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Episode 210: Village of Vengeance (2)

Mahad always considered Mana his top student and Mana has been keeping up with her training. Meanwhile, with a little help from Shada, Seto and the others make it past the skeleton army. Back inside, Mahad and and Mana use Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girls' attacks to hopefully bring down Egyptian Bakura's Diabound but they fail and EB uses the spirits to triple his number of Diabounds and hits Mahad hard enough to stick him to the wall. Mana decides to perform an egyptian Magical Hats trick but EB attacks all the hats, sending herself and Yami flying.

At last, Seto and his group arrive and assess Yami's condition before Isis summons Mystical Elf to heal his wounds. The group decide to protect Yami as Karim brings out Curse of Dragon and they attack from four sides but to no avail as the spirits of Kul Elna are protecting Diabound. Elsewhere, Aknaden recalls being blamed by the spirits for what happened in town but the spirits are attacked by Shada's Two-Headed Jackal Warrior and Shada warns not to be out there but his Millennium Key is reacting to a powerful force.

Shada goes down the stairs and finds a tablet of the Diabound, which Aknaden realizes was born from the evil within the spirits and stops Shada from summoning his monster to destroy the tablet and claims the Millennium Key as Shada is taken away. Down below, EB takes out Isis' Mystical Elf with ease while Yugi and the gang spot EB's men down below. (Strangely they've removed Joey from the shot starting at 10:43 to 10:48 into the US episode.)

Yugi realizes that Yami wiped his memory clean so the evil couldn't be brought back via his name. They decide to start back at the palace to look for records and Karim uses the Millennium Scale to fuse their monsters into Duos Dragon and triple their attack power. Their attack meets Diabound's and ends up being equal so Karim adds more power that Seto strains to keep. Furthermore, EB adds a new monster that takes the Millennium Scale and gives it to EB, reverting Duos Dragon back into Curse of Dragon and Duos. Next he uses the MS to merge two of his own monsters and Yami decides to protect his servants, much to their protest. As a result, the spirits jump inside Yami, leaving him shivering but the spirit of Aknankanan appears and brings the spirits to him instead and he disappears with them, weakening Diabound and freeing Shada.  Mahad strikes and destroys the stone tablet.

Episode 210's Episode Cards
*There were no cards used in this episode.*