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Episode 158: Fate of the Pharaoh (3)

With Yami entirely under the power of Raphael's Field Spell, he starts to gain control of the Duel by using a Spell ard to activate 1 card in Raphael's hand, giving him 4 monsters in Defense Mode. Then he brings out a classic Spellcaster and breaks up his Kuribabylon before resummoning it with even more ATK. Raphael manages to survive and further stalls with another Spell Card. Yami tries to get around this with a monster from his Duelist Kingdom days but Raphael counters with a Trap Card, then weakens Yami's powered up Kuribabylon. Raphael isn't able to stop Yami using his monster's effect next turn but saves himself the full damage of its effect before bringing out his ace monster to win the Duel. However, in spite of Yami disobeying pleas not to play the dreaded Field Spell, Yugi breaks the Field Spell's hold on Yami and opts to replace Yami in having his soul taken. Yami is left an emotional wreck with deep regrets.

Episode Cards
DUEL 1: Yami: HC, Necromancy (from Raphael's hand via HC),
(via Necromancy: BSG, Berformet, GtKoMB) Kuribabylon (via its effect and Necromancy), CT,
(via Kuribabylon: Kuriboh, Kuribah, Kuribee, Kuriboo, Kuribeh)

                Raphael: AttD, MoRei, SoRL, LT, NB, Shrink, CSE, GuEa
Deviations from the TCG
1. Players started with only 4000 LP.
2. The Seal of Orichalcos corrupted the user that activated it and took the soul of the loser in the Duel it was used in.

3. Big Shield Gardna was a Normal Monster.
4. Celstial Sword - Eatos was called "Rod of Silence" in the Dub.
5. Guardian Eatos could only be Summoned while the owner controlled "Celestial Sword - Eatos" and gained the ATK of every monster in the opponent's Graveyard that it removed from play by its effect.

6. Monster Reincarnation had different artwork (and was called "Monster Rebirth" in the Dub) and simplky shuffled a monster in the owner's Graveyard into their Deck.