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Episode 201: Memoirs of a Pharaoh

The gang arrive in Cairo, Egypt's airport where Tea` purchases a snowglobe and Marik, Odeon an Ishizu are waiting for them. Joey wants lunch but Ishizu requests to speak with Yami and Yugi promptly switches places with him before the group board a car to drive across the desert sand. They arrive at the Tablet of Lost Memories where Yami must enter alone and this time, the gate will open once Yami holds up the God Cards. Yami and his group head in, leaving Odeon, Ishizu and Marik behind but Dark Bakura is waiting for Yami to unlock the gate and seal his fate. Once inside, Tea` hands Yami a blank cartouche she purchased where he can put his name once he finds it and Yami is at a loss for words.

Yami holds up the God Cards and is pulled out of Yugi and into a tablet with Bakura and Dark Bakura following suit. As they pass through the sort-of wormhole, Shadi arrives to explain what happened. Yami finds himself 5000 years into the past and is unsure of what happened. Yami sits down in his thrown and the festivities begin with some familiar faces taking part. Meanwhile, ancient Bakura is being pulled to the dungeon when Dark Bakura's spirit takes over its body. One of his guards frees him but he has work to do as it's the day the Pharaoh inherited the throne. Inside, an intruder fires some sort of weapon at Yami but Ishizu's lookalike (which will be called Egyptian Ishizu or EI) informs one of the performers, now revealed as Mahad to go after him.


The intruder is caught and brought before Yami to take the Millennium Trial via the Millennium Items. The items successfully detect and seal the monster trapped within the criminal's heart. Shadi explains that Yami is now learning his past and must remain there until he defeats the evil again in the ultimate Shadow Game. Joey is angry and tries to make Shadi feel it but his hand goes through as Shadi explains that Bakura destroyed his original body in its Grave. Yugi wants to enter with his friends and the doorway is in his Millennium Puzzle and Shadi can be their guide if they trust him. Back in Egypt, Egyptian Bakura (EB for short) has found attire to blend in and decides to take a sarcophagus.

Inside the palace Aknadin tells Seto that with the evil inside now gone, the prisoner should be allowed to be free.

However, Seto reminds Aknadin that he was in charge of the security and asks how the intruder got through. Another member explains that the Millennium Ring was acting strangely and making detection of criminals difficult. EI or now known as Isis (which is weird because that was Ishizu's Japanese translated name and wasn't used in her US name, perhaps to avoid confusion) brings up her Millennium Necklace's detection of an intruder just outside the palace walls with a great power. Sure enough, EB is outside, ready to make his presence known so let the ultimate Shadow Game begin!