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Episode 143: One for the Road

On the ground, Yugi and the gang decide to split up to look for Kaiba while Kaiba stands at the computer where the alert flashes before him, mentally saying that it'll all soon be a bad memory from when Yami won against him in their duel. With that, the duo head out and Mokuba hopes the others have already left but they're still on the ground in the airship waiting for a successful engine start. Kaiba stops to remember that his past will soon be erased once his tower crumbles and buries his memories of Gozaburo Kaiba forever, remembering when he won the duel against him. At last, Kaiba obeys Mokuba's order to leave and they head down the tower to the ground floor where Yami and a few others are waiting.

Duke and Bakura arrive to give the bad news that the engines still aren't working. Inside the Duel Tower, Mai and Serenity break the news about the tower's pending destruction to Ishizu, Marik and Odeon and everyone boards the nearby helicopter and it takes off quickly with 30 seconds to spare. The tower explodes and all hope for Kaiba and Mokuba making it out in time seems lost until his Blue-Eyes White Jet appears from the smoke, leaving Joey aggravated enough to yell at Kaiba from the on board speakers but is told by Mokuba what he and Kaiba are doing instead of going back with them and put the jet on full power and dart off in the other direction. On board, Mokuba is excited until he learns that opening up theme parks takes hard work and determination.


On the helicopter, the gang hear that they'll be landing in Domino City before nightfall and arrive at sunset. Once on the ground, Ishizu and Marik chat with Yami about his next journey to uncover his secrets and before they leave, they hope to meet again soon.One by one, Duke and others decide to go their own direction. Later that night, inside the Game Shop, Yugi is glad to be home but is reminded to return Joey's Red-Eyes back to him and heads out. At sunrise, Joey and Yugi approach, each one remembering the times they've been through up to this point. Yugi, now Yami and Joey slot their decks into their Duel Disks and start a duel.