My Yu-Gi-Oh and Gx Episodes Season 3, Episode 5
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Nightshroud’s Darkness Dragon Deck (1) Previously… “Hey Yugi,” said Bakura. What was it you guys were discussing? “Well, there appears to be these 3 cards like the Egyptian God Cards,” said Yugi. “That sounds interesting,” said Bakura. “Alright, enough talk, it’s time that I duel the king of games,” said Nightshroud. “Uh, which one?” asked Jaden. “You, Jaden Yuki,” said Nightshroud. “Fine, let’s duel!” said Jaden. “I’ll begin by summoning Twin-Headed Behemoth (1500) in Attack Mode,” said Nightshroud. Then, I set 2 cards face down and end my turn. (3) Soon, your key will be mine! “Time to throw down!” said Jaden. I play Polymerization, tributing Elemental Heroes Burstinatrix and Clayman in my hand to summon Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster (2000) in Attack Mode! Rampart Blaster, attack his Behemoth! “I activate my face down cards, Dragon’s Bead and Dragon’s Rage!” said Nightshroud. Dragon’s Bead allows me to discard a card to negate a Trap Card’s activation and destroy it. Dragon’s Rage makes it so that when a Dragon-Type Monster I control has more ATK points than the DEF of your Monster, the difference gets taken out of your LPs. Twin-Headed Behemoth is destroyed and Nightshroud’s LPs drop to 7500. Twin-Headed Behemoth reappears on the field {1000} in Defense Mode. “I just destroyed that Monster, why did it reappear?” asked Jaden. “Twin-Headed Behemoth’s ability allows me to Special Summon it back to my field with an ATK and DEF of 1000 however, I can only use his effect once,” said Nightshroud. “I throw down 2 face downs and end my turn,” said Jaden. (1) “I summon Red-Eyes B. Chick (0500) in Defense Mode,” said Nightshroud. Next, I use my Monster’s ability, sending it to the Graveyard and letting me Special Summon his father. Rise, Red-Eyes B. Dragon (2400) in Attack Mode! Red-Eyes, attack his Rampart Blaster! “I activate Negate Attack!” said Jaden. Your attack is cancelled out. “I set 1 card face down and end my turn,” said Nightshroud. (1) “I activate De-Fusion, sending Rampart Blaster back to the Fusion Deck and Special Summoning Burstinatrix and Clayman back to my field,” said Jaden. Next, I tribute my Monsters for Elemental Hero Bladedge (2600) in Attack Mode. Bladedge, attack his Red-Eyes! Red-Eyes is destroyed and Nightshroud’s LPs drop to 7300. “I activate Call of the Haunted to revive Red-Eyes from my Graveyard,” said Nightshroud. “I throw down a face down and end my turn,” said Jaden. (0) “I tribute my Red-Eyes for his most powerful form Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon (2400) in Attack Mode!” said Nightshroud. I hope you haven’t forgotten my dragon’s ability, Jaden. Let me remind you. He gains 300 ATK points for every Dragon-Type Monster in my Graveyard and there are 2! Darkness Dragon’s ATK rises to 3000. Darkness Dragon, destroy Bladedge! “Go Hero Barrier!” said Jaden. Since I have an Elemental Hero chillin’ on my field, I get to negate an attack on one. Your attack on Bladedge is negated! “I end my turn,” said Nightshroud. (1) You don’t have anything powerful enough to destroy my Darkness Dragon! “I activate Skyscraper,” said Jaden. This card gives an attacking Elemental Hero 1000 ATK points during Damage Calculation. Bladedge, attack Darkness Dragon! Bladedge’s ATK rises to 3600 and Darkness Dragon is destroyed, reducing Nightshroud’s LPs to 6700. That ends my turn. (0) “I activate Snatch Steal,” said Nightshroud. This card lets me take control of Bladedge and gives you 1000 LPs during your turn. Bladedge, attack Jaden directly! Jaden’s LPs drop to 5400. It’s your move! (1) “I gain 1000 LPs by your card’s effect,” said Jaden drawing his card. Jaden’s LPs rise to 6400. Then, activate Pot of Greed for 2 cards. I just better hope these cards are good! To be continued…
Card Info: |
Polymerization (original artwork) Normal Spell Send Fusion Material Monsters that are listed by a Fusion Monster Card from your hand or your side of the field to the Graveyard, and Special Summon the Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck. |
Found In: Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki | |
Set #: DP1-EN014 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh and GX Anime: It fused monsters. Yu-Gi-Oh US: It had the alternate artwork. |
Card User: Jaden Yuki | |
Card Info: |
Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster EARTH / Warrior-Type Fusion / Level 6 / ATK 2000 / DEF 2500 "Elemental Hero Clayman" + "Elemental Hero Burstinatrix" This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. While this card is in face-up Defense Position, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. In that case, apply half the ATK of this card for damage calculation. |
Found In: Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki | |
Set #: DP1-EN014 | |
Rarity(s): Rare | |
The monster
was shown on top of an Elemental Hero Clayman card during a scene of an episode. GX Japan: Its artwork was different until later changed. |
Card User: Jaden Yuki | |
Card Info: |
The Dragon's Bead Continuous Trap Discard 1 card from your hand to negate the effect of a Trap Card that specifically designates 1 face-up Dragon-Type monster as a target and destroy it. |
Found In: Structure Deck: Dragon's Roar | |
Set #: SD1-EN023 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: None | |
Card User: Nightshroud | |
Card Info: |
Dragon's Rage Continuous Trap When a Dragon-Type monster on your side of the field attacks with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of a Defense Position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to opponent's Life Points. |
Found In: Structure Deck: Dragon's Roar | |
Set #: SD1-EN024 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: None | |
Card User: Nightshroud | |
Card Info: |
Twin-Headed Behemoth WIND / Dragon / Level 3 / ATK 1500 / DEF 1200 If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon it during the End Phase of this turn with 1000 ATK and 1000 DEF. You can only use this effect once per Duel. |
Found In: Champion Pack: Game Two | |
Set #: CP02-EN016 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: Special Summoned by its effect. | |
Card User: Nightshroud | |
Card Info: |
Red-Eyes B. Chick DARK / Dragon / Level 1 / ATK 800 / DEF 500 Send this face-up card on your side of the field to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" from your hand. |
Found In: Structure Deck: Dragon's Roar | |
Set #: SD1-EN007 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: GX US: Called "Red-Eyes Black Chick". | |
Card User: Nightshroud | |
Card Info: |
Red-Eyes B. Dragon (4th artwork) DARK / Dragon / Level 7 / ATK 2400 / DEF 2000 A ferocious dragon with a deadly attack. |
Found In: Structure Deck: Dragon's Roar | |
Set #: SD1-EN002 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: Special Summoned by Red-Eyes B. Chick's effect. Yu-Gi-Oh and GX US: Called "Red-Eyes Black Dragon". Yu-Gi-Oh Anime: It had the original artwork. |
Card User: Nightshroud | |
Card Info: |
Negate Attack Counter Trap Activate only when your opponent's monster declares an attack. Negate the attack of that 1 monster and end the Battle Phase. |
Found In: Structure Deck: Dinosaur's Rage | |
Set #: SD09-EN033 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh Japan: It was a Quick-Play Spell with
different artwork. Yu-Gi-Oh US: It first could negate even reflected attacks. |
Card User: Jaden Yuki | |
Card Info: |
De-Fusion Quick-Play Spell Return 1 Fusion Monster Card on the field to the Fusion Deck. In addition, if all the Fusion-Material monsters for the returned Fusion Monster Card are in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon them all to the field in face-up Attack or Defense Position. |
Found In: Dark Beginning 2 | |
Set #: DB2-EN029 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh and GX Anime: It split the Fusion Monster. | |
Card User: Jaden Yuki | |
Card Info: |
Elemental Hero Clayman EARTH / Warrior / Level 4 / ATK 800 / DEF 2000 An Elemental Hero with a clay body built-to-last. He'll preserve his Elemental Hero colleagues at any cost. |
Found In: Dark Revelation Volume 3 | |
Set #: DR3-EN183 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: Special Summoned by De-Fusion's effect. GX Japan: Its artwork was different until later changed. GX US: It was an Effect Monster at times. |
Card User: Jaden Yuki | |
Card Info: |
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (2nd artwork) FIRE / Warrior / Level 3 / ATK 1200 / DEF 800 A flame manipulator who is the only woman among the Elemental Heroes. Her Burstfire burns away villainy. |
Found In: McDonald's Promotion 2 | |
Set #: MDP2-EN003 | |
Rarity(s): Rare | |
Notes: Special Summoned by De-Fusion's effect. GX Anime: Its artwork was different. GX US: Stated it was a Pyro-Type monster during one scene of an episode. |
Card User: Jaden Yuki | |
Card Info: |
Elemental Hero Bladedge EARTH / Warrior / Level 7 / ATK 2600 / DEF 1800 During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points. |
Found In: Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2 | |
Set #: DP03-EN002 | |
Rarity(s): Rare | |
Notes: GX Anime: Its artwork was different. | |
Card User: Jaden Yuki | |
Card Info: |
Call of the Haunted Continuous Trap Select 1 monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. When this card is destroyed or removed from the field, the summoned monster is destroyed. If the summoned monster is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. |
Found In: Structure Deck: Lord of the Storm | |
Set #: SD8-EN030 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh Anime: It Special Summoned the player's
monsters as immortal zombies and gave them 10% more ATK each time they
were revived by its effect. Yu-Gi-Oh Japan: It was a Continuous Spell with different artwork. Yu-Gi-Oh US: Called a Spell Card during a scene of an episode. |
Card User: Nightshroud | |
Card Info: |
Red-Eyes B. Dragon (4th artwork) DARK / Dragon / Level 7 / ATK 2400 / DEF 2000 A ferocious dragon with a deadly attack. |
Found In: Structure Deck: Dragon's Roar | |
Set #: SD1-EN002 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: Special Summoned by Call of the Haunted's effect. Yu-Gi-Oh and GX US: Called "Red-Eyes Black Dragon". Yu-Gi-Oh Anime: It had the original artwork. |
Card User: Nightshroud | |
Card Info: |
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon DARK / Dragon / Level 9 / ATK 2400 / DEF 2000 This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 1 "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" on your side of the field. Increase the ATK of this card by 300 points for each Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard. |
Found In: Structure Deck: Dragon's Roar | |
Set #: SD1-EN001 | |
Rarity(s): Ultra Rare | |
Notes: None | |
Card User: Nightshroud | |
Card Info: |
Hero Barrier Normal Trap If you control a face-up "Elemental Hero" monster, negate 1 attack from a monster your opponent controls. |
Found In: Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2 | |
Set #: DP03-EN027 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: None | |
Card User: Jaden Yuki | |
Card Info: |
Skyscraper Field Spell When a monster that includes "Elemental Hero" in its card name attacks, if its ATK is lower than the ATK of the attack target, increase the ATK of the attacking monster by 1000 points during damage calculation only. |
Found In: Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki | |
Set #: DP1-EN021 | |
Rarity(s): Rare | |
Notes: GX Anime: It gave the weaker Elemental Hero the boost automatically before it attacked the stronger Monster. | |
Card User: Jaden Yuki | |
Card Info: |
Snatch Steal Equip Spell Take control of a monster on your opponent's side of the field that is equipped with this card. Increase your opponent's Life Points by 1000 points during each of their Standby Phases. |
Found In: Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep | |
Set #: SD4-EN015 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: None | |
Card User: Nightshroud | |
Card Info: |
Pot of Greed Normal Spell Draw 2 cards from your Deck. |
Found In: Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep | |
Set #: SD4-EN018 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: None | |
Card User: Jaden Yuki |