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1. Any Japanese cards below may be poorly translated.
2. For info on the card rarities found below, click here.
Episode 70: Double Duel (1)

On the phone, Joey goes to tell Serenity at the hospital the news but she's already figured it out: her brother is in the Battle City finals! Serenity tells him the good news about being allowed to not only take her bandages off that night but come. Filled in excitement, Joey launches Tea`'s phone into the air and Tea` catches it, scolding him to be more careful but quickly changes tune when she hears the good news. Joey just needs someone to pick her up and Tristan volunteers, despite Joey's detest. Marik arrives with Bakura, claiming to have just found him on the ground and Bakura has no memory of the incident. While Yami and Kaiba walk just feet away towards the aquarium, Solomon escorts Bakura to the hospital by taxi. Yami hopes Kaiba led him to the right place and Kaiba assures him his tracking system is foolproof. Joey and Tea` learn of Marik's pretend name "Namu" and that he needs practice dueling. Despite feelings of meeting before, Joey and Tea` leave with good thoughts about their new friend but they're unaware of who he real is or the danger that awaits them.


Marik calls to his Rare Hunters on the roof, demanding them to win the God Cards and Yami's Millennium Puzzle. Knowing that the God Cards are difficult to defeat, Marik will turn his attention to Yami's friends while the duo keep Kaiba and Yami busy. Marik calls for some pointers right away but Rare Hunters are surrounding them on both sides. Yami finds no sign of Joey at the aquarium and ponders what to do next. Meanwhile, Joey, Tea` and "Namu" get surrounded by Rare Hunters, whom capture "Namu" and Tea`. Tea`'s phone then rings and a Rare Hunter answers it but all Tea` gets out is a cry for help before the phone is smashed. On the other end of the line, Yami calls out twice before realizing that he's too late and tells Kaiba the news. Once again, the duo share their agreement before Mokuba informs them of the problem and agrees to get the problem solved. However, Mokuba isn't alone as three, later four, Rare Hunters knock him to the ground and surround him.


Back at the hospital, the nurse gets confirmation about Serenity's news. Meanwhile, the duo Marik was talking to spot Yami and Kaiba and Short Duelist heads off to bring them to the duel location, complete with some impressive acrobatics. He informs Kaiba of Mokuba's capture and isn't deterred by Kaiba's threats. Kaiba and Yami learn that they have to meet them on the roof of the designated building if they want to see their loved ones again. They agree to duel for their own reasons and at the top, they learn of the double duel they're about to take part in and its risks. Short Duelist and Tall Duelist reveal themselves as Lumis and Umbra respectively, the same duo Kaiba single-handedly took down before. (This is evidently incorrect as the duelists they faced before have different character profiles in the "Yu-Gi-Oh Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth", though they still do bare a resemblence to Lumis and Umbra.) Yami knows the rules of tag dueling so Lumis sets 2 cards to end his turn. Yami plays Beta the Magnet Warrior (1600) in Defense Mode, knowing that none of the players can attack the first turn, hoping to use that time to figure out their strategy.

Umbra plays Shining Abyss (1800) in Defense Mode and Lumis equips it with his face down Mask of Brutality, raising its ATK by 1000 to 2600 and stays that way provided the duo give up 1000 Life Points each turn. (You can't activate an Equip Spell this way in the CG. It must be activated during your turn unless another card effect allows this.) Kaiba is surprised at how strong their first-turn monster is (forgetting already that their monster is in Defense Mode with only 1800 DEF, Kaiba?) However Umbra is prepared with the Masked Doll card, negating the effects of Lumis' Spell Card. Still unwilling to partake in teamwork, Kaiba sets 2 cards and summons Vorse Raider the Man-Beast (Just Vorse Raider in the CG) (1900) in Attack Mode.

Yami mentally protests that his monster is weaker than Umbra's monster (but their monster is in Defense Mode and can't survive Vorse Raider's attack). Kaiba is all set with a more powerful monster next turn. (It's only Saggi the Dark Clown at 18:23 into the Japanese episode, which is anything but more powerful.) Umbra reminds Yami and Kaiba that they have the most powerful monster on the field (guess everyone has forgotten the position of Umbra's monster here or it's poor script writing). Yami and Kaiba have to work as a team or they're doomed. If Kaiba keeps up this selfish attitude they'll lose and go to the Shadow Realm and who knows what Yami's friends will do under Marik's control!

Episode 70's Episode Cards

Card Info:

Beta the Magnet Warrior
EARTH / Rock / Level 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1600
Alpha, Beta, and Gamma meld as one to form a powerful monster.
Found in: Notes: Used by:
Retro Pack 2
None Yami

Card Info:

Shining Abyss
LIGHT / Fairy / Level 4 / ATK 1600 / DEF 1800
This monster employs the powers of both Light and Darkness.
Found in: Notes: Used by:
Dark Beginning 1
None Umbra

Card Info:

Mask of Brutality
Japanese Equip Spell
Increase the ATK of the equipped monster by 1000 but decrease its DEF by 1000. During each of your Standby Phases, you must pay 1000 Life Points or destroy this card.
Found in: Notes: Used by:
Japanese Beginner's Edition 1 (2011) (BE01-JP184) In the dubbed episode, it was briefly stated it was Umbra's card. Lumis

Card Info:

Masked Doll
Anime Continuous Spell
You do not have to pay Life Points to keep Spell Cards in play as part of their cost.
Found in: Notes: Used by:
No release Card info is from
Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.

Card Info:

Vorse Raider (original artwork)
DARK / Beast-Warrior / Level 4 / ATK 1900 / DEF 1200
This wicked Beast-Warrior does every horrid thing imaginable and loves it! His axe bears the marks of his countless victims.
Found in: Notes: Used by:
Duel Terminal 3
In the dubbed episode, it was called "Vorse Raider the Man-Beast". Seto Kaiba