FET-EN020* |
Blast Magician
FIRE / Spellcaster / Level 4
/ ATK 1400 / DEF 1700
Each time you or your opponent activates 1
Spell Card, put 1 Spell Counter on this card. Remove any number
of Spell Counters to destroy 1 face-up monster on the field with
an ATK equal to or less than 700 points x the number of removed
Spell Counters.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
The only monster that will do
blasting is your opponent's monster with even Sorcerer of the Doomed
(1450 ATK) or with the more likely Gemini Elf/Goblin
Attack Force but certainly not this card. |
FET-EN019 |
Mecha-Dog Marron
LIGHT / Machine / Level 4
/ ATK 1000 / DEF 1000
When this card on the field is destroyed and
sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, inflict 1000 points
of damage to both players' Life Points. When this card on the
field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard except as a result
of battle, inflict 1000 points of damage to your opponent's Life
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
He at least beats "Outstanding
Dog Marron as his stats are 10 times that of ODM's but this dog will do
more than play dead in battle. |
FET-EN018 |
Blade Rabbit
EARTH / Beast / Level 2
/ ATK 400 / DEF 300
When this card is changed from Attack Position
to face-up Defense Position, destroy 1 monster on your
opponent's side of the field.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
One might also call this guy
"Death Rabbit" as he will die quite often in battle. He's not even worth
playing for laughs. |
FET-EN017 |
EARTH / Beast / Level 3
/ ATK 1000 / DEF 300
When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a
result of battle, you can Special Summon any "Hyena"(s) from
your Deck to the field. Then shuffle your Deck.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
This hyena won't be laughing
when it battles a stronger Monster and will quickly die. |
FET-EN016 |
Kangaroo Champ
EARTH / Beast / Level 4
/ ATK 800 / DEF 700
A monster that battles with this card is
changed to Defense Position after damage calculation.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
If this guy is considered to be
a champ then what is it called with monsters stronger than he is?
Leaders? He's no champ in my book and will be knocked out by
"runner-ups" with ease. |
FET-EN015* |
Big-Tusked Mammoth
EARTH / Beast / Level 5
/ ATK 2000 / DEF 1000
As long as this card remains face-up on the
field, monsters on your opponent's side of the field cannot
attack during the same turn that they are Normal Summoned, Flip
Summoned, or Special Summoned.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
It does stop opponent's monsters
from attacking the turn they are summoned but with only 2000 ATK, any
stronger monsters out before his summoning will take him out. |
FET-EN014 |
Behemoth the King of All Animals
EARTH / Beast / Level 7
/ ATK 2700 / DEF 1500
This card can be Normal Summoned or Set with 1
Tribute Monster. In that case, the original ATK of this card
becomes 2000. When this card is Tribute Summoned successfully,
you can return from your Graveyard to the owner's hand a number
of Beast-Type monsters equal to the number of Tributed monsters.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
Being "the king of all animals"
I'd expect him to be able to destroy any monster we have out, but it'
can't even stand up to Wingweaver at 2750 ATK. Horrible to use. |
FET-EN013 |
Catnipped Kitty
EARTH / Beast / Level 2
/ ATK 0 / DEF 500
This card cannot be attacked if there is
another Beast-Type monster on your side of the field. Make the
DEF of 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field 0 until
the End Phase. This effect can only be used once per turn.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
This cat may be catnipped but
that doesn't make it hard to defeat, in fact it makes it
to defeat! Don't use this card. |
FET-EN012 |
Maji-Gire Panda
EARTH / Beast / Level 4
/ ATK 1000 / DEF 800
As long as this card remains face-up on the
field, each time a Beast-Type monster(s) on the field is
destroyed, increase the ATK of this card by 500 points.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
Chances are he'll be destroyed
before he'll even become a threat to your opponent. Use the better Gire
Panda instead. |
FET-EN011 |
Element Doom
DARK / Fiend
/ Level 4 / ATK 1500 /
DEF 1200
This monster gets the following effect(s) while
there is a monster(s) with the following Attribute(s) on the
● EARTH: Negate the
effect of an Effect Monster that is destroyed by this monster as
a result of battle.
● WIND: If this card destroyed your opponent's
monster as a result of battle, it can attack once again in a
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
He certainly does spell "doom",
for you as he'll be destroyed and you'll have one less defense to
protect you from your opponent's strongest monsters. |
FET-EN010 |
Element Valkyrie
LIGHT / Fairy / Level 4
/ ATK 1500 / DEF 1200
This monster gets the following effect(s) while
there is a monster(s) with the following Attribute(s) on the
● FIRE: Increase the ATK of this card by 500
● WATER: Control of this card cannot switch.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
As if the ones back in RDS were
any better. Don't use this card or any of it's "brothers". |
FET-EN009* |
Granmarg the Rock Monarch
EARTH / Rock / Level 6
/ ATK 2400 / DEF 1000
When this card is Tribute Summoned
successfully, destroy 1 face-down card on the field.
Rating: |
3 |
Comments: |
2400 ATK and being able to
destroy any face down card on the field is pretty good but it'd get a
higher rating if it could destroy any card on the field. |
FET-EN008* |
Silent Swordsman LV5
LIGHT / Warrior / Level 5
/ ATK 2300 / DEF 1000
This card is unaffected by your opponent's
Spell Cards. If this card successfully attacks your opponent's
Life Points directly, during your next Standby Phase, send this
face-up card to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Silent
Swordsman LV7" from your hand or Deck.
Rating: |
2 |
Comments: |
At least it's unaffected by the opponent's Spell
Cards, which is good because it's stats aren't going to keep it on the
field very long and that is all that gives its rating 2/5. |
FET-EN007* |
Ultimate Insect LV5
WIND / Insect / Level 5
/ ATK 2300 / DEF 900
If this card was Special Summoned by the effect
of "Ultimate Insect LV3", as long as this card remains on the
field, decrease the ATK of all your opponent's monsters by 500
points. During your Standby Phase, send this face-up card to the
Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Ultimate Insect LV7" from your
hand or Deck. (You cannot activate this effect the turn this
card is Normal Summoned, Special Summoned, or flipped face-up.)
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
The ultimate laughing matter for
no one would likely waste the effort for a monster whose ATK rivals
Goblin Attack Force but cannot take down BEWD even with its effect. |
FET-EN006 |
Hand of Nephthys
WIND / Spellcaster / Level 2
/ ATK 600 / DEF 600
Tribute 2 monsters on your side of the field,
including this card, to Special Summon 1 "Sacred Phoenix of
Nephthys" from your hand or Deck.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
If you're going to run SPoN, use
Flame Ruler as its stats are quite higher than this card's and you only
need itself to bring SPoN out. |
FET-EN005* |
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
FIRE / Winged Beast / Level 8
/ ATK 2400 / DEF 1600
If this card is destroyed by a card effect,
Special Summon this card during your next Standby Phase. If you
Special Summon this card successfully in this way, destroy all
Spell and Trap Cards on the field.
Rating: |
2 |
Comments: |
Needing 2 tributes and having
the stats of a Level 6 monster is pretty bad but what allows it to get 2/5 is
its effect and the Heavy Storm effect keeps it from
getting a higher rating. |
FET-EN004 |
Insect Knight
EARTH / Insect / Level 4
/ ATK 1900 / DEF 1500
Of all Insect fighters, he is the paragon of the
Indestructible Insect Invaders, which only the elite of the
elite can join. We can no longer ignore their unmatched battle
Rating: |
4 |
Comments: |
A very powerful Level 4 Insect Monster! Perfect for
EARTH, Beat down or Insect decks! |
FET-EN003 |
Chu-Ske the Mouse Fighter
EARTH / Beast / Level 3
/ ATK 1200 / DEF 0
A fiery mouse, traveling the world to become the strongest
fighter in the world of mice. Be careful not to touch him, or
you will get burned.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
Obviously he'll be fighting mice
as with only 1200 ATK, he'll find himself fighting for his life to avoid
getting eaten by cats. |
FET-EN002 |
Divine Dragon Ragnarok
LIGHT / Dragon / Level 4
/ ATK 1500 / DEF 1000
A legendary dragon sent by the gods as their instrument.
Legends say that if provoked, the whole world will sink beneath
the sea.
Rating: |
1 |
Comments: |
While searchable by Shining
Angel, there are better monsters out there than this guy to use, however
this guy should be used if you have and only if you have King Dragun in
your Fusion Deck. |
FET-EN001 |
Space Mambo
WATER / Fish / Level 4
/ ATK 1700 / DEF 1000
A Space Mambo floating in the vast universe.
This living relic was found in the ruins of a super civilization
on Alphard 4.
Rating: |
2 |
Comments: |
I've rated this card 2/5
because in WATER decks, he becomes a 1900 ATK Level 3 monster. |