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Nightmare Herald (2024-2025)
A blog that details "news" Pon-Evil residents want outsiders to believe took place.
Date (Article #) Headline Article |
Date (Article #) Headline Article |
12/29/24 (Article #64) Beauty Contest Results on Film Maybe you were skeptical that we even HAD a beauty contest well the results are in and you can view them for yourself on our website, www.poniesandfriends.com, which also has games and info on all our residents. We're not afraid to share who we are with you, unlike those OTHER towns. |
12/17/24 (Article #63) 4th Town's Residents are Remarkable We just went to the 4th town this week for a better look and you wouldn't believe the residents there. We teased them before, but we can safely say they're quite the surprise. They look like they've been cut in half vertically with half of one color and half of another color. They're also two colors horizontally, giving them 4 body colors entirely! |
11/23/24 (Article #62) Girly Pony Wears a Wig That brown pony that acts like a girl must actually BE a girl. How else can one explain the behavior? Probably made up that whole story about accidentally getting into girly clothing entirely. We haven't seen her wig blowing off during the day, but it may well be a size too small on her head. Now why would she wear a wig as a girl? Probably to attract the females so the one she's with has been duped entirely. |
11/11/24 (Article #61) Spiral Sweet Signaling Others? We've already proven that she's got something to hide with that light inside her belly, but on further examination, we believe it's signaling someone far away, like a creature from another dimension. The times it glows seem to be at certain times of the day. We're keeping a close eye on her for verification. If she's getting unwanted attention, that would explain why she's so awkward when it happens. |
9/19/24 (Article #60) Pon-Evil Hosts Beauty Contest for Fattened Bodies After that wonderful event we had a few months ago, we thought we'd step it up a notch with a beauty contest. We've got curves to show off and we'll be streaming it live so others can watch us jiggle. You won't believe your eyes when even our leader steps out onto the stage and shakes his flab. |
9/7/24 (Article #59) Mayor of Pudgyville is a Robot Ever wonder why the mayor never takes off his suit? He's got some inner workings that need protecting from the elements. We have the photos to support this too. Also explains why he never gets in water either. We're positive those sunglasses hide some sort of lasers so others aren't afraid of him. |
8/26/24 (Article #58) Mrs. Prime Mary Falsifying Test Results Now this is a juicy story if we've ever heard one. That school teacher in Bulging Curves isn't exactly being honest with her students. She's flunked a group of 5 dishonestly by forging what they actually got for a test score, and even changing the questions during the grading process. Not even worth taking the tests if those are the results. We'd have honest results. |
8/14/24 (Article #57) Mystery 4th Town is Our Mirror Image We weren't lying when we said there was a 4th town and now we've had a visit. The ponies there are identical to us only the opposite in personality. Even our great leader Decimator was shown, and more typical of what you'd expect to see in a pony. In some ways it was hard to tell us apart even though we've known each other for years. |
8/2/24 (Article #56) Ponies in Pudgyville Can Color Change You may not even see the same pony twice as we've recently found out by using our own devices to make their colors become another one at will. We also found out we could do hair and body color individually or together. This really deepens the mysteries of the town. If only they knew their entire life was a lie. |
6/13/24 (Article #55) We're as Fat as Can Be Come to Pon-Evil and watch us jiggle to your heart's delight. We've got the belly and the booty to ensure you're not left out. We know all the tricks to make you happy about our bodies. We also have you covered if you like one gender over the other. We can even grow bigger if you're not satisfied with our current weights, or even change how the belly looks like make it a double belly or single belly. |
5/2/24 (Article #54) World's Tallest Ponies? We Don't Think So Bulging Curves allegedly has the tallest ponies of any town that surpass all their buildings combined. What if we told you the town is actually tiny to start with and that the ponies are actually normal-sized? They also probably have something to make it look like they're causing the ground to shake, but we feel nothing. |
4/20/24 (Article #53) Chubby Cinimas Shows Fake Stories Just like they're all projections, they're also not based on anything that happened in the town. The characters aren't evern real. We've been able to review footage of one of their movies and can't see any resemblence to any of the characters. Mocha Cream is actually a black unicorn IRL with green eyes and brown hair. What a failure. Are they just winging it the entire time? |
4/8/24 (Article #52) Pon-Evil Expands to 1000 Residents What a milestone! You might not even know we had that many and we sure didn't. We'd like to congratulate our 1000th member Dungeon Lock to the town with a party this afternoon. Everyone is welcome and there will be everything you'd expect at a party. Come say hello to our new member and make them feel welcome. |
2/14/24 (Article #51) There's a 4th Town We discovered a brand new town just a few miles away from us. It's not Pudgyville or Bulging Curves, but something entirely different. From what we can tell, it's a town of total chaos where everyone does things in the opposite manner; things that float are on the ground and vice-versa. Truly a one-of-a-kind town.. Better check it out and see for yourself! |
2/2/24 (Article #50) Body Pillows 'R Us Admits to Faking Pony Sizes We've found the one place that has helped Pudgyville and Bulging Curves obtain the sizes they claim to have naturally. They sell pillows and suits to help make it look like they're fat, and they've gotten good enough to make the pillows jiggle inside the suit for that extra realism. It's the only way to explain how the ponies have so much energy for so much weight. |