My Yu-Gi-Oh and Gx Episodes Season 2, Episode 11
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Dimitri’s Kaiba Deck (2) Previously... “I summon Lord of D. (1200) in Attack Mode,” said Dimitri. As long as he stays on the field, all Dragons cannot be designated as a target by Spell, Trap or Monster effects. Then, I play The Flute of Summoning Dragon, letting me summon up to 2 Dragon-Type Monsters from my hand and I summon 2 Blue-Eyes White Dragons (3000 each) in Attack Mode! Blue-Eyes 1, destroy La Jin! La Jin is destroyed and Kaiba’s LPs drop to 6800. Second Blue-Eyes, attack directly! “I activate Shrink!” said Kaiba. Your Monster loses half its strength. Blue-Eyes 2’s ATK drops to 1500 and Kaiba’s LPs drop to 5300. “I set 1 card face down and end my turn,” said Dimitri. (1) Blue-Eyes 2’s ATK returns to 3000. “I summon Vorse Raider (1900) in Attack Mode,” said Kaiba. Vorse Raider, attack! Destroy Lord of D.! “I activate Ring of Destruction to destroy Vorse Raider!” said Dimitri. Your monster is destroyed and we take damage equal to his ATK strength! Vorse Raider is destroyed and Kaiba’s LPs drop to 3400 while Dimitri’s LPs drop to 6100. “I set 2 cards face down and end my turn,” said Kaiba. (1) “I summon Kaiser Sea Horse (1700) in Attack Mode,” said Dimitri. Kaiser Sea Horse, direct attack! “I activate Shadow Spell, reducing Kaiser’s ATK by 700 and preventing its battle position from being changed,” said Kaiba. Kaiser Sea Horse’s ATK drops to 1000. “Blue-Eyes 1, attack directly!” said Dimitri. “I activate Negate Attack!” said Kaiba. All of your attacks are now negated! “I end my turn,” said Dimitri. (1) “I play Soul Exchange, tributing your Kaiser Sea Horse to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000) in Attack Mode!” said Kaiba. Since Blue-Eyes is Light attribute, Kaiser is treated as 2 tributes. Shadow Spell is destroyed. While I cannot attack this turn, I can still play other cards, like Snatch Steal, letting me take control of any Monster you control and I choose Blue-Eyes #1! You gain 1000 LPs during your Standby Phase. That ends my turn. (0) “My turn,” said Dimitri. Dimitri’s LPs rise to 7100. I play Heavy Storm, destroying all Spell and Trap Cards on the field. Snatch Steal is destroyed and Blue-Eyes returns to Dimitri’s field. I end my turn. (1) “You amateur!” said Kaiba. You had the chance to wipe me out, but you didn’t! How pathetic! I set 1 Monster in Defense Mode and end my turn. (0) “I draw,” said Dimitri. I play Polymerization, tributing my 2 Blue-Eyes on my field and the one in my hand for Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500) in Attack Mode. Ultimate Dragon, destroy his face down Monster! The face down Man-Eater Bug (600) is destroyed. “You’ve triggered Man-Eater’s effect,” said Kaiba. Now your Monster is destroyed! Ultimate Dragon is destroyed. Oh well, there goes your Ultimate Dragon. “I end my turn,” said Dimitri. (0) “I play Monster Reborn to revive Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon in Attack Mode,” said Kaiba. Ultimate Dragon, direct attack! Dimitri’s LPs drop to 2600. One more attack and this duel’s over! That ends my turn. (0) “I activate Elkibyo Drakmord, preventing the equipped Monster from attacking and destroys the Monster on my second Standby Phase. Ultimate Dragon will fall soon! To be continued...
Card Info: |
Ring of Destruction Normal Trap Destroy 1 face-up Monster Card and inflict damage equal to the destroyed card's ATK to the Life Points of both you and your opponent. |
Found In: Invasion of Chaos Special Edition | |
Set #: IOC-SE3 | |
Rarity(s): Ultra Rare | |
Notes: None | |
Card User: Dimitri | |
Card Info: |
Kaiser Sea Horse LIGHT / Sea Serpent / Level 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1650 If you Tribute Summon a LIGHT monster, you can treat this 1 monster as 2 Tribute Monsters for the Tribute Summon. |
Found In: Dark Beginning 2 | |
Set #: DB2-EN115 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh Anime Season 3: It was one of Kaiba's Deck Masters, then one of Yugi's Deck Masters during a few episodes. | |
Card User: Dimitri | |
Card Info: |
Shadow Spell Continuous Trap Select 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. Decrease the ATK of the selected monster by 700 points. The monster cannot attack or change its battle position. When the selected monster is destroyed or removed from the field, this card is also destroyed. |
Found In: Starter Deck: Kaiba Evolution | |
Set #: SKE-041 | |
Rarity(s): Super Rare | |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh Anime: It was a Continuous Spell. Yu-Gi-Oh Japan: Its artwork was different. |
Card User: Seto Kaiba | |
Card Info: |
Negate Attack Counter Trap Activate only when your opponent's monster declares an attack. Negate the attack of that 1 monster and end the Battle Phase. |
Found In: Structure Deck: Dinosaur's Rage | |
Set #: SD09-EN033 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh Japan: It was a Quick-Play Spell with
different artwork. Yu-Gi-Oh US: It first could negate even reflected attacks until later changed. |
Card User: Seto Kaiba | |
Card Info: |
Soul Exchange Normal Spell Select 1 monster your opponent controls. This turn, if you would Tribute a monster you control, Tribute the selected monster instead. You cannot conduct your Battle Phase during the turn that you activate this card. |
Found In: Tournament Pack 7 | |
Set #: TP7-EN010 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh Anime: It let the player Tribute as many of their opponent's monsters as needed for their Tribute Summon or effect. | |
Card User: Seto Kaiba | |
Card Info: |
Blue-Eyes White Dragon (2nd artwork) LIGHT / Dragon / Level 8 / ATK 3000 / DEF 2500 This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale. |
Found In: Forbidden Legacy | |
Set #: FL1-EN003 | |
Rarity(s): Secret Rare | |
Notes: Product is a four pack blister containing
3 very old packs and 1 special pack containing a Secret Rare version of
this card, Kuriboh, or Dark Magician. Yu-Gi-Oh and GX Anime: It had the SDK artwork. |
Card User: Seto Kaiba | |
Card Info: |
Snatch Steal Equip Spell Take control of 1 of your opponent's face-up monsters. Your opponent gains 1000 Life Points at each of his/her Standby Phases. |
Found In: Dark Beginning 1 | |
Set #: DB1-EN115 | |
Rarity(s): Ultra Rare | |
Notes: None | |
Card User: Dimitri | |
Card Info: |
Heavy Storm Normal Spell Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field. |
Found In: Starter Deck 2006 | |
Set #: YSD-EN027 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh Anime: It destroyed all of the opponent's Spell and Trap Cards on the field. | |
Card User: Dimitri | |
Card Info: |
Polymerization (original artwork) Normal Spell Send Fusion Material Monsters that are listed by a Fusion Monster Card from your hand or your side of the field to the Graveyard, and Special Summon the Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck. |
Found In: Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki | |
Set #: DP1-EN014 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh and GX Anime: It fused monsters. Yu-Gi-Oh US: It had the alternate artwork. |
Card User: Dimitri | |
Card Info: |
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (original artwork) LIGHT / Dragon-Type Fusion / Level 12 / ATK 4500 / DEF 3800 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" + "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" + "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" |
Found In: Ultimate Edition | |
Set #: JMP-EN005 | |
Rarity(s): Ultra Rare | |
Notes: Product is a two pack blister containing 2 Dark Revelation Volume 2 and 1 Ultra Rare version of this card. | |
Card User: Dimitri | |
Card Info: |
Man-Eater Bug EARTH / Insect / Level 2 / ATK 450 / DEF 600 FLIP: Destroy 1 monster on the field. |
Found In: Dark Beginning 1 | |
Set #: DB1-EN131 | |
Rarity(s): Rare | |
Notes: Set face down, then later attacked and destroyed. | |
Card User: Seto Kaiba | |
Card Info: |
Monster Reborn Normal Spell Select 1 monster from either you or your opponent's Graveyard. Special Summon the selected monster on your side of the field. |
Found In: Dark Beginning 1 | |
Set #: DB1-EN133 | |
Rarity(s): Ultra Rare | |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh US: Called "Reborn the Monster" for a
period and stated it could revive a monster from the Deck during a scene
of an episode. Yu-Gi-Oh Japan: Its artwork was different. |
Card User: Seto Kaiba | |
Card Info: |
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (original artwork) LIGHT / Dragon-Type Fusion / Level 12 / ATK 4500 / DEF 3800 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" + "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" + "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" |
Found In: Ultimate Edition | |
Set #: JMP-EN005 | |
Rarity(s): Ultra Rare | |
Notes: Product is a two pack blister containing 2 Dark Revelation Volume 2 and 1 Ultra Rare version of this card and card was Special Summoned by Monster Reborn's effect. | |
Card User: Seto Kaiba | |
Card Info: |
Ekibyo Drakmord Equip Spell A monster equipped with this card cannot attack. At the end of the equipped monster's controller's 2nd turn after this card is activated, destroy the equipped monster. At that time, this card is returned to the owner's hand. |
Found In: Dark Beginning 2 | |
Set #: DB2-EN031 | |
Rarity(s): Common | |
Notes: None | |
Card User: Dimitri |