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My Yu-Gi-Oh
and Gx Fanfic Season
1 (Page 4)
Card Type(s) Played: Normal Monster | Effect Monster | Fusion Monster | Spell Card Trap Card -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeker vs. Jaden (Part 3) Previously... “Shining Flare Wingman, destroy his Labyrinth Wall!” said Jaden. Labyrinth Wall is destroyed but Seeker’s LPs remain untouched since Labyrinth Wall has 0 ATK points. That ends my turn. (Hand: 2 cards) “I reveal my face-down card, Gravity Bind!” said Seeker. “You may have used that during our last Duel, but it won’t work this time,” said Jaden. “What?” said Seeker shocked. You can’t stop me from Summoning Exodia! “I activate Solemn Judgment (Info: https://bit.ly/3E0g0KK)!” said Jaden. Your Gravity Bind is no more! By payin’ half my LPs, I get to negate the Summoning of a monster or the activation of a Spell or Trap Card. Jaden’s LPs drop to 4500 and Gravity Bind is negated. “Regardless, I Tribute Gear Golem for Guardian Sphinx (Info: https://bit.ly/3AuAcRT) (2900 DEF) in Defense Mode,” said Seeker. Finally, I Tribute him for Exxod, Master of The Guard (Info: https://bit.ly/3GOkHrb) (4500 DEF) in Defense Mode! No monster in your Deck can take him down! I end my turn. (Hand: 2 cards) “I Summon Dark Catapulter (Info: https://bit.ly/3GOl2Kt) (2000 DEF) in Defense Mode,” said Jaden. Shining Flare Wingman, destroy his Big Shield Gardna! Big Shield Gardna is destroyed and Seeker’s LPs drop to 5100. That ends my turn. (Hand: 2 cards) “That’s not bad, but both of your monsters cannot destroy my Exxod,” said Seeker. I Summon Giant Soldier of Stone (Info: https://bit.ly/3BzAd7Y) (2500 DEF) in Defense Mode and end my turn. (Hand: 2 cards) “Since Dark Catapulter has been in Defense Mode for a turn, he gets a counter and I activate his ability. By removing cards in my Graveyard from play equal to the number of counters he has, I get to destroy a number of Spell or Trap Cards on the field equal to the number of cards removed. I remove Wroughtweiler from play to destroy Chorus of Sanctuary! Chorus of Sanctuary is destroyed and all monsters’ DEF points return to normal. Next, I play the Field Spell Fusion Gate (Info: https://bit.ly/3rkn8NA)!” said Jaden. Thanks to Fusion Gate’s effect, Polymerization isn’t required, but all Fusion Materials are put out of play. I remove my Wildheart and Bladeedge in my hand from play to Summon Elemental Hero Wildedge (Info: https://bit.ly/3GzijnP) (2600 ATK) in Attack Mode. Shining Flare Wingman, destroy his Giant Soldier of Stone! Giant Soldier of Stone is destroyed and Seeker’s LPs drop to 3800. That ends my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “With my ultimate defense protecting me, that’s all you can do,” said Seeker. I use Monster Reborn (Info: https://bit.ly/3jE2DaQ) to revive Labyrinth Wall (Info: https://bit.ly/2WSrZcn) (3000 DEF) in Defense Mode. Then, I activate Magical Labyrinth (Info: https://bit.ly/3uSYVy5), which can only be equipped to my Labyrinth Wall. Then, I Tribute my equipped Labyrinth Wall for Wall Shadow (Info: https://bit.ly/3Bp6fnH) (3000 DEF) in Defense Mode and end my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “Shining Flare Wingman, destroy his Wall Shadow!” said Jaden. Wall Shadow is destroyed and Seeker’s LPs drop to 2200. Go ahead and make your move! (Hand: 1 card) “With pleasure,” said Seeker. Exodia’s Right Leg, excellent! I end my turn. (Hand: 3 cards) “I throw down a face-down,” said Jaden. Then, I end my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “My draw,” said Seeker. I Summon Mystical Elf (Info: https://bit.ly/3zZEMbh) (2000 DEF) in Defense Mode. Then, I Set 1 card face-down and end my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “I activate Pot of Greed (Info: https://bit.ly/3tbuPVP), letting me draw 2 cards,” said Jaden. Then, I Summon Winged Kuriboh (Info: https://bit.ly/3ISjK2p) (200 DEF) in Defense Mode and end my turn. (Hand: 1 card) “I Tribute my Mystical Elf for Millennium Shield (Info: https://bit.ly/32s8s5b) (3000 DEF) in Defense Mode and end my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “Alright, it’s my move,” said Jaden. I play Dark Factory of Mass Production (Info: https://bit.ly/3otF0Uq)! TO BE CONTINUED...
Card Type(s) Played: Normal Monster | Effect Monster | Fusion Monster | Spell Card Trap Card -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeker vs. Jaden (Part 2) Previously... “I Summon Elemental Hero Avian (1000 ATK) in Attack Mode,” said Jaden. Then, I play Fusion Recovery, allowing me to return Polymerization and a Fusion Material monster used for Fusion Summon back to my hand from my Graveyard. Next, I play the Spell Card Monster Reborn. It allows me to return a monster from my Graveyard to my side of the field and I choose Burstinatrix! Then, I Tribute Avian and Burstinatrix, using Polymerization, to Summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman (2100 ATK) in Attack Mode! Finally, I play Mirage of Nightmare! This lets me draw until I my hand contains 4 cards during your Standby Phase but in return, I have to discard the same number of cards that I drew to the Graveyard. That ends my turn. (Hand: 1 card) “My move now,” said Seeker. “Now the effect of Mirage of Nightmare activates,” said Jaden. I draw 3 cards, but I also activate Emergency Provisions! Thanks to this card, for each Spell or Trap Card I send to the Graveyard, I gain 1000 LPs. I send Mirage of Nightmare to the Graveyard! Jaden’s LPs rise to 8650. “Do whatever you like. It won’t change anything,” said Seeker. I Summon Big Shield Gardna (Info: https://bit.ly/38Tdd7T) (2600 DEF) in Defense Mode. Then, I play Swords of Revealing Light (Info: https://bit.ly/2YrrDdh), which stops you from attacking for 3 turns of mine. I’ll end my turn with that. (Hand: 4 cards) “Alright,” said Jaden drawing his card. I’m gonna Summon Wroughtweiler (Info: https://bit.ly/3HlFLq0) (1200 DEF) in Defense Mode. Then, I throw down a face-down and end my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “I Summon Gear Golem the Moving Fortress (Info: https://bit.ly/3ujDC8K) (2200 DEF) in Defense Mode,” said Seeker. Then, I activate Chorus of Sanctuary (Info: https://bit.ly/2Y81Wyc), giving all monsters in Defense Mode 500 DEF points. Gear Golem’s DEF rises to 2700, Big Shield Gardna’s DEF rises to 3100, Clayman’s DEF rises to 2500, Total Defense Shogun’s DEF rises to 3000, and Wroughtweiler’s DEF rises to 1700. That ends my turn. (Hand: 3 cards) “I play The Warrior Returning Alive (Info: https://bit.ly/3kx2Ay8), allowing me to return a Warrior-Type monster from my Graveyard back to my hand,” said Jaden. I choose Elemental Hero Sparkman. Next, I Summon Sparkman (Info: https://bit.ly/33XPUed) (1600 ATK) in Attack Mode. That ends my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “Shogun, destroy his Wroughtweiler!” said Seeker. Wroughtweiler is destroyed. “Whoops. Looks like ya just activated Wrought’s special ability,” said Jaden. (Note: Jaden sometimes gives his cards nicknames like "Wrought" for Wroughtweiler.) Thanks to his ability, I get to return Polymerization and an Elemental Hero back to my hand. “I end my turn,” said Seeker. (Hand: 4 cards) “I Tribute Sparkman and Flame Wingman, using Polymerization (Info: https://bit.ly/2WSu4F9), to Summon Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman (Info: https://bit.ly/3L20bq9) (2500 ATK) in Attack Mode!” said Jaden. Then, thanks to his super power, he gains 300 ATK points for each Elemental Hero in my Graveyard and there are 4, so he gains 1200 ATK points! Shining Flare Wingman’s ATK rises to 3700. My monster has a second ability as well. When he destroys an opponent’s monster in battle, that monster’s ATK points get deducted from its controller’s LPs. I end my turn. (Hand: 1 card) “I Tribute Shogun for Labyrinth Wall (Info: https://bit.ly/2WSrZcn) (3500 DEF) in Defense Mode,” said Seeker. Go ahead and make your move! (Hand: 3 cards) “Shining Flare Wingman, destroy his Labyrinth Wall!” said Jaden. Labyrinth Wall is destroyed. That ends my turn. (Hand: 2 cards) “Too bad you couldn't damage me with your monster's abiity. I reveal my face-down card, Gravity Bind (Info: https://bit.ly/2WOFpGb)!” said Seeker. TO BE CONTINUED...
Card Type(s) Played: Normal Monster | Effect Monster | Fusion Monster | Spell Card Trap Card -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeker vs. Jaden (Part 1) Previously... “There you are,” said Jaden. It’s time to Duel me again for my Shining Flare Wingman back, so get your game on! “I already have your rarest card,” said Seeker. Therefore, Dueling you again means nothing to me. “That’s not gonna keep me from gettin’ ya to Duel me again,” said Jaden. “Fine I accept,” said Seeker. You need to be taught a lesson about Exodia! “I’ll get things going with Elemental Hero Bubbleman (Info: https://bit.ly/3Gd8Oe4) (800 ATK) in Attack Mode,” said Jaden. Next, thanks to his super power, I get to draw 2 cards since he’s the only card out on my side of the field. Then, I play Polymerization (Info: https://bit.ly/2WSu4F9), Tributing Bubbleman on my field as well as Avian and Sparkman in my hand to Summon Elemental Hero Tempest (Info: https://bit.ly/33307FA) (2800 ATK) in Attack Mode. That’ll end my turn. (Hand: 4 cards) ”I Set 1 monster in Defense Mode,” said Seeker. Then, I activate Pot of Greed (Info: https://bit.ly/3tbuPVP), letting me draw 2 cards. Exodia’s Right Arm and Exodia’s Head, perfect. Only 3 more pieces left! That ends my turn. (Hand: 6 cards) “I Summon Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (Info: https://bit.ly/3gdJ46D) (1200 ATK) in Attack Mode!” said Jaden. Burstinatrix, destroy his face-down card! The face-down Skelengel (Info: https://bit.ly/3tHWldC) (400 DEF) is destroyed. “You’ve just triggered my monster’s special ability,” said Seeker. Now I draw 1 card. “Elemental Hero Tempest, attack his LPs directly!” said Jaden. Seeker’s LPs drop to 5200. I throw down 2 face-downs and end my turn. (Hand: 3 cards) “I use The Shallow Grave (Info: https://bit.ly/3lazL9J),” said Seeker. This allows both of us to select 1 monster in our Graveyards and Set it in Defense Mode. Next, I Flip-Summon my 2nd Skelengel (Info: https://bit.ly/3tHWldC) to Attack Mode to draw another card from my Deck. Finally, I Tribute my Skelengel to Summon Total Defense Shogun (Info: https://bit.ly/3HAX1aY) (2500 DEF) in Defense Mode. Shogun, attack his Burstinatrix! “What? How can your monster attack while it’s in Defense Mode?” asked Jaden. “That’s my monster’s special ability,” said Seeker. His ATK is applied for damage. Shogun, destroy his Burstinatrix! Burstinatrix is destroyed and Jaden’s LPs drop to 7650. “Ya just activated my Trap Card, Hero Signal (Info: https://bit.ly/34ASEOq)!” said Jaden. Since 1 of my monsters were destroyed in battle, I get to Summon a level 4 or less monster that has Elemental Hero in its name from my hand or Deck and I choose Elemental Hero Clayman (Info: https://bit.ly/3giaKHH) (2000 DEF) in Defense Mode! “Fine,” said Seeker. I end my turn. (Hand: 6 cards) “I Summon Elemental Hero Avian (Info: https://bit.ly/3gellmY) (1000 ATK) in Attack Mode,” said Jaden. Then, I play Fusion Recovery (Info: https://bit.ly/3ug77dr), allowing me to return Polymerization and a monster used for Fusion Summon back to my hand from my Graveyard. Next, I play the Spell Card Monster Reborn (Info: https://bit.ly/3jE2DaQ). It allows me to return a monster from my Graveyard to my side of the field and I choose Burstinatrix (Info: https://bit.ly/3gdJ46D)! Then, I Tribute Avian and Burstinatrix, using Polymerization (Info: https://bit.ly/2WSu4F9), to Summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman (Info: https://bit.ly/32LWS5p) (2100 ATK) in Attack Mode! Finally, I play Mirage of Nightmare (Info: https://bit.ly/3gQkNUo)! This lets me draw until I my hand contains 4 cards during your Standby Phase but in return, I have to discard the same number of cards that I drew to the Graveyard during my own Standby Phase. That ends my turn. (Hand: 1 card) “My move now,” said Seeker. “Now the effect of Mirage of Nightmare activates,” said Jaden. I draw 3 cards, but I also activate Emergency Provisions (Info: https://bit.ly/3Hk1U7A)! Thanks to this card, for each Spell or Trap Card I send to the Graveyard, I gain 1000 LPs. I send Mirage of Nightmare to the Graveyard! TO BE CONTINUED...
Card Type(s) Played: Normal Monster | Effect Monster | Spell Card -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dimitri’s Yugi Deck (Part 3) Previously... “I Tribute my remaining Magnet Warriors for Dark Magician (2500 ATK) in Attack Mode,” said Dimitri. Next, I play Dedication through Light and Darkness. This card lets me Tribute my Dark Magician to Special Summon Dark Magician of Chaos (2800 ATK) in Attack Mode! “Impressive, but my Dark Paladin still has more ATK points than him,” said Yami. “Since I Special Summoned my monster, I get 1 Spell Card from my Graveyard back to my hand and the one I choose is the key to my victory! I choose Premature Burial! Next, I end my turn. (Hand: 1 card) “Dark Paladin, destroy his monster!” said Yami. Dark Magician of Chaos disappears from the field and Dimitri’s LPs drop to 6900. When your monster is destroyed, it is removed from play. That ends my turn. (Hand: 1 card) “I use Premature Burial (Info: https://bit.ly/3h071ze) to pay 800 Life Points and revive Dark Magician (Info: https://bit.ly/3tgqhxs) (2500 ATK) in Attack Mode,” said Dimitri. Dimitri’s LPs drop to 6100. Then, I activate Thousand Knives (Info: https://bit.ly/3uNxY0N), allowing me to destroy 1 monster on the field since I control a Dark Magician on my side of the field. Dark Paladin is destroyed! “Don’t count on that,” said Yami smiling. “What do you mean?” asked Dimitri. "By discarding 1 card from my hand, I can negate your Spell Card,” said Yami. Thousand Knives is negated. “I end my turn,” said Dimitri. (Hand: 0 cards) “I activate Pot of Greed (Info: https://bit.ly/3tbuPVP) to draw twice,” said Yami. Next, I Tribute Dark Magician for Summoned Skull (Info: https://bit.ly/3nbgd7X) (2500 ATK) in Attack Mode. “You Tributed your favorite card for a monster with equal ATK strength?” asked Dimitri. That was a foolish move! “Was it?” asked Yami. Next, Summoned Skull, attack his LPs directly! Dimitri’s LPs drop to 3600. Dark Paladin, direct attack! Dimitri’s LPs drop to 600. That ends my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “It’s my turn now,” said Dimitri. Obnoxious Celtic Guard will do. I Summon Obnoxious Celtic Guard (Info: https://bit.ly/3h5HhkR) (1200 DEF) in Defense Mode and end my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “I Summon Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts (Info: https://bit.ly/2WP4fp6) (1500 ATK) in Attack Mode,” said Yami. Gazelle, destroy his Celtic Guard! Celtic Guard is destroyed. Now you’re wide open, so, Dark Paladin, wipe out the rest of his LPs! Dimitri’s LPs drop to 0. Elsewhere in Battle City... “Alright, now that it’s finally morning, it’s time I take that Hunter down!” said Jaden. “Wait up, Jaden!” said Syrus. “Please don’t tell me we’re running again!” said Chumley. An hour later... “There you are,” said Jaden. It’s time to Duel me again for my Shining Flare Wingman back, so get your game on! “I already have your rarest card,” said Seeker. Therefore, Dueling you again means nothing to me. “That’s not gonna keep me from gettin’ ya to Duel me again,” said Jaden. “Fine I accept,” said Seeker. You need to be taught a lesson about Exodia! TO BE CONTINUED...
Card Type(s) Played: Normal Monster | Effect Monster | Fusion Monster | Spell Card Trap Card -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dimitri’s Yugi Deck (Part 2) Previously... “I Summon Queen's Knight (1500 ATK) in Attack Mode,” said Yami. “I activate Trap Hole!” said Dimitri. Your monster is destroyed since it has over 1000 ATK points! “That may be but first the effect of King’s Knight activates,” said Yami. Since he and Queen’s Knight are both in play, I get to Summon this monster. Say hello to Jack's Knight (1900 ATK) in Attack Mode! Queen’s Knight is now destroyed by Trap Hole’s effect. Jack’s Knight, destroy his Beta the Magnet Warrior! “Sorry, but you’ve activated another one of my traps,” said Dimitri. It’s over! Behold, Magic Cylinder (Info: https://bit.ly/3zEI17U)! You now take damage equal to your monster’s ATK strength! “I don’t think so,” said Yami. I activate Seven Tools of the Bandit (Info: https://bit.ly/2WJbwH7)! It may cost me 1000 LPs but that’s a price I’m willing to pay. Yami’s LPs drop to 7000 and Magic Cylinder is negated. Jack’s Knight, attack! Your Magnet Warrior Beta is destroyed! Beta is destroyed and Dimitri’s LPs drop to 7800. That ends my turn. (Hand: 4 cards) “I play Premature Burial (Info: https://bit.ly/3h071ze), and I use it to revive Beta the Magnet Warrior (Info: https://bit.ly/3yDbeig) (1700 ATK) in Attack Mode,” said Dimitri. It’ll cost me 800 LPs, but it’s worth it. Dimitri’s LPs drop to 7000. Next, I Summon Alpha the Magnet Warrior (Info: https://bit.ly/3DNionO) (1400 ATK) in Attack Mode. Now, I Tribute my Warriors for the ultimate monster, Valkyrion the Magna Warrior (Info: https://bit.ly/38GGZMK) (3500 ATK) in Attack Mode! Premature Burial is destroyed by its effect. Valkyrion, destroy his Jack’s Knight! Jack’s Knight is destroyed but Yami’s LPs remain unchanged. Your LPs should have dropped! Why didn’t they? “Because I discarded Kuriboh (Info: https://bit.ly/39vMKgG),” said Yami. Thanks to his effect, I don’t take any damage this turn. “Maybe not now, but next turn you will,” said Dimitri. I end my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “I activate Fusion Sage,” said Yami. This card lets me add Polymerization from my Deck to my hand. Next, I activate Polymerization (Info: https://bit.ly/2WSu4F9), Tributing my Dark Magician and Buster Blader to Summon Dark Paladin (Info: https://bit.ly/3zU1AbT) (2900 ATK) in Attack Mode! For each Dragon on the field AND in either player’s Graveyards, he gains 500 ATK points! “That’s too bad because you don’t have any in your Graveyard,” said Dimitri. “That doesn’t matter because I have 1 final card,” said Yami. I activate Tribute to the Doomed (Info: https://bit.ly/3nQFc0n)! By discarding 1 card, I get to destroy 1 monster on your side of the field. Valkyrion the Magna Warrior, be gone! “I activate Valkyrion’s special ability,” said Dimitri. By tributing him, I get to Special Summon the 3 Magnet Warriors in my Graveyard back to my side of the field. So, I Tribute Valkyrion to Special Summon Alpha (Info: https://bit.ly/3DNionO), Beta (Info: https://bit.ly/3yDbeig) and Gamma the Magnet Warrior (Info: https://bit.ly/3tfBgY0) (1800 DEF) in Defense Mode. “Very well, then by Tribute to the Doomed’s effect, I destroy Gamma the Magnet Warrior!” said Yami. Gamma is destroyed. Dark Paladin, destroy Beta! Beta the Magnet Warrior is destroyed. That ends my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “I Tribute my remaining Magnet Warriors for Dark Magician (Info: https://bit.ly/3tgqhxs) (2500 ATK) in Attack Mode,” said Dimitri. Next, I play Dedication through Light and Darkness (Info: https://bit.ly/3sLoSPh). This card lets me Tribute my Dark Magician to Special Summon Dark Magician of Chaos (Info: https://bit.ly/3C0Xy2A) (2800 ATK) in Attack Mode! “Impressive, but my Dark Paladin still has more ATK points than him,” said Yami. “Since I Special Summoned my monster, I get 1 Spell Card from my Graveyard back to my hand and the one I choose is the key to my victory! TO BE CONTINUED...
Card Type(s) Played: Normal Monster | Effect Monster | Fusion Monster | Spell Card Trap Card -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dimitri’s Yugi Deck (Part 1) Previously... “Thanks to Sangan’s effect, any monster I choose with 1500 ATK points or less is added to my hand and I choose this one!” said Seeker. Now this Duel is automatically over thanks to my Exodia cards. “Exodia cards?” asked Jaden. “These are the only cards that require them to be in your hand to win the Duel,” said Seeker. Therefore, you lose! (Note: The names stated above are what I’ll use instead of their real names since they’re so long and if the card’s name is stated like how Seeker did, the card(s) Set identification will not be shown.)Jaden’s LPs drop to 0 since it was an instant win. “Jaden!” said Syrus. “No! He lost!” said Chumley. He lost the Duel AND his best card! “Next time we meet, I’m gonna beatcha!” said Jaden. Elsewhere in Battle City... “Now that I have an exact copy of the King of Games’ Deck, I am now the king!” said Dimitri. (Note: Dimitri is one of the later characters on the show who copies a Duelist’s Deck.) Yugi and the gang are discussing Duel Academy when a strange figure appears. “Who are you?” asked Yugi. Show yourself! “I’m the King of Games,” said Dimitri. “What are you talking about?” asked Yugi. Yami’s the King of Games. “Is that so?” asked Dimitri. Prove it by defeating me in a Duel! “Very well, then let’s Duel!” said Yugi. Yugi activates the Millennium Puzzle and transforms into Yami. “I’ll begin with Gamma the Magnet Warrior (Info: https://bit.ly/3tfBgY0) (1800 DEF) in Defense Mode,” said Dimitri. Then, I Set 1 card face-down and end my turn. (Hand: 4 cards) “Alright,” said Yami. I play King’s Knight (Info: https://bit.ly/2X9Q3qT) (1600 ATK) in Attack Mode. Then, I activate Axe of Despair (Info: https://bit.ly/38Iljjt), giving him 1000 ATK points! King’s Knight’s ATK rises to 2600. King’s Knight, destroy his monster! “Not so fast,” said Dimitri. I activate Mirror Force (Info: https://bit.ly/2WKR0WC)! Now, every monster you control in Attack Mode is destroyed. King’s Knight and Axe of Despair are destroyed. “I play Monster Reborn (Info: https://bit.ly/3jE2DaQ) to revive King’s Knight (Info: https://bit.ly/2X9Q3qT)in Attack Mode and end my turn,” said Yami. (Hand: 4 cards) “I Summon Beta the Magnet Warrior (Info: https://bit.ly/3yDbeig) (1700 ATK) in Attack Mode,” said Dimitri. Then, I play Pot of Greed to draw 2 cards. Next, I Set 2 cards face-down. Beta, destroy King’s Knight! “I activate Spellbinding Circle (Info: https://bit.ly/38CTZTF)!” said Yami. Your monster cannot attack. “You’re just stalling for time,” said Dimitri. I Set 1 card face-down and end my turn. (Hand: 1 card) “I Summon Queen's Knight (Info: https://bit.ly/3lg9ZB1)(1500 ATK) in Attack Mode,” said Yami. “I activate Trap Hole (Info: https://bit.ly/3E07YBq)!” said Dimitri. Your monster is destroyed since it has over 1000 ATK points! “That may be, but first the effect of King’s Knight activates,” said Yami. Since he and Queen’s Knight are both in play, I get to Summon this monster. Say hello to Jack's Knight (Info: https://bit.ly/3AfuALY) (1900 ATK) in Attack Mode! Queen’s Knight is now destroyed by Trap Hole’s effect. Jack’s Knight, destroy his Beta the Magnet Warrior! TO BE CONTINUED...
Card Type(s) Played: Normal Monster | Effect Monster | Fusion Monster | Spell Card -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elemental Heroes vs. Exodia the Forbidden One (Part 3) Previously... “My move,” said Jaden. What’s with this guy? He just keeps defending. Well, that’s NOT the way to win a Duel! Since Dark Catapulter has been on the field for a turn, he gets a counter. For every card in my Graveyard that I remove, I get to destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field and all counters on my monster are removed afterwards. I remove my Warrior Returning Alive from play to destroy Level Limit Area-B! Level Limit Area-B is destroyed. Next, I switch Elemental Hero Flame Wingman and Tempest to Attack Mode. Tempest’s DEF returns to 2800 and Flame Wingman’s DEF returns to 1200. That ends my turn. (Hand: 1 card) “You’ll have to do better than that to defeat me,” said Seeker drawing his card. Magician of Faith will do. I Set 1 monster in Defense Mode and end my turn. (Hand: 6 cards) Soon, I will defeat you with the ultimate monster! “I activate Dark Catapulter’s special effect again by removing Pot of Greed from play to destroy Gravity Bind!” said Jaden. Gravity Bind is destroyed. Next, I activate Monster Reborn (Info: https://bit.ly/3jE2DaQ) to revive Sparkman (Info: https://bit.ly/33XPUed) (1600 ATK) from my Graveyard in Attack Mode. Next, I activate Polymerization (Info: https://bit.ly/2WSu4F9) to send my Elemental Hero Sparkman and Elemental Hero Flame Wingman to my Graveyard to Summon Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman (Info: https://bit.ly/3L20bq9) (2500 ATK) in Attack Mode! He gains an additional 300 ATK points for each monster I have with Elemental Hero in its name in my Graveyard. I have 5, thus, giving my monster 1500 ATK points! Shining Flare Wingman’s ATK rises to 4000. Better yet, when he destroys a monster in battle, that monster’s ATK comes out of that player’s LPs. Shining Flare Wingman destroy his Total Defense Shogun! Shogun is destroyed and Seeker’s LPs drop to 6150. That ends my turn. (Hand: 1 card) “I Summon Sangan (Info: https://bit.ly/2Yu7FP7) (1400 DEF) in Defense Mode and end my turn,” said Seeker. (Hand: 6 cards) “Alright, Shining Flare Wingman, destroy his Labyrinth Wall!” said Jaden. Labyrinth Wall is destroyed and Seeker’s LPs drop to 5850. Tempest, destroy his Sangan! Sangan is destroyed but Seeker laughs. What are you laughing about? “Thanks to Sangan’s effect, any monster I choose with 1500 ATK points or less is added to my hand and I choose this one!” said Seeker. Now this Duel is automatically over thanks to my Exodia cards. “Exodia cards?” asked Jaden. “These are the only cards that require them to be in your hand to win the Duel,” said Seeker. I hold the following Exodia cards Exodia's Right Arm, Exodia's Right Leg, Exodia's Head, Exodia's Right Arm and Right Leg, therefore, you lose! (Note: The names stated above are what I’ll use instead of their real names since they’re so long and if the card’s name is stated like how Seeker did, the card(s) Set identification will not be shown.) Jaden’s LPs drop to 0 since it was an instant win. “Jaden!” said Syrus. “No, he lost!” said Chumley. He lost the Duel AND his best card! “Next time we meet, I’m gonna beatcha!” said Jaden. Elsewhere in Battle City... “Now that I have an exact copy of the King of Games’ Deck, I am now the king!” said Dimitri. (Note: Dimitri is one of the later characters on the show who copies a Duelist’s Deck.) Yugi and the gang are discussing Duel Academy when a strange figure appears. “Who are you?” asked Yugi. Show yourself! “I’m the King of Games,” said Dimitri. “What are you talking about?” asked Yugi. Yami’s the King of Games. “Is that so?” asked Dimitri. Prove it by defeating me in a Duel! TO BE CONTINUED...
Card Type(s) Played: Normal Monster | Effect Monster | Fusion Monster | Spell Card -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elemental Heroes vs. Exodia the Forbidden One (Part 2) Previously... “I Tribute Gear Golem for Total Defense Shogun (3000) in Defense Mode,” said Seeker. Then, when Shogun is Summoned, he usually switches to Defense Mode, but instead he switches to Attack Mode since he was Summoned in Defense Mode by another card effect. Shogun’s DEF returns to 2500. That ends my turn. (Hand: 3 cards) “I Summon Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (1300) in Defense Mode,” said Jaden. That ends my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “I Summon Stone Statue of the Aztecs (2500) in Defense Mode,” said Seeker. That ends my turn. (Hand: 3 cards) “I play The Warrior Returning Alive,” said Jaden. It allows me to return a Warrior-Type monster from my Graveyard to my hand and I choose Avian! Next, I use Polymerization (Info: https://bit.ly/2WSu4F9) to Tribute Avian in my hand and Burstinatrix on the field for Elemental Hero Flame Wingman (Info: https://bit.ly/32LWS5p) (1700 DEF) in Defense Mode and end my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “It’s hopeless,” said Seeker drawing his card. Left Leg of the Forbidden One! One more for instant victory! I end my turn. (Hand: 4 cards)
“I play
Mirage of Nightmare
said Jaden. During your Standby Phase I draw until
my hand contains 4 cards, but during my own stand-by Phase, I
discard the same number of cards I drew to the Graveyard. “That ends my turn,” said Jaden. (Hand: 0 cards) “My move,” said Seeker. “Now I draw 4 cards since I’m fresh out,” said Jaden. “I Tribute Stone Statue of the Aztecs for Labyrinth Wall (Info: https://bit.ly/2WSrZcn) (3800 DEF) in Defense Mode,” said Seeker. Next, I activate Yellow Luster Shield (Info: https://bit.ly/3AwXzfk), boosting the ATK and DEF of all monsters on my side of the field by 300. Labyrinth Wall’s stats rise to (300|4100) and Total Defense Shogun’s stats rise to (1850|3300). Finally, I end my turn by discarding 1 card since I have over 6 cards in my hand. (Hand: 6 cards) “I discard my hand by Mirage’s effect,” said Jaden. That ends my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “I Summon Giant Soldier of Stone (Info: https://bit.ly/3BzAd7Y) (2800 DEF) in Defense Mode,” said Seeker. That ends my turn. (Hand: 6 cards) “Alright, it’s my move,” said Jaden. I Summon Dark Catapulter (Info: https://bit.ly/3GOl2Kt) (2000 DEF) in Defense Mode and end my turn. (Hand: 0 cards) “My draw,” said Seeker. Still no Right Leg. How can that be? It must be at the bottom of my Deck. I Summon Mystical Elf (Info: https://bit.ly/3zZEMbh) (2800 DEF) in Defense Mode and end my turn. (Hand: 6 cards) “My move,” said Jaden. What’s with this guy? He just keeps defending. Well, that’s NOT the way to win a Duel! Since Dark Catapulter has been on the field for a turn, he gets a counter. For every card in my Graveyard that I remove, I get to destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field and all counters on my monster are removed afterwards. I remove my Warrior Returning Alive from play to destroy Level Limit - Area B! Level Limit - Area B is destroyed. Next, I switch Elemental Hero Flame Wingman and Tempest to Attack Mode. Both monsters' DEF return to normal. That ends my turn. (Hand: 1 card) “You’ll have to do better than that to defeat me,” said Seeker drawing his card. Magician of Faith will do. I Set 1 monster in Defense Mode and end my turn. (Hand: 6 cards) Soon, I will defeat you with the ultimate monster! TO BE CONTINUED...