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*For info on the card rarities found below, click here.
Episode 195: One Step Ahead (2)

Kaiba manages to reap the benefits of Zigfried's Equip Spell before redirecting Zigfried's direct attack with a Trap Card. Zigfried counters, then begins the same strategy he used to defeat Joey. Kaiba manages to survive before bringing out a powerful Dragon and gaining extra LP. However, Zigfried plays a game-changing Spell Card that puts everything on the line based on their guess. Kaiba takes a big risk but it pays off and he wins the Duel, leaving Zigfried very angry and unwilling to accept defeat or leave Kaiba alone.

Episode Cards
DUEL 1: Kaiba: AGA, MR, BEWD (via MR, GVG and DF), Shrink, GC, CEDEotE (2x, 1 via DF), EP,                             CaDr (via FL), CoD, SoRe, SpRe, DF, LD#2 (via GVD & DF)

                Zigfried: WJ, GUV, GVG, GSO, GFD, VB (2x, 1 via FL), ESN, PW, PoG, MA, FL
Deviations from the TCG
1. Players started with only 4000 LP.
2. Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End was called "Chaos Emperor Dragon" in the Dub.
3. Card of Demise allowed the owner to draw cards until they had 5 ccards in their hand, then forced them to discard their entire hand after 5 turns.
1. In the Japanese episode, Kaiba's 2nd to last attack leaves Zigfried down to 3000 LP instead of 3300.