My Yu-Gi-Oh and Gx Episodes Season 2, Episode 19
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Syrus’ Vehicle Roids vs. Rex’s Dinosaur Monsters (2) Previously… “I summon Oxygeddon (1800) in Attack Mode,” said Rex. Oxygeddon, destroy Drillroid! Drillroid is destroyed and Syrus’ LPs drop to 800. Your move! (2) “I summon Jetroid (1800) in Defense Mode and end my turn,” said Syrus. (0) “I summon Hydrogeddon (1600) Attack Mode,” said Rex. That ends my turn. (2) “I summon Cycroid (1000) in Defense Mode and end my turn,” said Syrus. (0) “I tribute my 2 Monsters for Tyrant Dragon (2900) in Attack Mode,” said Rex. Tyrant Dragon, destroy Jetroid! Jetroid is destroyed. Attack again, Tyrant Dragon! If my opponent still has a Monster on his/her field after my first attack, my Monster can attack again. Destroy Cycroid! Cycroid is destroyed. Make your move! (2) “I activate Pot of Greed to draw 2 cards,” said Syrus. Then, I set 1 card face down and summon Patroid (1200) in Defense Mode and end my turn. (0) “Tyrant Dragon, destroy his Patroid!” said Rex. “I activate Super Charge!” said Syrus. Since you’ve attacked 1 of my Monsters, I draw 2 cards. Patroid is still destroyed. “Don’t know what good that did you, but I don’t think it did any good,” said Rex. I end my turn. (2) “Alright,” said Syrus drawing his card. I play Vehicroid Connection Zone! This card lets me Special Summon a Vehicle Roid Fusion Monster from my Fusion Deck by sending its Fusion Material Monsters to my Graveyard. I send Rescueroid and First Aidroid (Note: The Japanese name of this card in the Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh GX show is Kyuukyuuroid, which is too strange a name for me to use so First Aidroid will be used instead, which is what it’s Japanese name is translated as.) to my Graveyard to summon Ambulanceroid (2300) in Attack Mode! (Note: The Japanese name of this card is actually Reskyuukyuuroid, which, like Kyuukyuuroid, is to weird a name for me to use, so I’ll just call the monster Ambulanceroid instead.) “He may be powerful, but my Monster will crush him with 1 stomp!” said Rex. “I activate Limiter Removal, doubling all Machine-Type Monsters on my field,” said Syrus. Ambulanceroid’s ATK rises to 4600. Ambulanceroid, destroy Tyrant Dragon! Tyrant Dragon is destroyed and Rex’s LPs drop to 300. That ends my turn and at the turn’s end in which Limiter Removal was activated, all Machine-Type Monsters I control are destroyed. (0) Ambulanceroid is destroyed. “Ha ha, what a rookie!” said Rex. Only an amateur would double his Monster’s ATK strength without summoning another Monster first. I summon Uraby (1500) in Attack Mode. I’ll give you 1 last chance to wipe me out or else you’ll be demolished! I end my turn. (2) “I summon Submarineroid (800) in Attack Mode,” said Syrus. My Monster can attack you directly but afterwards it’s changed to Defense Mode. Submarineroid, attack Rex directly! Rex’s LPs drop to 0. “No, how could I let an amateur like him win?” said Rex. Elsewhere… “It’s time that I get back at Pegasus for what he did to me at the tournament,” said Keith. Flashback (begin): Pegasus: Sam is the winner Flashback (end): “You won’t get away with this, Pegasus!” said Keith. (Note: Keith is the name I’ll use as his first name.) To be continued…
Card Info: |
Pot of Greed Normal Spell Draw 2 cards from your Deck. |
Found In: Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep | |
Set #: SD4-EN018 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: None | |
Card User: Syrus Truesdale | |
Card Info: |
Patroid EARTH / Machine / Level 4 / ATK 1200 / DEF 1200
Pick up and look at 1 Set card on your
opponent's side of the field, then return it to its original
position. You can only activate this effect once per turn, during
your Main Phase.
Found In: Cybernetic Revolution | |
Set #: CRV-EN021 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: GX Japan: This card was a Normal Monster until later changed. | |
Card User: Syrus Truesdale | |
Card Info: |
Supercharge Normal Trap Activate only when your opponent declares an attack while the only monsters on your side of the field are Machine-Type "roid" monster(s). Draw 2 cards. |
Found In: Power of the Duelist | |
Set #: POTD-EN056 | |
Rarity(s): Rare and Ultimate Rare | |
Notes: GX Anime: Its effect could be used whenever a
monster the player controlled was attacked. GX US: Called "Supercharger" for a scene of an episode. |
Card User: Syrus Truesdale | |
Card Info: |
Vehicroid Connection Zone Normal Spell Send to the Graveyard, from your side of the field or your hand, Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on a "Vehicroid" Fusion Monster Card, and Special Summon that Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon.) The Fusion Monster Special Summoned by this card cannot be destroyed by the effects of Spells, Traps, and Effect Monsters, and its effects cannot be negated. |
Found In: Power of the Duelist | |
Set #: POTD-EN040 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: GX Anime: Its activation couldn't be negated by card effects. | |
Card User: Syrus Truesdale | |
Card Info: |
Ambulance Rescueroid "Rescueroid" + "Ambulanceroid" This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. Once per turn, when a monster on your side of the field is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon that monster in Defense Position. |
Found In: Power of the Duelist | |
Set #: POTD-EN035 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: None | |
Card User: Syrus Truesdale | |
Card Info: |
Limiter Removal Quick-Play Spell Double the ATK of all face-up Machine-Type monsters that are on your side of the field when you activate this card. During the End Phase, destroy all Monster Cards that were affected by this effect. |
Found In: Dark Beginning 1 | |
Set #: DB1-EN179 | |
Rarity(s): Rare | |
Notes: None | |
Card User: Chazz Princeton | |
Card Info: |
Uraby EARTH / Dinosaur / Level 4 / ATK 1500 / DEF 800 Fast on its feet, this dinosaur rips enemies to shreds with its sharp claws. |
Found In: Dark Beginning 1 | |
Set #: DB1-EN125 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: None | |
Card User: Rex Raptor | |
Card Info: |
Submarineroid WATER / Machine / Level 4 / ATK 800 / DEF 1800 This card can attack your opponent directly. When it does, any Battle Damage this card inflicts to your opponent becomes the original ATK of this card. You can change this card to Defense Position at the end of the Damage Step. |
Found In: Power of the Duelist | |
Set #: POTD-EN008 | |
Rarity(s): Rare and Ultimate Rare | |
Notes: GX Anime: Its artwork was different. | |
Card User: Syrus Truesdale |