the clue and deciphers it to everyone elses' amazement, explaining that there's more to him than they know and tells Yugi to give up what the item gave him. Yugi can't understand it as it was his wish and it can't be given back. Meanwhile, Seto awakens to find Magus, whom says that Seto will become king of Egypt once he accepts Kisara's offering and Kisara is racing towards him with Kaiba following slowly behind. She arrives out of breath as Seto says it isn't safe for her but Kisara explains that he saved her life and Kaiba sees his Egyptian counterpart again as Magus continues to try and convince Seto to take the power Kisara has but the duo make a run for it as the place is coming apart but Magus traps them behind two stone pillars before Seto calls out his Duos which destroys the pillars and lets them continue.

However, Magus gives chase and blocks their path, calling up a new being that destroys Duos. Kisara brings out her inner Blue-Eyes White Dragon but the being escapes and Magus proceeds to seal it in a stone tablet but Magus removes his mask in anger that his son chose Kisara instead of his flesh and blood. He attacks Seto but Kisara intercepts, taking the hit and sealing away her Blue-Eyes. Seto maintains that he's not joining Magus so Magus takes over his body instead and when Yami arrives, Yami is greeted by this but Kaiba also sees Yami. Aknaden-possesesed Seto declares he and Yami duel and summons the Blue-Eyes. Yami brings out Mahad as the Dark Magician but Mahad is beaten in Blue-Eyes' attack. Yami tries to reason with Seto but Seto remains firm that he's protecting the land from Yami himself. Seto's true self speaks softly and gets the Blue-Eyes to call off its next attack and eventually disappear and reappear in Seto's body to destroy Aknaden. The Blue-Eyes merges with Seto and he awakens while Yami and Kaiba chat.

Yami explains to Kaiba what's going on but as usual, Kaiba doesn't buy it and isn't willing to let Yami tell him what to do. At the RPG, Dark Bakura says that while Yami made a good comeback, it's too little too late and his hourglass is nearly empty at the top. He adds that he has a new pawn that Yami was once friends with and that friend tries to get Yugi to say what the wish was and it was friends, which he got but Tristan isn't touched and shoves Yugi away. When Tea` and Joey protest, BT shoves them away too and explains that something very powerful got inside him as the ground crumbles away, leaving everyone trapped on the slow-spinning artifact. Yugi can get Yami's true name but he'd leave his friends for good. Nevertheless, BT makes it across, causing the artifact to tip and leaving Yug, Joey and Tea` to cling to the edge as the artifact falls off into the abyss. They make it on the rocky surface and head inside the room to find a golden wonderland where Yami's true name must be. They agree to memorize the symbols and locate BT on a narrow path.  At the RPG table, since they can't see what's going on in the tomb, Dark Bakura guesses that Yugi's friends fell into the abyss and time is up. Zorc the Dark One is about to emerge and DB isn't letting Yugi and crew leave with the key to defeating him. Yugi must prepare for his final duel!

Episode 214's Episode Cards
*There were no cards used in this episode.*