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*For info on the card rarities found below, click here.
Episode 21: Double Trouble Duel (3)

Yami counters Gate Guadian's attack but finds it's much harder to counter Gate Guardian when its pieces can save themselves. Luckily, Yami is able to halt one secton of the monster before the duo bring out something much stronger. Dox then manges to play a card that steals LP from the opponent and adds it to their own monster's ATK. Yami and Joey then decide to take a page from Para and Dox by reviving a piece of Gate Guardian. Finally, with Joey's help, the duo take down Gate Guardian and are granted passage into one of the two paths before them.

Para and Dox still refuse to provide a clear-cut answer so Yami decided to use a coin with the same marking on both sides to ensure they chose property. Down below, Kaiba finds himself face-to-face with Pegasus, whom agrees to a Duel provided Yami can be defeated in a Duel first. If Kaiba fails, Pegasus will keep Mokuba's soul trapped in the card forever.

Episode Cards
DUEL 1: Yami: MF, SS, SC, Polymerization, BSD (team effort), MR, Suijin (via Monster Reborn), MoRe, Riryoku (via Copycat)

                 Joey: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Copycat

                 Para: Remove Trap
                 Dox: Riryoku
Deviations from the TCG
1. Players started with only 2000 LP and could Normal Summon monsters of any Level without Tributing.
2. B. Skull Dragon was called "Black Skull Dragon" in the Dub.

3. Copycat was a Normal Monster in both versions, with 100 original DEF thatt let the owner copy the effect of 1 card on the opponent's field or Graveyard.

4. Suijin could use its effect once per turn and could even use it against reflected attacks.
5. Riryoku had different artwork and took half the opponent's LP to add the amount to the owner's monster's ATK before it forced the controller to end their turn.

6. Spellbinding Circle also lowered the affected monster's ATK by 700.
1. B. Skull Dragon's ATK was incorrectly raised to 4000 when Joey uses Copycat to copy the effect of Riryoku.