My Yu-Gi-Oh and Gx Episodes Season 1, Episode 35
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Bakura’s Fiend and Zombie Deck (2) Previously... “Thanks for destroying my Monster, Yugi,” said (Bakura). Now I can add a Monster with Dark World in its name from my deck to my hand with 4 stars or less and I choose Zure, Knight of Dark World! “That may be, but you still take a direct attack from Dark Magician,” said Yami. Dark Magician, direct attack! (Bakura’s) LPs drop to 550. That ends my turn. (2) “I now activate Spirit Message “I” from my hand,” said (Bakura). Now then, I summon D. D. Trainer (2000) in Defense Mode. Then, I activate Dark Door. With this in play, only 1 Monster may attack per turn. Next, since 3 Fiend-Type Monsters exist in my Graveyard, I remove them for Dark Necrofear (2800) in Defense Mode. I end my turn. (1) “I activate Tribute to the Doomed,” said Yami. By discarding a card from my hand, any Monster on your side of the field can be destroyed and I choose Dark Necrofear! Dark Necrofear is destroyed. (Bakura) laughs. “Fool, by destroying Necrofear, he becomes an equip Spell Card on any Monster I choose. Your Dark Magician will do nicely,” said (Bakura). As long as Necrofear is equipped to Dark Magician, he stays on my side of the field. “I’ll end my turn,” said Yami. (1) “Now it’s time for the next letter, Spirit Message "N",” said (Bakura). I summon The Bistro Butcher (1800) in Attack Mode. Whenever he inflicts damage to your LPs, you draw twice. Dark Magician, attack his LPs! Yami’s LPs drop to 6500. Go ahead and make your move, Yugi! (2) “I activate Monster Reborn to revive Dark Magician Girl in Attack Mode,” said Yami. Dark Magician Girl, destroy his Bistro Butcher! Bistro Butcher is destroyed and (Bakura’s) LPs drop to 350. That ends my turn. “It’s my turn,” said (Bakura). I activate "Spirit Message "A" from my deck. Then I summon Sangan (1000) in Attack Mode. Then, I activate a Spell Card that causes the end of the world. “What do you mean, explain,” said Yami. “I activate the Ritual Spell Card, “End of the World”!” said Bakura. I tribute my Sangan in my hand and Dark Magician on my side of the field for “King of the End – Demise” (2400) in Attack Mode. Dark Necrofear is destroyed by its effect. King of the End, destroy his Dark Magician Girl! Dark Magician Girl is destroyed and Yami’s LPs drop to 6400. Your LPs should have dropped more! Why didn’t they? “Because Dark Magician Girl gains 300 ATK points for each Dark Magician in our Graveyards,” said Yami. “I end my turn,” said (Bakura). (0) “I summon Big Shield Gardna (2600) in Defense Mode and end my turn,” said Yami. Then, I set 1 card face down and end my turn. (0) “I activate Spirit Message “L", therefore this duel’s over!!” said (Bakura). “I don’t think so,” said Yami. I activate Royal Decree! All Trap Cards except this card are negated. “No, this can’t be!” said (Bakura). I activate Mystic Plasma Zone! Thanks to this card, all Dark attribute Monsters gain 500 ATK points but lose 400 DEF points (which I will indicate). King of the End’s stats becomes (2900/1600) and Big Shield Gardna’s stats become (600/2200). King of the End, destroy his Big Shield Gardna! Big Shield Gardna is destroyed. The most powerful Monster in my deck waits! To be continued...
Card Info: |
Spirit Message - "N" Continuous Spell This card can only be played on the field by the effect of "Destiny Board". |
Found In: Dark Beginning 2 |
Set #: DB2-EN023 |
Rarity(s): Common |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh Japan: Its artwork was different. |
Card User: Ryou Bakura |
Card Info: |
The Bistro Butcher DARK / Fiend / Level 4 / ATK 1800 / DEF 1000 When this card inflicts damage to your opponent, your opponent draws 2 cards from their Deck. |
Found In: Dark Beginning 2 |
Set #: DB2-EN063 |
Rarity(s): Common |
Notes: None |
Card User: Ryou Bakura |
Card Info: |
Monster Reborn |
Found In: Dark Beginning 1 |
Set #: DB1-EN133 |
Rarity(s): Ultra Rare |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh US: Called "Reborn the Monster" for a
period and stated it could revive a
monster from the Deck during a scene of an episode. |
Card User: Yami Yugi |
Card Info: |
Dark Magician Girl (original artwork) |
Found In: Rise of Destiny Special Edition |
Set #: RDS-ENSE2 |
Rarity(s): Ultra Rare |
Notes: Special Summoned by Monster Reborn's effect. |
Card User: Yami Yugi |
Card Info: |
Spirit Message - "A" Continuous Spell This card can only be played on the field by the effect of "Destiny Board". |
Found In: Dark Beginning 2 |
Set #: DB2-EN024 |
Rarity(s): Common |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh Japan: Its artwork was different. |
Card User: Ryou Bakura |
Card Info: |
Sangan DARK / Fiend / Level 3 / ATK 1000 / DEF 600 When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, select 1 monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from your Deck, show it to your opponent, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your Deck. |
Found In: Dark Beginning 2 |
Set #: DB2-EN042 |
Rarity(s): Rare |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh US: Stated it let the player draw 1 card when sent to the Graveyard during a scene of an episode. |
Card User: Ryou Bakura |
Card Info: |
End of the World Ritual Spell This card can be used to Ritual Summon "Ruin, Queen of Oblivion" or "Demise, King of Armageddon". You must also Tribute monsters from the field or your hand whose total Levels equal the Level of the Ritual Monster you are attempting to Ritual Summon. |
Found In: Shadow of Infinity |
Set #: SOI-EN046 |
Rarity(s): Common |
Notes: None |
Card User: Ryou Bakura |
Card Info: |
Demise, King of Armageddon DARK / Fiend-Type Ritual / Level 8 / ATK 2400 / DEF 2000 This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "End of the World". By paying 2000 Life Points, destroy all cards on the field, except this card. |
Found In: Shadow of Infinity |
Set #: SOI-EN035 |
Rarity(s): Super Rare and Ultimate Rare |
Notes: None |
Card User: Ryou Bakura |
Card Info: |
Big Shield Gardna EARTH / Warrior / Level 4 / ATK 100 / DEF 2600 Negate the activation of a Spell Card that designates this 1 face-down monster. At that time, flip this card into face-up Defense Position. If this card is attacked, change the Battle Position of this card to Attack Position at the end of the Damage Step. |
Found In: Tournament Pack 5 |
Set #: TP5-EN002 |
Rarity(s): Super Rare |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh Anime: It was a Normal Monster until later changed. |
Card User: Yami Yugi |
Card Info: |
Spirit Message - "L" Continuous Spell This card can only be played on the field by the effect of "Destiny Board". |
Found In: Dark Beginning 2 |
Set #: DB2-EN025 |
Rarity(s): Common |
Notes: Yu-Gi-Oh Japan: Its artwork was different. |
Card User: Ryou Bakura |
Card Info: |
Royal Decree Continuous Trap As long as this card remains face-up on the field, negate the effects of all Trap Cards on the field except this card. |
Found In: Structure Deck: Warrior's Triumph |
Set #: SD5-EN035 |
Rarity(s): Common |
Notes: None |
Card User: Yami Yugi |
Card Info: |
Mystic Plasma Zone Field Spell Increase the ATK of all DARK monsters by 500 points and decreases their DEF by 400 points. |
Found In: Dark Beginning 1 |
Set #: DB1-EN064 |
Rarity(s): Common |
Notes: None |
Card User: Ryou Bakura |